Ch 5 part 1: Comforting the broken soul

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It's been about 2 days since I came to the hotel. I have to say it's pretty nice here and while everyone is scared or creeper out by Nifty, I've been finding her an absolute darling. Me and Alastor like being around her, she's such a sweet little thing though I know how she is when I'm not around, a little Gremlin, like someone when they get an ADHD spike (don't take this part to personally, I'm mostly referring to myself in this because I go into what my friend call my gremlin mode). But there has been one thing I have noticed, broken souls, hurt souls fill this place. I know who they are before even needing to ask, Angel Dust. I know he is broken but yet hides it very well, except from Husk but he doesn't let Angel know that.

I can tell he's a good soul even if he is a porn star but I really don't care about that. I feel the need for a friend from him and I'm willing to become that said friend. So I'm going to start this lovely mission today. I grab the outfit I've been working on and wrap it up in a gift box. I snap my fingers with the gift in the other hand and teleport in front of Angel's door. It has neon pink heart lights and pictures of times when he was truly happy and it makes my heart ache to want to see that for him and his soul more.

I knock softly on the door and for a second everything stills, quiets as if in anticipation to see what happens next. It's all I need to hear it, to hear crying. I check the know on the door to see if it's locked and it is, so I knock again and speak softly, "Angel, it's me y/n, can we talk? You don't sound like your best right now, is there something I can do?"

Nothing, nothing except sniffling from a crying Angel, the poor spider baby. Then I hear what also sounds like snorting, like a pig and a key pushed out from under the door. I pick it up and unlock the door. I walk in to find a pink little pig with little demon horns, absolutely adorable. I lean down to pick up the pig while setting down the gift box on the dresser nearby. It was so cute it melted my heart but what I saw next broke it. Angel was clutching a body pillow crying into it.

So that's why the crying was muffled.

I go towards the bed, setting the little pig who I assume is Angel's on the bed and sit down on the bed next to Angel. He notices the dip in the bed and looks up to meet y face and worry and even fear strikes into his eyes for a few seconds before he puts back on the well sculpted mask of his.

"Hey y/n, what you need?" Angel says in as calm of a voice as possible trying to act like he wasn't just crying and has red and puffy eyes. I don't say anything just grab him and pull him into a hug.

"Shh... just let it out." Is all I say before the flood gates open.

Angel's pov
"Shh... just let it out", it is all it takes for the tears to come once more. Her voice, her voice sounds so soft, kind, all you want is to open up to her, I have since she first arrived. She feels safe to be around, safe to share things with. So I do as she says and just cry. Cry my heart till my eyes run dry because that's what I want... no need to do right now. Val had made me work 24 hours straight and when I tried to leave or get a break he made me do an hour more per time. I need this so I wrap my arms around her and cry into her shoulder. She just holds me, rubbing my back, like a mother or best friend would, comforting. Soothing yet encouraging to let out tears, to get my feels across. I feel tired soon and didn't even realize that I fell asleep on her.

Y/n's pov
I notice that Angel fell asleep on my shoulder and I smile at him. I was going to move but his arms would not let go so I day there and eventually fall asleep myself.

Hour later

I fell myself wake up, still snuggled and Angel seems to already be awake but only just because he seems to just realize who he is looking at. He freaks out for a second, letting me go but then calms down, probably remembering earlier especially because he said, "Thanks for earlier y/n."

"You're very welcome Angel, know you can come to me any time you'd like to." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder and he smiles but still pained. I need to give him a good time.

"You now what, we're going out and getting a drink okay but first..." I say as I teleport the gift from earlier in front of Angel, "for you."

He opens the gift and finds an outfit. He at first looks confused until I gesture to his bathroom to go try it on. He gets up in a rush to the bathroom with the outfit in hand. After about a minute he comes out, stuned I'm already changed and ready to go.

"Magic" is all I say and ge nods his hand after 'oh'ing.

Angel's outfit

Y/n's outfit (obviously you can pick something else if you'd like)

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Y/n's outfit (obviously you can pick something else if you'd like)

We walk out to the front of the hotel and have a taxi waiting for us

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We walk out to the front of the hotel and have a taxi waiting for us. We hop inside and I tell the driver to drive us to Mimzy's bar and pay the driver. We start going and me and Angel start making small talk, laughing and talking about when we were alive but I can tell he's a bit confused. I realize he thinks I'm from the more modern age since I've never told them. But before I could say anything he asks me this.

"Y/n why do your life from when you were alive sound more out date like really old? Nothing against your life before but I'm curious."

I can't help but laugh at that, smiling.

"That's because I died 1658 so it was outdated and long ago."

I watch as my words settle in for Angel and his jaw drops, eyes widening a whole lot.

"Damn y/n, you look young enough to fuck any guy or women that you'd want and them think you were a modern 20 year old. And here yu are telling me you're this old, a few centries old, I don't think I can believe you y/n." Angel exaggerates just a bit, but it make me laugh. I know it's rude to point out a women's age but I can't help it, who wouldn't point that out.

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