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My ear throbbed in pain as I lay on the hospital bed. Luckily for me, the poison-tipped weapon only brushed the outer part of my ear, and the doctors had successfully removed the poison and applied a topical antiseptic. They covered my ear with a bandage to stop the bleeding.

I lay there, and my mind raced with worries about D'Angelo's whereabouts and, more importantly, whether Alexis was alive. I owed her no love or obligation, but I didn't hate her, and the thought of her friends turning against her was pitiful. Also, she was pregnant and didn't deserve to endure such stress.

Tired of laying in bed and feeling helpless, I peeped out into the hallway to check if any nurse or doctor was nearby. Finding the coast clear, I seized the opportunity and made my way out into the hallway. I didn't even need to go far before spotting Caleb and his twin at the far end, engaged in a hushed conversation.

"Caleb," I called out, and he turned around swiftly. His eyes doubled in size with relief written all over his face as he rushed to pull me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Ow!" I whimpered, and he pulled away, looking apologetic.

"Kira, I'm so glad you're okay!" he exclaimed. His face had bruises, and I could tell that he was rough-handled.

After Caleb and I snuck out through the underground shelter, we somehow found our way to the building where Alexis was held hostage because Caleb got a phone call from his father who sounded very weak.

"Are you okay?" Caleb kept asking me, and I nodded. His sister bowed her head in shame. I looked away. She wasn't worth my attention.

"I'm fine," I replied, trying to reassure him. "And how is Alexis doing? Is the baby fine?"

Caleb shrugged and held my hand. "We're yet to find out. I'm sure she'll pull through, even if the baby doesn't."

I fell silent, not knowing what to say, and was about to head back to my room when Caleb asked if I wanted to see Alexis.

"Will that be okay with her? I don't want her to get upset by my presence."

"The medication knocked her out," Caleb said softly, "and I'm sure she won't have a problem with your visit."

He pushed open the door and slipped inside while I stood behind the glass, staring at Alexis, who had machines beeping and whirring around her.

I was worried about the unborn baby, knowing that this was going to be another torture for D'Angelo and mark a second loss in quick succession. Seeing Alexis in such a fragile state, my heart went out to her, despite everything.

A doctor walked past me and surprisingly didn't ask why I was outside my room. Caleb and Carol rushed to him, asking for their sister's whereabouts. The doctor was a kind-faced woman with a stethoscope around her neck.

"Wakey, wakey," she whispered to Alexis, whose eyes flickered open, and a groan escaped her lips. She glanced up at the doctor, and I hid behind the door, watching.

"How is she?" Caleb kept asking, "And the baby?"

The doctor smiled up at him. "Her vitals are stable, and the baby's alive. Surprisingly, it has a strong heartbeat, and we're doing everything we can to make sure every poison that was in Alexis's bloodstream is flushed out."

Alexis whimpered while the doctor checked the machines again, making notes on her chart.

When the doctor left, Caleb and Carol gazed at the door, and Alexis asked what they were looking at. Caleb told her that I was worried about her and came to check on her.

When I stepped into the room, she looked distressed and guilty to see me. My stomach felt too hard, and I took measured steps and stopped halfway.

"What happened to her?" she asked her siblings, and Caleb told her everything. The more Caleb spoke, the more tears trembled on her eyelids. My mouth felt dry watching Alexis shake her head regretfully.

"I'm so sorry," she sniffled, "and I thank you for attempting to save my life. I was deceived by people I trusted."

I wanted to tell her that I didn't hold anything against her, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. My ears perked up at the sound of footsteps rushing downstairs.

"Turn on the TV," I heard a nurse instruct her colleague. Caleb quickly got the remote and turned on the TV in Alexis's room, which was a public announcement with a broadcaster speaking into the mic.

"Reports are coming in that our Alpha, D'Angelo, was involved in a life-threatening situation with his Beta, Leo, who had always undermined the Alpha and planned to take over the pack. It has been reported that Leo attempted to kill D'Angelo by pushing him over a massive cliff, but in this stunning turn of events, D'Angelo struggled and survived the attack while grabbing Leo's neck and pushing him over the cliff. As I speak, Leo and his wife are being transported to the morgue.”

I gasped into my hand and dropped to my knees, overcome with emotion. Alexis, too, was crying, and Caleb helped lift me off the ground.

It was all over. The enemy was finally defeated.

"He deserved to die," Alexis said bitterly. "I was so stupid to have not seen this earlier or warned D'Angelo."

"Stop beating yourself up," Caleb was saying when I felt D'Angelo's presence. I turned around swiftly and was too surprised to move. Although he was badly injured, he was laughing, and he opened his arms wide.

"I'm here," he winked, "come here, my love."

Without waiting, I rushed into his arms, and he twirled me around, plastering kisses all over my face. I was teary-eyed, and my vision was blurry.

"I'm so proud of you," I said as my tears choked me. I swallowed hard and tried to compose myself, but it was impossible. "You're so strong, and I'm glad you made it.”

He held me tightly, and his gaze shifted to Alexis. She sat up, looking quiet and withdrawn. Then she burst into loud tears.

D'Angelo rushed to her side and hugged her. It wasn't as intimate as mine, but I knew Alexis needed that hug.

"Our baby is alive!" she cried out. "It's a miracle."

D'Angelo's mouth spread into a very broad smile, and he gazed heavenward.

"I'm sorry," Alexis kept crying and explaining to him. "I never meant to cause you any harm. I didn't want to join Leo, and that's why he hurt me."

"Hush. Don't explain anything," he interrupted her gently, and I stood there, feeling a burst of joy that finally, everything was over.

Somebody cleared their throat behind me, and when I turned around, it was Zina standing there with two bouquets.

My heart drummed like wings, and Zina managed a sad smile before turning her attention to D'Angelo.

"I made you a huge pan of chocolate cake," she said with a trembling voice. "It's up to you to eat it alone or to share it with your women."

D'Angelo let out a relieved exhale before walking forward and gathering her into a warm embrace.

The end.

Or not.

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