Part 6 - We play capture the flag with some puppies

Start from the beginning

"Beginner's Luck!!" People began shouting

"QUIET!" Luke shouted over them.

"Dining Pavilion. Now!"

I walked over to the two who were standing talking to each other.

"How in Hades did you do that?! That was amazing Percy!" Luke congratulated Percy.

"I have no clue." Percy said honestly.

"Just imagine what you could do with an actually balanced sword! I wouldn't want to be against you on a battlefield."

"Am I interrupting?" I inserted myself.

"The best swordsman in camp shows himself!" Luke says half serious.

"A comedian too?" I joked back as Luke had a look of determination in his eyes.

Percy interjected and stopped a potential duel.

"We should head out for lunch. I'm starving." Percy said before the three of us exited the ring.

Lunch was very uneventful, the day wasn't really either until about 3:30 in the afternoon which was when the preparation for capture the flag started.

All the campers gathered outside the forest. Chiron moved in front of everybody and stood on a pedestal making him even taller than he already was and said,

"Attention all campers!" He yelled above the aimless chatter from the campers. "Team Blue led by the Athena cabin has allied themselves with cabins 7 and 11. Team Red led by the Ares Cabin has allied themselves with the rest of the cabins. Ares was the winner of the previous Capture the flag. You all know the rules. The creek is out of bounds, no maiming or killing anybody. All magic items are allowed! Now disperse!" Chiron yelled as the campers split to their respective sides.

Once our flag was set up, Annabeth laid out our plan. 

"Luke, you and I will be going around to the right. (Y/n), Percy?" She looked over to us as Percy seemed nervous fiddling with some armour and I stood stoic. My shield expanding on my arm.

"You two will guard the river." She gestured to a river that cuts through the forest. Annabeth gave everybody else their roles as Percy and I moved over to the river.

Percy pulled me aside for a second.

"Are you nervous at all?" He asked me, and to calm his nerves I answered honestly.

"I have full confidence in my abilities. We will win." 

This did seem to calm Percy down, at least a little bit. I heard something in the distance. The starting horn.

I stood beside the river, waiting. For anything. The sun began to set, the moon slowly rising above us. I heard something in a bush right behind Percy. I planted my foot and pulled out a boomerang, throwing it as hard as I can right at it. The boomerang creating a mini whirlwind around it. I heard a male scream as he dove from the bush, landing in front of Percy. Who took the camper to the prison area. And when Percy returned, the moon was now coming from the horizon. 

What shocked me was again, I heard more whispering and rustling from a bush.

"Percy! Move!" I yelled running to him as Clarisse and three of the biggest dudes I've ever seen popped out of the bush and made a beeline at Percy. She ht Percy over the head with her shield and the guys ran at me, managing to overwhelm me. They held me so I couldn't interfere . Clarisse was beating on Percy and it was brutal. I mean she was brutalizing the kid. The only bright side was she kicked him into the river and you could visibly see the colour return to his face as he stood up with new found strength. I struggled against the three guys holding me but it was no use.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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