CH 4 Mindustry Update V4

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(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice

"Alirght!" Victor exclaimed as he then stretched.

"Time to make some good ass updates for Mindustry!" Victor strikes a Jojo pose.

As the passing of 2 weeks unfolds, the game's popularity continues to surge with a growing number of individuals opting to purchase it through Steam and various other game store platforms. Not only are purchasers acquiring the game on mobile platforms, but the total number of copies sold has now reached an impressive count of 2,300, equating to the acquisition of 2,300 Bitties. This significant milestone far surpasses the initial expectations set by Victor, signaling a remarkable turn of events for the game's reception and success in the market.

"Yes! Yes!" Victor exclaims. He never thought that in his entire life, he not only became famous from the game but was also getting rich. "My life really turned up!"

Thanks to the significant amount of revenue generated by the game Victor developed, he found himself in a fortunate position to purchase a thoughtful gift for his newborn niece. Not only did he select a large teddy bear to bring joy to the little one, but he also considered practicality by choosing various baby essentials to support his older sister, who had just become a mother as a present for her. This generous gesture not only shows Victor's caring nature but also provides him with a sense of pride that he can share with others.

"Hehe, now then." Victor sits down to his chair, looks at the screen of his PC, clicks the entertainment software, and sees only 1 game that is displayed in the 'games published' section, and it's Mindustry v3.6.

He clicks the game and then starts making the update, just as he promised himself in the previous chapter. Victor replaces the random enemy core in the sector with a multiplayer function instead. And add another 20 more randomly generated sectors and a 1-story focus sector so they could unlock research for their tech tree.

As he delved deeper into his coding project, Victor began to encounter increasing difficulties, his progress stalling as his memory faded of the intricate details from the original Mindustry game that he had once immersed himself in within his previous realm. Each line of code felt like a struggle, and he soon found himself reaching a critical juncture that left him baffled, prompting a puzzled expression as he ruffled his hair in frustration. head. "Damn, I never anticipated that this would happen like this." Of course Victor didn't know, as he had played the game so long ago and remembered only a few things that he thought were memorable.

"What should I do to remember every single detail of the entire game?" Victor said, his brow furrowing in concentration as he scratched his head repeatedly, trying to come up with a foolproof strategy to retain all the important information.

Without warning, a sudden pop-up notification disrupted Victor's focus as it abruptly appeared on his computer screen. Instantly catching his attention, Victor's eyes were drawn to the unexpected message displayed before him.

[having troubles? memory capsule cost 200 Bitties]

"Thats very ominous and coincidental," Victor said as he saw the pop-up. As it instructed him to roam to the software, he saw a shop icon and another section of the software that he found out that there was an online shop too.

However, it's not much about super powers and cheats like other Isekai protags, it's just things that help him make the software and the games he makes even better.

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