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Mia Arlenno:

From: Phoenix, Arizona.

Mortal Parent: Riley Arlenno.

Godly Parent: Poseidon (water).

Personality: Outgoing, loves hearing new jokes, has a feisty side, will protect her friends at all costs.

Features: Wavy black hair, turquoise green eyes, pale skin.

Nathan Daler:

From: Cancun, Mexico.

Mortal parent: Beth Daler.

Godly parent: Zeus (air).

Personality: Kind, serious, intelligent, rarely takes a joke.

Features: Blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tan skin, athletic build.

Helen Cademan:

From: Vancouver, BC.

Mortal Parent: Matthew Cademan.

Godly parent: Hestia (fire).

Personality: Shy, her friends are her world, sweet, careful around new people.

Features: Flowing dark brown hair, bright orange eyes, light brown skin.

Katie Hillard: 

From: Los Angeles, CA.

Mortal parent: Peter Hillard.

Godly Parent: Demeter (earth).

Personality: Fierce, outgoing, strong, can overreact sometimes, loves her friends.

Features: Extremely long blonde hair that Katie usually keeps in a braid, tan skin, dark green eyes.

NOTE: I have not read the Blood of Olympus book yet, so none of the events in this book are connected to the events in that book.

Demigods of the Elements: Heroes of Olympus SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang