❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 52 ❀

Start from the beginning

"Then what are you waiting for? Go to Yoongi hyung and set things straight," Beomgyu urged, his voice filled with urgency and hope. Jungkook nodded, a newfound determination coursing through him, and ended the call. but not before saying thanks to boemgyu for putting brains to his empty mind

Jungkook stood outside yoongi's room his heart clenched at the sight of Yoongi's tears, his own concern bubbling up as he rushed inside. "Yoongi hyung... why are you crying?" His voice trembled with panic, unable to conceal the worry that gripped him. Yoongi hastily wiped away his tears upon noticing Jungkook's presence, his attempt at composure faltering as he spoke. "What do you want, Jungkook? I-I'm not crying," he stammered, his voice strained as he fought to hide the raw emotion that lingered beneath the surface.

"Stop lying, hyung. I know you were crying... Was it because of me? Because I'm mad at you?" Jungkook's voice quivered with a mix of apprehension and guilt as he stood before Yoongi.
Yoongi let out a heavy sigh and reluctantly nodded, realizing there was no use in denying it any longer.
A sharp pang pierced Jungkook's heart at the confirmation. In that moment, he felt a wave of remorse wash over him. He had convinced himself that his anger would go unnoticed, but here was Yoongi, his beloved hyung, visibly distraught over their strained relationship. The realization left Jungkook reeling, grappling with the weight of his own actions and the unexpected depth of Yoongi's emotions.

With tears welling up in his own eyes, Jungkook pulled Yoongi into a tight embrace, his voice choked with emotion. "Don't cry, hyungie, please... I'm not mad at you anymore." The weight of their reconciliation hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of their bond.
Yoongi returned the hug, his arms wrapping around Jungkook protectively as he gently guided him to sit on his lap. "You don't have to forgive me just because you saw me crying and felt bad for me," he whispered softly, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and concern for Jungkook's well-being.

Jungkook shook his head, his voice trembling with sincerity. "Don't say that, hyung... I'm really not mad at you." He took a deep breath, steeling himself to express the remorse weighing heavily on his heart. "I came here to apologize to you for not appreciating your hard work and for being childish... I understand now, hyung. It was no one's fault." His words were laced with genuine regret, a desperate plea for understanding and forgiveness.

"Really?... did you really forgive me?" Yoongi's voice trembled with a mixture of hope and disbelief.
Jungkook nodded earnestly, his eyes shimmering with sincerity as he leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on Yoongi's cheek. "I'm really not angry anymore, hyung... but I have a question," he murmured, his heart brimming with a newfound sense of peace and reconciliation.

Yoongi's gratitude overflowed as he expressed his heartfelt thanks for Jungkook's forgiveness. With tender affection, he pressed a loving kiss to Jungkook's forehead before gently asking, "What do you want to ask, baby?" Each word was infused with a depth of emotion, reflecting Yoongi's immense love and appreciation for the precious bond they shared.

Jungkook's fingers nervously toyed with the buttons of Yoongi's shirt as he broached the sensitive topic. "Um, hyung... everyone else kept apologizing to me over and over again, but you seemed the most affected," he murmured softly, his voice laden with concern and curiosity. "You put in so much effort to earn my forgiveness... I can't help but feel like something similar might have happened to you too." His words hung in the air, a tentative yet heartfelt attempt to unravel the emotions that lay beneath Yoongi's surface.

Yoongi's eyes softened with a mixture of surprise and amusement as he regarded Jungkook. "How did you figure it out?" he asked, a faint smile playing on his lips. There was a glimmer of admiration in his gaze, mingled with a hint of vulnerability, as Jungkook's perceptiveness touched a chord within him.

"I just had this feeling... like maybe something similar happened to you too," Jungkook ventured, his voice tinged with empathy and understanding as he searched Yoongi's eyes for confirmation. Yoongi remained silent, his gaze dropping as he nodded faintly in acknowledgment. The weight of unspoken memories hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of wounds still raw. He didn't want to revisit that painful chapter of his past.

"What was it, please tell me, hyung," Jungkook pleaded, his curiosity tinged with concern as he leaned in, eager to understand the depths of Yoongi's pain. His voice quivered with a mix of anticipation and empathy, as he waited for Yoongi to share his burdens with him.

After a moment of hesitation, Yoongi threw his hands up in defeat and decided to spill the beans to his ever-curious younger brother who wouldn't be in peace if he didn't tell him everything

"So when you were about 6 months old..............

(Flashback in the next chapter
I have already written the next chapter I will update when I get lots of votes and comments on his chapter)

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

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