CH 3 mindustry results.

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(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice


[Installation complete]

"Ah, that was fast..." Bronya's eyes widened in mild astonishment when she clicked on the game icon and watched as the loading screen gradually materialized before her, immersing her further into the game she was about to explore.

Once the loading screen is complete, there is a slow, dramatic logo, cute and pink as she sees the company's name.


"Huh?" Bronya squinted, confused for a while by the cute logo that was on the screen. She immediately ignored her bewilderment, though, as her focus turned to the game's impending launch. She gazed at the 2D background, marveling at its allure and beauty. She was astounded by the visual grandeur in front of her because of the minute details and faultless design that really shone out. The harmonic blending of the hues improved the scene's overall aesthetic appeal. All the components appeared to have been carefully thought out, making for a very engaging experience that pulled her more into the virtual world she was seeing. but if it's Bronya's words... How can it be described? It's very beautiful or really captivating. it's very detailed and very well designed.

When Bronya's eyes are drawn to the vibrant Mindustry logo beaming proudly at the top of the screen, it signals the start of her immersive gaming experience. The new game and settings options, along with the convenient quit game button, are all neatly displayed within the digital realm she's about to explore.


[New game]


[Quit game]

Her sleek, high-tech phones are softly playing music, which creates a nice, futuristic environment. The sci-fi soundtracks filling the room make her smile and she clicks the mouse to start a new game, ready to indulge herself in the experience.

After that, there is a cutscene showing a big astroid that resembles a cube, which Bronya later realizes is a sizable base that is plummeting from the atmosphere. It quickly engages its thrusters as it approaches the ground, descending gently until it touches down. A tiny, yellow drone emerges to open the big cube's hatch, and a tiny chime sounds from Bronya's headphones to signal the start of the game.

"Ah, so that's how it is..." Bronya was actually a little impressed, as she then started moving the screen around as the drone followed. "So I control the drone?"

Of course, she then notices some small texts floating close to the 'cube' thingy and close to the copper ores. She then reads the text, "Tutorial is starting..."

[Move near the copper ore on the ground and tap or click it to begin mining.]

Bronya hovers her mouse and clicks the copper, or as the drone quickly aims and fires a lazer to mine the ore as a bar that requires 15 copper ore is filling up, once it's filled up.

A new pop-up instruction comes up.

[Open the tech tree.] Research the mechanical drill, then select it from the menu in the bottom right. Tap on the copper patch to place it.

Bronya follows the instructions, researches the mechanical drill from the tech tree, selects the mechanical drill, and places it on the copper patch.

Press the checkmark at the bottom right to confirm.

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