CH 12 instant hiring!

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(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice

(Update: this chapter has some little errors and have fixed them)

A significant number of individuals have recently received notification of their interview time slots. Among these, those individuals who are expected to attend their interviews today have ventured into the HelloKitty industry.

It is a heartwarming scene as Bronya's parents find themselves overcome with emotion at the sight of their young daughter securing a position in a prominent industry at such a tender age, a position typically reserved for those attending school.

Witnessing this extraordinary achievement, Alexandra Pavlovna Zaychik, Bronya's mother, is openly shedding tears of joy, attempting to wipe them away using either her handkerchief or Bronya herself. Overwhelmed with happiness, she exclaims, "I am absolutely thrilled! You have landed a job!"

"Ermm... Mama, I just did that. I just thought it would be possible," Bronya said with a confused look on her face. She still can't believe she was able to be accepted now. Going to an interview.

Her father, Alexey Zaychik, puts his hand on her shoulder, providing reassurance in the wake of her surprising accomplishment. "That's great, Bronya," he said, his tone filled with pride and support, "but if there is anything that seems suspicious during the interview process, don't hesitate to call me for assistance."

"Papa, please don't bring your military instincts into this," Bronya responded, attempting to allay any concerns of overreaction, "it's just an interview, and I'm confident that there won't be any cause for suspicion, especially considering the high ratings of their video game productions and the reputable movies they have produced."

"Ok, Bronya, make sure to stay vigilant," her mother chimed in, her expression a mix of pride and maternal concern, waving her hand as her daughter prepared to depart.

"Mhm," Bronya nodded in acknowledgment before pivoting on her heels to ready herself for the interview. She carefully selected a more professional outfit, opting for a dress that struck a balance between sophistication and maturity, underlining her readiness for the occasion. As she gathered her folder of work experience, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the upcoming challenge with a sense of determination and poise.

She saw the line of people all sitting down, observing the sheer number of individuals present for the interview. Among the sea of hopeful faces, she spotted an empty seat, so she made her way towards it and settled in, patiently waiting for her turn.

As she sat there, lost in her own thoughts, a voice broke her reverie. "Umm... Hello, are you also here for an interview?" Bronya turned her head and found herself face-to-face with a woman whose hair resembled the color of a clear blue sky. The woman, evidently named Ganyu, was dressed impeccably in a professional suit, although her eyes betrayed a hint of fatigue.

"Um, yes?" Bronya replied tentatively, slightly intrigued by the unexpected conversation.

"Eh? How so? You look like you could still be in high school..." Ganyu appeared puzzled by Bronya's presence amidst the preponderance of more seasoned candidates.

"Well... there isn't an age limit," Bronya explained with a self-conscious scratch of her head while maintaining her poker face, not wanting to give away too much.

"Wait, really? I must have missed that detail on the survey," Ganyu mused, casting her eyes downwards in contemplation.

"Are you also here for the interview?" Bronya inquired, attempting to keep the conversation going.

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