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I jumped up quickly despite my confusion because I knew Amari could spread the gossip around the omega camp. I ran to catch up with her, nearly tumbling down the sand beside her.

"What is wrong with you, Amari?" I snapped at her. "Why did you take off like that? Have I told you that I have killed anyone?"

"Get off me," she snapped back. I did, but I held on to her arm until I was certain she would pay attention.

"Why in the world are you angry with me?"

She shrugged impatiently while I caught my breath, panting like a dog out of water.

Just forget it." She rolled her eyes. "Let's head back."

She kept walking without waiting for me. I hurried behind her. "Are you going to tell anyone about my relationship with the Alpha?"

Her voice trailed off as she stared at me over her shoulder, "I am reacting this way because I care, you idiot. You're my best friend, Kira. Hearing you talk about sharing a bond with the alpha is similar to with watching you destroy yourself. Are you aware of who this alpha is?"

"I know who he is, Amari," I said with a groan. I understand your concern, but you do not need to be angry with me. It's not going to make things better. I assumed you would get it because we're both werewolves and you understand how the bond works."

"Sorry to break your heart, but I will not support you or encourage you to sneak around and fuck the alpha like a hungry whore, babes. This bond is dangerous. You shouldn't be encouraged to feel any kind of way about the alpha. You can't be serious to set yourself up for such pain and heartbreak."

My throat tightened and my head lowered. Even Amari could see that this bond with the alpha was doomed from the start, but I was powerless over how I felt.

All I wanted was the alpha. No, I was dependent on him more than on life itself, like a drug. I needed him so much it made my stomach turn, and it was all so natural since the bond between our two bodies and spirits was so close and yet also so far.

"Kira, your mate should give you purpose, motivation, the strength to keep going despite all odds, should make you feel safe and protected. You will never get any of these from the Alpha."

I could feel my wolf howling in pain as it tried to force my mind to stop Amari from talking about the alpha's rejection.

I guess Amari sensed that I was upset because she turned to face me and grabbed my hand, making me look at her. Her comments struck me, damaging my self-esteem.

"You know I'm telling the truth, Kira. You are the bottom rung on the ladder, an Omega. You have very little education and have never experienced being the alpha's mate. No one is ever going to respect you, and even if the alpha manages to get between your legs, that's all he would need you for - sexual gratification."

"I know I'm nothing. You don't have to remind me, but the bond can't be denied," I said, my voice shaking with pain.

"I get that, but think, Kira. Think about the differences, about the obstacles you'd have to face."

It was surprising that even my mom did not react as harshly as Amari whose mood never returned to normal until we got home. She stopped me before we got into the building.

"Does Zion know about this bond with the alpha?"

I nodded, and there was an audible pause that seemed to go on forever. Her vein was obviously throbbing as she fixed me with a fierce look.

"What now?" I groaned.


"Nothing? Your mouth is already set in a judging wad. Spill."

She leaned against a pillar, her gaze going remote while shooting me a faint smile.

"You're going to betray Zion because of your lustful feelings for an alpha?"

"So I'm the devil now. Did you see me throwing myself at the alpha? Please stop blaming me as though I'm in charge of this bond. If there's someone to blame, direct it to the moon goddess."

Amari became apologetic after being taken aback by my reaction. "I'm sorry, Kira. It's just that I don't know how to react to this."

I walked away, needing to rest my brain. The History Museum was hosting a mandatory program for women later that afternoon, and it surprised us that the omegas were invited.

My mom couldn't stop fussing about a decent outfit, and I couldn't care less about my appearance since the alpha would not be there.

The venue was so big and surreal with several collections of books written by female authors, artwork, and werewolf historical clothing and accessories worn by influential women throughout history.

I gawked at the pictures and artifacts showing the women's suffrage movement, and I even grinned as I imagined the wife-on-strike movement, when women were not allowed to vote and were only considered objects of sex.

When I saw there was no information about Omega in the History museum, my face fell. If the higher-ranked women suffered like that in the past, I wondered what the omegas' fate was. It shuddered through my mind and made me want to spit at the people in higher positions.

Maybe Amari didn't go overboard after all. There was every reason to worry.

My heart started to race with fear as the women from Gamma, Delta, and Beta entered. They mocked us, one of them shrieking like a distressed chicken sneered at us with disgust.

"Who the hell invited these smelly omegas here?"

"Enough," Zina snapped with a scathing tone. "Leave them alone."

My breathing sounded loud in my ear because the women didn't listen, nor did they fail to hide their hatred. It blazed and consumed them.

"You see what I was trying to warn you about," Amari said from behind me. "Kira, I do not want you to suffer."

I gave her a tiny smile and squeezed her hand. Let us go have some refreshments, please.

The other werewolves had consumed living portions of fish and chips that had been grilled. Most of the food was untouched. Amari and I began wolfing down the remnants.

We now had enough food as omegas. I've had enough now, but we still behaved as though this was a dream, and soon enough, we would be thrown back to where we came from. My mom called it the 'Hoarder mentality.'

The Alpha's Omega MistressHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin