Part 3 - Home

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I walked back into my new home with the Hermes kids, trying not to step on any of them, but when the room is stuffed full of sleeping kids. It makes it a tad bit difficult. Luke stopped me as I was about half way to my corner of the cabin.

"Hey, I'm Luke. You said you were unclaimed right?" He asked me with an outstretched hand that I promptly shook.

"Yup. All I know is that it's my mother." 

"Well, hope you get claimed soon." He told me as he disappeared from my sight, presumably moving to his bed. I stumbled over to my corner and plopped down, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. This is one hell of a day. I spent a good while considering the idea on who my godly parent could be. I was positive it was my mother, but then again gods can change shape and may have changed into a woman. That would be a conversation I never want to have. I sat up and moved from staring at the ceiling and started staring out the window for a large chunk of the night. It was quite peaceful. I've always liked nighttime, it's very peaceful and the moon is beautiful. My peace was sadly ruined as a voice came from beside my bunk.

"How are you doing (Y/n)?" He asked. I turned, noticing the face of one Percy Jackson. 

"Confused honestly. Just wondering who my parent is."

"Me too. I hope it happens soon. I had a question for you (Y/n)." He told me.


"You've definitely noticed how the gods children look and act similar. I haven't noticed one kid that looks similar to me." He said, his voice shaky from nerves. To which I nodded and replied,

"Me too Percy. Me too..." We continued talking for a short while before Luke poked his head in.

"Lights out guys, we have archery tomorrow and we can't let the Athena campers beat us." He stated like it was easy, and the cabin erupted in a cacophony of boos.

"They always beat us." One replied.

"They use angles and geometry to beat us Luke, what do you expect us to do." Another said.

I heard a faint chuckle from who I presumed to be Luke.

"Come on everyone. Lights out," He said, his voice much firmer than before. There was a collective sigh from the room and everybody went to sleep. Before I went to sleep, I took the hair tie out of my hair and shook my head, trying to sort of loosen my hair, letting it free A/n: I mean the TOTK hair. I also removed my sky blue earrings. My father told me my mother gave them as a gift for me. I put both on the small night stand I had next to me before passing out.

I had a weird dream. And when I say weird I mean it. 

I sat up, finding myself in a field. One that looked very familiar, until I noticed the castle in the distance. The place I use to call home. I started walking towards the castle until the world was coated in darkness. 

The darkness was heavy, almost like a weight bearing down on you. And I couldn't see ANYTHING. Until I noticed a faint light in the distance...a campfire. I moved closer and closer until I made out the shape of a person. A woman. And she seemed familar. However I couldn't get anywhere near her. 

The darkness engulfed the light until a voice rang out around me.

"(Y/n), you'll be alright."

"(Y/n)...(Y/n)...(Y/n)!" The voice transformed into a voice I recognized. Percy's, and that's when I woke up.

"(Y/n). It's time for archery. Wake up!" I sat up, sleep still evident in my eyes.

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