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I met Leo's gaze, my eyes blazing through his. I would have smacked him on the head for wasting my time if he was a kid. I hated every second of this painful tension, but above all, I hated the tiny, scared voice that uncontrollably came out of my mouth.

For years, I struggled with the emotion of fear. My head was filled with painful memories of that horrible winter night when my dad died. Alone in our house, my mom and I waited for my dad. Hours stretched out from minutes. Mom and I slept and woke up, but Dad never showed up.

One morning, after four days of waiting, the pack’s search team informed us that he was dead. My mother never recovered from that incident. It tore her soul apart and left its mark.

A voice in my head informed me that I would suffer the same fate, but how could that be true?

The world around me darkened and I began to pant heavily as a panic I'd never felt before rose in my throat. I felt like my skin was burning as I jerked forward.

Leo seemed so confused, and I was irritated that he could not come up with a sensible response.

"I am offended by your silence," I warned him. "If anything happened, let me know straight away. Remember that I am pregnant.”

"I swear to you that they're on their way," he responded, but I knew he was lying from his body language. His eyes were vacant, his hands were hidden behind his back, and his phony bravado was obvious.

Alexis was as just as worried. With a sigh, I took hold of her unsteady ones. Who would've thought that I'd be concerned for her? We were both pregnant and shared the same predicament.

"Leo, are lying to us," she started to say, but he cut her off with a glare.

"I'm serious, woman. When I last saw them, they were still very much alive."

The crowd started to thin out.  Women were eager to go home and rest after being deprived of sleep for the last four days. I wanted nothing more than to spend the night curled up in my husband's arms, so I prayed to the moon goddess to bring him to me safely.

Kira and her mother stood a distance away from us, and my heart went out to the poor girl. She looked tormented.

Though D'Angelo was also a concern, Grey was more important to me. I hoped that both of them were well and that my suspicions were unwarranted.

I gave her a quick thumbs-up, urging her to leave, but she remained stubbornly rooted in place. Then I pressed my hand against my chest, silently signaling for her to stay calm, even though deep down, I doubted my words.

Leo didn't respond to Alexis's repeated questions.  How could anything happen to Grey now, especially after waiting five long years for this pregnancy?

What kind of cruel twist of fate was this?

The moon goddess couldn't be so heartless; she wouldn't allow such tragedy to befall me.

A long white bus with folding doors leading to a short flight of steps approached us. I recognized five of the eight occupants, who were alphas from our tribe.

Panic broke out all around me, and I had to fight back tears of terror. This didn't look good at all. I ran to the bus without thinking.

"Where is Grey?" I cried out like a mad woman. "Where's my husband?"

Alpha George, the leader of the tribe and D'angelo's mentor who was well past retirement age, smiled at me. "Your husband is fine. You will meet him shortly,"

I realized that if Grey was okay, D'Angelo had to be the one who was seriously hurt or dead. The thick, black silence that surrounded the alphas said a lot.

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