Part 1 - He's just like me

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I had a really weird dream. Almost as if I was floating through space and time, experiencing events from an outside perspective. But the thing that stood out the most was me. There was something glowing on my hand. And I was standing opposite some big hulking monster.

"And I've fought some gross monsters." I mumble as I sit up, on a bed I didn't recognize in a room I didn't recognize. I tried to get some sort of lay of the land around me I saw a bed next to me, the sheets were all ruffled telling me that someone was there recently. But I did notice a note placed on the table beside me that read:


I didn't want to wake you, but whenever you wake up and get mobile could you please head to the big house up on the hill?

Thank you.

- Chiron

"I guess so. Besides, if this 'Chiron' is who I think he is then I have been wanting to meet him for a while. Dad told me about him" I said, kicking myself out bed and putting my gear back on, seeing an orange shirt beside my stuff, a shirt for Camp Halfblood. "I won't say no to free things." I say, throwing the shirt on under my sweater and leaving the room I was in. I put my arm up, trying to block the sun, being shocked by the sight. So many kids, and they get to actually have fun. It's almost admirable. An archery range, a place to practice swordplay. Even a climbing wall! Albeit a dangerous looking one. I mumbled, "Now, for this 'Big House'." I looked around and spotted a big house and made my way towards it.

"They're really on the nose with their naming. That is a big house." I mumbled. I got closer, the house got bigger and spotted four people on a patio all around a table playing cards. Two people that looked to be around my age, a blonde haired girl and a black haired boy. I make myself known by saying,

" Um. Hello?" I waved my hand and a man in a wheelchair noticed.

"Oh! You're awake!" He waved his hand, beckoning me over, "I hope you slept well?" I nodded and walked over, leaning against the patio fence's railing. The other man looked fairly annoyed at what was happening.

"Oh great. There's two of them." He grumbled. The man was shorter, disheveled yet also wearing a Hawaiian shirt, which threw me off. The man in the wheelchair smiled and spoke,

"I'm sorry about him, he's just a little grumpy in the mornings. Well, my name is Chiron," He smiled to me, "And Mr. Grumpypants is Mr. D, our camps director." Mr. D grumbled in response before I actually heard what he said,

"It's not like I wanna be here." I smiled to him before my attention turned to Chiron,

"You're Chiron? The man that has trained some of the most famous heroes in history, I'm a huge fan." I said, with a bit more enthusiasm than I intended, "But I have to ask, and I hope it doesn't get taken the wrong way but how are you alive." Chiron laughed in response,

"No worries young man. Immorality does have its perks, and as long as there is heroes to train then I will be around" Chiron answered before introducing the two campers, "And this young lady is Annabeth. And our other star here is named Percy Jackson, he's in a similar situation to you." I bowed my head to him before introducing myself to the group,

"Nice to meet you all. My name is (Y/n) Link. I hope I can fit in well here, well whatever 'here' is." Chiron laughed.

"Do you even know what this place is (Y/n)?" Chiron asked as I shook my head "This is a safe haven for children of the gods. And you two, He gestures to Percy and me are demigods just like the rest of them" I was confused to say the least and I asked Chiron a burning question,

"Well, any idea who my godly parent is? I don't know much, but I know my mom was never around when I was young. So I would assume it's my mother." Percy chimed in right after,

"Me too! Except the opposite. My mom always told me my dad was busy and that he was a very special person." I turned to him,

"My dad said that too!" Percy and I bumped fists as Annabeth and Chiron let out a small laugh before answering,

"Well no (Y/n), both Annabeth and I don't know either of your godly parents. We have some educated guesses based off what we saw you two do. But we don't know, and until further discoveries happen, both you and Percy will be placed in Cabin 11. The Hermes Cabin," He trailed on before looking at Annabeth. "Annabeth, could you please set up (Y/n) and Percy's bunks in Cabin 11?" She nodded and ran off, her curly blonde hair bouncing as she disappeared into the distance and I guess I was staring a bit too long as I felt an elbow jab into my ribs. The culprit, Percy Jackson with a massive smirk on his face.

"Don't even start this Jackson." I sort of threatened him. As he nodded and we shared a laugh.

"Well, I'm glad you two are getting along because of what I saw. You two could become very powerful demigods. Oh, and (Y/n) you seem to be taking all of this well. The fact that gods you learned about in history are real and their children roam the world." Chiron said with a grin. Only to be met with a simple reply,

"My dad told me everything, just not that I am a demigod, I was shocked but quickly accepted it when the monsters attacked me." Chiron nodded, thinking to himself before saying something that shocked me,

"Percy. Could you give (Y/n) and I some alone time? I need to chat with him about stuff. Why don't you head over to cabin 11 and get comfortable " Percy nodded leaving, Mr. D vanished and Chiron and I left the house, walking around camp and chatting.

"You are one talented warrior (Y/n). Defeating those monsters is no easy feat. Especially for a twelve year old kid," Chiron spoke, "Where'd you learn to fight?"

"My father taught me. He also supplied me with all the gear I have, from my sword and shield to stuff that I'd rather keep secret." I answered as Chiron nodded,

"Your father seems like a wonderful man." He told me. I nodded and spoke,

"The strongest man I've ever seen, yet also unwaveringly loyal. A truly strong person and if I can become half the man he is then I would be honoured." The response seemed to shock him as he stayed quiet for a while before I asked another question, "Since the gods are real and Camp is here by New York. Where is Mount Olympus, it surely can't be in Greece." To which he nodded.

"Correct, you are a very observant child you know," He laughed with a smile, "It's in New York. The top of the Empire State Building." I nodded, making a mental note of it.

"Thank you Chiron, but why New York?" He recoiled from the question before answering,

"Jeez, you are one smart kid. Maybe Athena is your mother. But yes, the Gods have travelled around the world from Germany, to France, to Spain and more. They have always travelled to the places where the metaphorical 'flame' of people was the strongest. So they could be at the heart of it, just as Greece use to be the centre of the Ancient World. And now, in America. Take a look around you, you'll find symbols and statues all over to the Gods. America is the heart of Western Society. The flame burning brightest so they moved here. Mount Olympus and all." I nodded as he asked me a question, "You seemed to know me (Y/n). That must mean you know who I am." To which I nodded and replied,

"A centaur." He smiled and rose from his wheelchair, in a way I couldn't describe as his full body rose. A horse body, where the head is replaced by the body of a man.

"What a relief. My legs were getting sore." The newly revealed Centaur said, "Now let's get you to your Cabin" To which Chiron and I walked to the aforementioned Cabin Eleven.

A/n: I'm back (Finally) did some planning. Only thing I need left is a love interest. It seems like most people want a goddess. But please feel free to comment any ideas or recommendations and I will try to read and reply to them all. And yes, any options. If I have to break up couples then so be it. What the people want. The people get

Thank you

- M

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