CH 1 Parallel world!?

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(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice

"Alright," Victor muttered wearily, feeling the weight of the long day settling on his shoulders as he pivoted his gaze towards the screen of his computer, the glow reflecting off his glasses. His eyes flickered across the assortment of files laid out before him, each one representing a task that demanded his attention in the dimly lit office. Chris's voice cut through the quiet hum of the workspace, drawing Victor's attention away from the monotonous display of data on his monitor.

"Hey Victor! Can you help with this a bit?" Chris's tone held a hint of urgency, his outstretched hand offering a stack of papers that added to Victor's existing workload.

Turning his head towards Chris, Victor forced a weary smile, "Yeah, sure. What's up?" His steps were deliberate as he approached Chris, the papers exchanged with a resigned expression tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Help me with this," Chris requested, his tone betraying a hint of exasperation at the ever-increasing pile of tasks.

"Ugh, seriously? More?" Victor's voice carried a mix of exhaustion and mild annoyance, his shoulders slumping imperceptibly as he took in the sight of yet another addition to his to-do list.

"Well, looks like we're going to be here all night, huh?" Chris's chuckle rang in the air, a lighthearted attempt to alleviate the tension that hung heavy in the room.

Victor let out a sigh tinged with resignation, his tired eyes scanning the room as he contemplated the inevitable late-night stay. As the clock ticked closer to another hour past the end of the workday, Victor finally decided it was time to call it a night.

"Alright," he murmured softly to himself, the weariness evident in his tone as he prepared to pack up and head home, leaving behind the dull glow of the office lights for the darkness outside

Victor, a middle-aged man in his forties, boasts a sleek mane of black hair that complements his average, well-proportioned physique. Not overweight, yet not sporting defined abs either, he presents a balanced and typical appearance for his age and lifestyle.

As the day progressed into the late night, everyone at work was engrossed in their tasks until they finally glanced at the time. Victor, signaling the end of his work day, remarked, "Well, I suppose it's time to head home."

One of the coworkers eagerly suggested, "Anyone up for a drink? It's on me!"

Excitedly, another chimed in, "Absolutely! Count me in!" Gradually, more colleagues expressed their interest, gathering around as Victor got ready to leave.

Chris noticed Victor preparing to depart and asked, "Skipping out early again?"

Victor replied nonchalantly, "You know I can't stand crowded places."

Disappointed, Chris suggested, "It could be a great time, though."

Declining the invite, Victor explained, "No, thank you. I have some personal matters to attend to."

Understanding, Chris simply responded, "Alright then."

The group eventually dispersed, leaving Victor alone to make his way home.

The elevator descended with a soft ding, depositing him into the dimly lit parking garage. The overhead lights cast long shadows across the concrete floor, creating a somber atmosphere. His car sat there, waiting patiently, its sleek lines reflecting the faint light.

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