Part 4 - Mother

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Getting treated like a king just for hitting a fairly simple shot was not something I expected to be happening today. We got back to the cabin, with me basically on the shoulders of everybody. I slipped away and went to the restrooms. As I made my way over to them, I saw Annabeth reprimanding the kid that yelled at me for "stalling" earlier. I wasn't close enough to make out what she was saying but something told me she was upset. It really wasn't that big of an issue, so I walked over to the two and interjected.

"Annabeth," I said, "He didn't really do anything bad. You don't need to belittle him." As I said this, she turned her head, jumping when she saw me clearly not noticing that I was there.

"But he acted out of line." She replied. To which I nodded and retorted,

"True, but he didn't do anything wrong. If anything he must have just really wanted to win." I said with a smile as I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Please go easy on him." She seemed distraught by my request until she gestured and the kid ran off.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)."

"Don't be," I answered, "You were just doing what you think is right. And that's admirable." She looked down at the ground for a minute before looking at me in the eyes with what could only be described as a look of shyness on her face before mumbling out a statement,

"What were you doing way over here?" I replied,

"Just out for a little walk, clear my head." A simple little lie, but who cares. She muttered out a question, and somehow I heard her.

"Can I join you?" I let out a small laugh and nodded as we took off walking in a random direction. And about halfway through the walk, I spotted her staring at me, the cogs in her brain spinning almost like she was trying to figure out what made me the way I am.

"Am I really that interesting?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Trying to figure out who your parent is." She replied without hesitating.

"Any guesses?" I ask with a slight smile.

"Best guess would be Apollo, but you said you have a human father so I have no clue...and that really annoys me. I've toured quite a few kids around camp and usually I can come up with at least two guesses for each. You're the only one that I've been able to come up with just one guess." I smiled hearing this.

"Then I'll take that as a compliment." I said with a slight laugh.We walked in silence for while. But it was a comfortable silence until we somehow ended up on a slight cliff in the forest, overlooking the lake.

"This place is beautiful." She said, sitting to allow her feet to dangle off the cliff.

"It's very..."

"Serene," I said. Only to be met with a nod.

"Tell me about yourself (Y/n). You're a mystery." She told me as I took a seat beside her.

"Well. I was born into a family of knights in a country far from here. My father was the Royal families chosen Knight, he taught me everything from my swordsmanship and archery all the way to everything I would've learned in school. Up until not too long ago he was pretty tight lipped about my mother. Until he explained everything to me on my tenth birthday."

"What'd he tell you?" She inquired.

"Everything, about how I'm a demigod to the gods being real, all the way to the existence of monsters. All my run ins with them, they kept saying how I would become a problem for their master. I don't know what they mean." Annabeth's eyes shoot open in response as she hops to her feet.

"I need to talk to Chiron. I'm sorry." She ran off, fast. The only noticeable thing was her bouncing blonde hair as she disappeared. I sat for a good while longer, just staring at the lake, until I climbed to my feet, thanking the Dryads for letting me be there and walked back towards the cabins. On my way back, I noticed Annabeth leaving the Big House, playing with her camp necklace with an unreadable expression. I wanted to ask her what happened, but she looked pre occupied, maybe she's busy; or maybe she hates me. I don't know. I decided to ignore her and walked to the Hermes cabin, entering the madhouse.

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