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The days that followed were uneventful, but D'Angelo advised me to remain at home until he resolved the pack's situation. I obeyed and decided to keep my distance from everyone, spending the day alone in my room at the omega house and going to the cabin with my lover at night.

D'angelo's mind was foggy as he processed the revelation about his Beta. Leo was a threat lurking around, a once-trusted friend who had turned enemy. It baffled me that D'Angelo had not confronted Leo and instead pretended to be gullible and let Leo carry out his Beta duties.

I awoke in the middle of the night to find him staring out the window, the moonlight illuminating his face and highlighting his flawless features.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked, snuggling into his chest and placing my hand on his shoulder. "you're overthinking this."

"No," he replied softly, wrapping his hands around me. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice me kissing his temple and running my fingers over his shoulder muscles.

"I'm planning revenge. I want the moon to reveal secrets to me, and I want to punish Leo in unimaginable ways. But more than anything, I want him to go through the same agony that I did after losing Grey."

"Do you have anything planned yet?" I asked, and he sighed deeply.

"I need alliances both within and outside our tribe. I'm preparing for the attack, so I'll be leaving the pack for a while."

My heart skipped a beat when I thought about D'angelo leaving and Leo taking over. Wasn't that Leo's goal?"

"How long will you be away?"

"I'm not sure...probably two days at most.”

"Oh," I answered and stared into his hazel eyes.

"You're worried I won't return?" His brow furrowed as he stared at me, his hands caressing my bare skin.

"A little bit. What happens if Leo does something crazy?"You should not underestimate him," I warned him, my anxiety rising. The thought of Leo taking advantage of this opportunity to create havoc within the pack made me shiver.

He let out a faint smile. "Be assured, that bastard is all bark and no bite. He does not have a spine."

The side of him that was ready to face any challenge head-on shone through, and I admired his strength. He was like a warrior, ready for battle and protecting what he owned.

I reached out and took his hand in mine, the warmth of his touch grounding me back in reality. "Alpha, I believe in you," I whispered. " Leo doesn't stand a chance against you."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Your faith in me means more than you realize."

D'Angelo's first mission was to forge alliances in the desert oasis pack, up north. I watched him prepare for his journey until the day of his departure arrived. He stood tall, kissing me as if it were the last time. I clung to him desperately, trying to pull him closer to me.

"don't worry about me," he said between kisses.

When it was time for him to leave, he reluctantly said his goodbyes and drove away, leaving me to watch his silhouette fade into the distance.

After a few hours, I found myself alone in the room. Mom was downstairs with the rest, and I was working on Amari's schoolwork when I heard the sound of chanting voices rising and falling in unison.

I rushed to the balcony, curious as to what was going on. Marching feet approached our quarters while I looked down at the crowd below. My stomach churned as I realized the women were doing the chanting.

They chanted, "Omega homewrecker! Omega homewrecker!"

I could see some of them holding sharpened sticks in front of them.
The chants became unpleasant, and I hurriedly backed away. Our quarters were teeming with women, who marched with their banners high above the crowd. Signs, boldly proclaiming their message, bobbed in the air.


My mom and Zion rushed to the balcony and dragged me back into my room, shutting the door behind them. I was trembling with fear, sickened, and violated.

"I can't stay here," I shivered. "They are coming after me. Let me hide in the underground room. Join me, Mom."

Mom nodded, Zion looked confused, and I revealed that there was an underground room where I could hide until the madness stopped.

"Go. I'll look out for you," he promised. Mom and I descended the stairs and hurried into the room, locking the door and standing in the dark.

Mom's eyes were filled with fear and protectiveness. She clutched my hand tight, her fingers trembling against mine. I squeezed back, providing what little comfort I could.

"We will stay here until it is safe," Mom said quietly. "They won't find us here."

I sank into the makeshift bed, my heart still pounding in my chest. The fuckers waited for D'angelo to leave before attacking. I closed my eyes tightly, wanting everything to go away.

"Are you alright, honey?" Mom asked, sitting beside me and gently stroking my hair. I opened my eyes and nodded, but inside, I was unsure.

"I dunno..." I muttered. "This is all wrong. Did you hear the awful things they said about me?"

Mom sighed and pulled me against her shoulder, embracing me. The evil accusations rang in my ears, and I tried hard to block them out.

"I'm not a fucking homewrecker," I declared out loud. "D'Angelo and Alexis are not in a relationship. "I didn't choose this."

"I know you didn't. "Most of the women are aware that you're innocent," she stated. "I'm sorry you had to hear those terrible words. The women are simply concerned that the omegas will take over."

I clung to my mother's arms, shielding myself from the outside world. I couldn't think straight anymore. There were too many things going on in my mind, and all I wanted was peace.

"you're growing stronger, you know." Mom chuckled as she brushed her cheek against my forehead. "You used to be very timid and would cry whenever someone offended or hurt you. And now look at you. you're growing in strength and beauty. I'm so proud of you, baby girl."

"Thank you for teaching me everything," I said softly, wiping away a tear from my cheek.

She smiled tenderly. "you're welcome, honey. And thank the Alpha for loving you."

I rolled my eyes as she laughed quietly. A knock on the door drew our attention. Mom and I exchanged looks of pure terror.

"It is me, Zion," said a muffled voice from the other side of the door. "They left a few minutes ago." You can come out now."

We exchanged a silent glance and laughed so hard that tears streamed down our faces.

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