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Four half-bloods come blessed with a curse,

Born to save or destroy the universe.

Fire shall betray her camp,

Ruled by an enemy's plan.

Daughter of the sea shall embrace the flames,

Son of the sky forgets his own name.

Four half-bloods will find a home,

Best friends are split and end up alone.


Young Mia raced through the forest. The hellhounds behind her snapped at her heels, and her legs collapsed. 

Mia knows she can't run any farther. Not without hurting her self. 

Father can't help me here, Mia tells herself. I have to keep going.

But she couldn't. Mia was too tired. 

The hellhounds jumped up and one of them bit into Mia's ankle. Mia shrieked and kicked with her other foot at the other two hellhounds. "Back!" She demands in Greek. The hellhounds hesitated, but it didn't stay for long. Soon they were about to pounce again.

Suddenly, Mia heard a whistling sound. It was sharp and high-pitched, coming from behind. The hellhounds perked up. They growled, getting ready to surprise their new prey. 

But whoever was whistling, they didn't show themselves. The only thing Mia saw was the arrow that flew out of the shadows and nailed itself in one of the hellhounds' tail. It didn't have a chance to move or give out another growl before the hellhound burst into gold powder, like monsters do when they're killed. 

More arrows showered down from the sky. Mia had to crawl under one of the trees to protect herself. The arrows stuck in the hellhounds and they disintegrated just like the other one had. 

Soon, Mia was standing on her feet again, relieved that the monsters were gone.

Three kids about Mia's age appeared from the shadows of the trees. They all looked very different, and one of them was holding a bow. 

"Hello," the girl in the front said. "My name is Katie Hillard." 

"Mia Arlenno," Mia said back. She could feel the demigod aura beating from the three kids. Mia had gotten better at detecting who was a demigod and who wasn't over the years. "Thank you for saving me."

"No big deal," one of the demigods said. He was a tall boy with electric bright blue eyes and blonde hair. "I'm Nathan, by the way."

"I'm Helen," said the other girl quietly. She seemed to be trying to hide behind her hair. "You should stay with us," Katie said. "It's not safe for you out here, all alone, no weapons."

I have my powers, Mia thought fiercely. 

But her powers wouldn't do her much good when there wasn't any water around, like today.

"C'mon," Nathan tugged her forward by her shoulder. "We have a safe house at the end of this forest." 

"You can travel with us now," Helen said, giving me a tiny smile. "Thank you," I returned Helen's smile. 

I don't need to run anymore.

I have a new family now.

So! First chapter! Let me now what you thought, and the words above Mia's POV is a prophecy, just to make sure you guys know. 

Another fact, the Seven Demigods (Piper, Jason, Frank, Leo, Percy, Annabeth and Hazel) will be in this book. I know that some of them died and then came back to life, or just stayed dead, but this book will have all 7 demigods.

Demigods of the Elements: Heroes of Olympus SequelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora