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My mother, mortified that the alpha was my mate, fell into her chair, breathing heavily, her face as pale as a ghost.

My body felt like it was about to give out from under me. I knew for sure that I couldn't marry Zion—heck, I couldn't even stand him.

He gave me a big smile and reached for my hand. "Come on, Kira."

I shrugged away from him, and he looked disappointed that I was taking the time to consider this.

"Why are you silent?" he snapped, moving closer. Did not we have a relationship before the alpha's bond?"

In my head, I said, "Before the alpha, you idiot."

Everything had changed with the arrival of the alpha. The bond was like an eye-opener; I realized that what I felt for Zion was not romantic at all, and I was no longer unsure of my feelings. Before meeting the alpha, I never understood the concept of chemistry and sexual lust.

I guess I was wrong to think that my feelings for Zion were typical of what lovers should feel like to each other.

Zion's kisses were messy and not something I particularly enjoyed, my heart didn't do flip flops whenever I saw him, unlike D'Angelo.

Zion took hold of my hands, holding them firmly.

"It is bold of you, Zion, to assume that I would say yes to you after making such a mess."

He scowled, "What mess?"

I looked away, dabbing at the sting behind my eyes.

"I am declaring that I will not marry you. Never. Though I really appreciate your attempt to help, I can't be with you."

Zion's face fell as though I'd just given him a slap. There was a tense silence in the room and my mom hid her surprise.

She'd lectured me on happiness and said that whatever puts a smile on my face should be cherished like gold. She did not know much, but she did tell me that one of the quickest ways to die was to be in a loveless marriage or relationship.

I didn't love Zion and I was too young to die.

Zion laughed heartily, cracking his knuckles. I was annoyed by his loud laughter. They hurt my ears.

"Don't be foolish, Kira.I understand that you are picturing scenes in your head where the Alpha brings you into his mansion and marks you. Newsflash, you aren't in his league. He has elegant and well-groomed the women in the pack. Do you really believe he can not choose one of them?

Reaching for my hand, he took a step closer. Turned off by his touch, I jerked it away. "The alpha will make you wish you were dead. You will be shunned and despised. Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?"

"Don't lecture me; I know the consequences of the bond," I said, pressing my lips flat. "But you're not trying to help me or save me. You believe that by getting married to me, you will appear to be a martyr or a hero. You want to be admired by everyone.

"That is not true," he yelled, raising his pitch. "I love you, Kira. I've always loved you. After over a year of dating, why can't you understand that I need us to work together? You don't even appreciate what I do for us."

"You love the idea of being with the alpha's mate. You don't respect me; you weren't even willing to let me tell my mother directly; you just blurted it out without considering the effects."

My scalp ached, and I was starting to sweat. Zion got into a lengthy rant because and didn't take my accusations lightly.

"That is enough," my mother angrily said as she stood up. "Enough arguing already."

The Alpha's Omega MistressWhere stories live. Discover now