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A numbing shock hit me when Zion kept going on and on about how he was ambushed by the alpha's men, and they beat him up because of me. The hall was now in commotion as people rushed into the living room, curious to know what was going on; each person reacting in their unique ways, but most of them immediately took his side.

They pushed through the crowd, craning their necks, and when they heard Zion's sharp accusations, they gasped in disbelief, while some had their faces twisted in disgust.

I thought I knew Zion to just be stubborn and borderline rash, but this side of him where he was acting like a complete demon was new.

"Shut up, Kira," one of them exclaimed. "You have no right to talk to Zion or anyone like that. You think you're better than us now. You think you're special and can do whatever you want and get away with it? You're still an Omega, and you have to respect your elders."

"So this explains why Kira and Imani have been getting extra favors from the alpha," Amari's mum sneered. “Imami thinks she's better than us.”

"You can't honestly believe him," I shouted above the noise. "The alpha didn't beat him up, I can swear on that. He doesn't even care about Zion. He's trying to frame an alpha up, which is very laughable."

Zion's anger rose. "Don't you dare dismiss what happened to me? I know what I experienced. It was the alpha who attacked me."

"You little liar!" One of the men snickered. "Why would the alpha waste his time on an Omega like you? Why would he attack you?"

"Because he wants Kira all to himself."

I almost yelled at Zion. This didn't even make any sense. I shook my head and backed away from him. He sounded like a lunatic who was digging his own grave.

"Zion, you're spreading rumors and lies. You're obsessed with me and trying to frame me up. You need help."

"Shut your filthy mouth Kira,” Laura, his mom snapped. “You have no right to act like you're better than my son. Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm not acting big. Zion is lying,” I snapped back, angry that nobody believed me. "It could be that someone else, not the alpha, beat him up."

"Oh, look at you acting all arrogant now," she smirked, giving me a dark look.

The Omega women were so consumed by jealousy, and their actions betrayed their insecurities. What names did they not call me? Traitor, whore, disgrace… they even brought up the terrace incident.

I tried to defend myself, but they wouldn't listen or let me speak. One of the women hit me hard on my back. Someone needed to help me with these people. Neither Elder Logan nor my mother were present. The noise and the accusations were becoming more intense.

One was about to hit me when my mom walked in. Relief filled my head when I heard her voice.

She dropped her bag and pushed the woman who was about to hit me aside, pulling me into her arms. She looked shocked and uneasy that everyone was against me.

"Kira, what is going on?" she demanded, giving me an anxious look.

When I gave her a rundown, she flared up, glaring at Zion with disgust.

"What's your deal with my daughter?" her voice trembled. "And so what if the alpha is her mate? Is Kira the Moon Goddess who created the mating bond?"

Everyone gasped in shock.

"Don't shut me up," she snapped at Laura who accused her of boasting. "Why would Alpha D’Angelo beat up Zion of all people?"

"Since Zion is blinded by his rage and revenge, I'll go out there and send for Alpha D’Angelo to come and defend himself. Let's see who has the last laugh,” I said with determination in my tone.

The room grew deadly silent. Amari stood behind the door staring at me with a pleading gaze. Zion's confidence wobbled, and his mother blinked in shock.

"But... but why would you do that?" She asked.

"And why won't she?" my mom butted in. "Isn't that the meaning of the whole accusation? To get Zion vindicated? Go ahead, Kira, and send for the alpha."

Rebellion returned in Zion's eyes like I was betraying him. His mother rushed to him. "Zion, you need to stop this madness. Are you sure that the alpha beat you up?"

"One hundred percent," he laughed, a cold and bitter sound. "If this whore wants to be on the alpha's side, I don't mind as long as he gets called out."

I stared at Zion, shaking my head in pity. D'Angelo was going to crush him like an insect. His face was twisted in rage; some of the Omegas grew scared and retreated. Some of them even ran out of our building, and I almost laughed.

Determined to nip Zion in the bud, I rushed out of the house. My mom called out, running after me and asking if I was going to the mansion. I told her I was heading to Zina's clinic to report this.

"Wonderful," she said. "Let's teach that idiot a lesson."

The Omega women looked visibly scared. I rushed to the clinic, feeling an explosion of adrenaline and my heart thumping.

Zina walked out of the bathroom with a wide grin on her face. She looked very excited, and I wondered why.

"What is going on?"

She grabbed my hand, eyes shining. "Kira, I think I might be pregnant."

My mouth widened in surprise and joy. "No way, that's incredible."

"I know, right?” She chuckled and hope gleamed in her eyes."

"Can I hug you?"

"Of course," she exclaimed, pulling me into a tight embrace.

She smelled so nice.

“That was quick."

"I didn't say I'm pregnant. I said I might,” she laughed. “I haven't taken the test yet, and I don't want to get my hopes up too soon, but I can feel something in me."


"Yep," she chuckled. "But not to worry. I have faith that your mother's herbs will work, and I have a feeling it's going to be good news soon. All my enemies will be put to shame."

"So why are you here?" she asked me, leaning forward. "Is Alexis giving you a tough time?"

"I'll survive," I said sadly. "But I'm here for a different reason."

When I told her what was going on in the Omega house and how Zion accused D'Angelo of beating him up, she was surprised. Then she burst out laughing.

"That's so hilarious. Why would the alpha even concern himself with someone who doesn't add value to his life?"

"I would have let it slide, but the Omega women ambushed me and called me all sorts of awful names. Zion's accusations were strong, so I need the alpha to clear his name."

"Well, the only one capable of such violence is Leo, and I don't think he has any connection with Zion. He's been very busy as of late. I am convinced that Zion is just a jealous brat who wants to gather attention or maybe scare you a bit."

"And I need to teach him a lesson and prove his lies."

"Fine, then let me call the alpha and have him come to the clinic," she said, reaching for her phone.

The Alpha's Omega MistressWhere stories live. Discover now