Ch 18: Wrath and Lust

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As the sun rose the next day in pride ring, I wake up in my old room, remembering how much I missed being here. As I thought I heard a knock at my door. I got up and opened the door, looking down to find Nifty.

“I came to tell you Alastor wants your help making breakfast before the others wake up since he knows you’re an early riser.”

“Thanks Nifty, I’ll be down in a second.”

I walked to my dresser after closing the door and got changed into something casual. I headed down to the kitchen to find Alastor humming to a tune he probably once heard on the radio, a bit of radio static heard but nothing major.

“Hey Al” I greeted, cheerily and chipper as I peeked to see what he was making.

“Top of the morning Y/n.” Alastor greeted with the same enthusiasm with a gentleman smile on his face.

“So what are we making?”

“Well I wanted to know what the ones you brought would like because I didn’t know, so?”

“Well three of them left yesterday since Fizz and Blitzø are a little bit of enemies but they played nice for my sake really. So pancakes and waffles will do, I’ll make the waffles, you the pancakes?”

“That will work just fine little witch.”

He really brought that one back. He use to call me that when we first met so it made me laugh as I started making waffles.

I check the clock and it reads 8 o’clock, just as Ozzie comes down with a little tired and slightly still sleeping Fizz, adorable those two. I let out a slight quiet giggle as I see Ozzie sit down on a couch. I walk over to the two with two things of coffee and set it down in front of them. Ozzie gives me a smile before waking up Fizz as I go back to the kitchen.

Alastor and me finish breakfast soon and start serving everyone as they show up for breakfast, Angel cuddling Husk  right next to each other but sit up so they can eat. I’ve been noticing that when they got together, Husk has been less grumpy and Angel a little more serious during times.

Breakfast went by quicker then expected but that meant it was time to leave for the wrath ring. But I didn’t want to leave my friends and as the hotel seemed more popular so when I asked everyone, Charlie,  Nifty, and Vaggie couldn’t come, Husk didn’t want to come, but Angel seemed more then thrilled to come. Alastor didn’t seem to want to go so he decided to stay at the hotel. I just shrugged and went to get my things as Angel quickly packed his stuff for the trip.

Down in the wrath ring, me, Ozzie, Fizz, and Angel teleport in front of the house Ozzie rented for us to say in. I walked in to find a country styled themed house, like a farm house but upped. I liked it, it felt homey.

As I bring my stuff to the room I picked, I start to think of what songs I’ll sing here in the wrath ring. I think of a few country songs and a few more tough songs. I write down the list of what songs to put in order but I would take requests because they might want certain songs so of course I will do that.

Time skip:

I stand behind the curtains as they draw back. I do a little announcement before start I start to sing.

“Before I start, I one would like to thank you all for coming and hope you have a great time tonight. Also I’d like to desiccant this first song to the love and devotion wrath ring mother’s have for their daughters.”

Hush little baby, don’t you cry
Your mama’s got a 12-gauge held up high
And if that boy ever breaks your heart
I’ll send him where the moon meets and kisses the stars
He’s messin’ with my baby
And I ain’t gonna tell him twice
If you come home cryin’
Kiss his Chevy and these matches goodnight

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