My Future Children

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"HELENA! STOP DRAWING WITH MY EYELINER!" I snatched my eyeliner pencil from my disgusting 7 year old daughter.

She drew on the wall again with it. She has her OWN markers but she's always stealing MY eyeliner to draw pictures of Gerard Way on the walls.

I'm very proud of her, you know, for being a Killjoy so young. I've done a hella goof job at parenting.

"HELENA!" My gross husband screeched like the pussy he is. Unfortunately, no, he's not a replica of chubby Gerard Way.

He's kind of just... There.

"Cam, she drew ALL over my Nikes!" My filthy mans shouted, holding up his big ass shoes.
He needs big ass shoes to house his big ass feet.

"Mom!" I turned my head and my smol son, Thomas was standing in the door frame with eyeliner all smudged on.

"OH THOMAS!" I shouted happily, atleast of my children knows how to smudge eyeliner properly.

YES. He's only 4 but idgaf that he's wearing my eyeliner.

My ugly husband started lecturing Helena on how she ruined his 100$ shoes that he bought with our rent money.

I scooped up Thomas in my arms and he smiled at me. He has my shit brown eyes.

"I'm so proud of you!" I smiled at him and he smiled. "LETS GO SEE THE NEW KILLJOY MOVIE!" "YAAAYYY KILLJOYS!" Thomas squealed and I smiled.

Goodness, I love my Killjoy children.

There's a Killjoy movie at the movie theatre near our house, so I figured I'd take my amazing children to go see it.

I already watched it and downloaded it illegally onto my laptop, but I didn't want anyone to know that..

"Come on, Helena! Let's go see the Killjoy movie!" "YAY!" Helena shouted along with Thomas.

"She can't see a movie!" My gross husband snarled and I glared at his filthy face.
"Don't tell me how to parent my children!" "CAM! HELENA DREW EMO SHIT ALL OVER MY SHOES!" "It's not MY fault that you have no respect for our daughter's fabulous emo art!" I snarled at him then grabbed Helena's wrist and yanked her out of the house with Thomas and I.

My husband probably wonders why he ever married me..... Eh, it's mutual.

So soon we were all at the movie theatre. My gross husband, Antony came along also because he said he would call the police if I randomly disappeared with our children.

So anyWHO, about halfway through the movie, Helena said she had to go piss.

I told her to go on her own because I don't wanna miss seeing Fun Ghoul ram pliers into a transam (it's a CAR, Freya🙄) because that shits HOT.

Helena told me that she was feeling like a hesitant alien. So I gave her my old ass IPod from 2007 and I also gave her my earbuds then started blasting Famous Last Words in her ears.

That seemed to give her enough confidence, so then she ran out of the theatre and into the bathroom.

I looked at Thomas who was looking at pictures of Gerard Way on my phone. "Son, you look gay." "WELL WHAT IF HE IS GAY?" I shouted back at disgustingly homophobic Antony.

"YOU'RE SO RUDE, ANTONY!" "MY NAME IS ANTHONY!" He shouted back at me and by now, the whole theatre was looking at us.

"Come on, Thomas. Let's be emo fags somewhere else!"
"But MOM, I wanna see the end of the movie!"
"I have it illegally downloaded on my computer, you can watch it at home." I sassed, taking his wrist then yanking him out of the theatre.

"MOM!" Helena ran over to us, my IPod still in her hand. "Where's Dad?" "His name is AntHoNy." "Where is he?" "Hell." "Ohhhh okay. Where he belongs?" Helena asked and I smirked. Goodness, she's so amazingly sassy JUST like her biological father, Frank Iero.

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