MCR Daily Song Thingy

7 0 35

I'm not online everyday so this is all going to be in this chapter.

I'm not online everyday so this is all going to be in this chapter

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DAY 1.

DAY 2.
Drowning Lessons

DAY 3.
I can't choose man😭 they all so good. But my tops are Helena, Cemetery Drive, and INTYWIDFAL

DAY 4.
They are all perfection but my tops again are Sleep, Disenchanted and Cancer.

DAY 5.
SYIHTB or TOHFMIY. Vampire Money is hella good too tho.

DAY 6.
I haven't listened to any so like *sweats nervously*

DAY 7.
I know all the words to every song by HEART. But all the right lyrics I know are Disenchanted.

DAY 8.
The Sharpest Lives is sickeningly underrated🙄

DAY 9.
Cancer with a doubt.

DAY 10.
The End maybe Cancer, one of the two.

DAY 11.
Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back.

DAY 12.
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W orrrr Disenchanted. They both make me sleepeh.

DAY 13.
Uhmmm, Sing or Planetary.

DAY 14.
Summertime. My Gyn-Z heart cannot handle this.

DAY 15.
The Only Hope For Me Is You.

DAY 16.
Party Poison or House of Wolves.

DAY 17.
..... House of Wolves .....

DAY 18.
The End

DAY 19.
I don't drive, but if I did: I'd be all Cemetery Drive because like reasons...

DAY 20.
Hm.... Probably something like maybe like, TOHFMIY or something.

DAY 21.
To The End

DAY 22.
Hm I didn't really have one of those, but Cancer.

DAY 23.

DAY 24.

DAY 25.
Mama or House of Wolves.

DAY 26.
Black Parade and Rev.

DAY 27.
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

DAY 28.

DAY 29.
The Sharpest Lives.

DAY 30.

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