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disclaimer: I don't own ggbb and alien blues is playing.

amaris was greatful that the whispers had fizzled out in the month since valentines day, she was greatful because now she could actually put everything behind her. now she wouldn't have to hear a constant reminders about elliot. school was just as draining as it was before and amaris found herself skipping more often, ravi had given her a spare key to his house and said she could go there if she needed to get away from school but he made her promise she wasn't failing any classes.
amaris's mom wasn't as layed back with her skipping as ravi was but that was understandable, it was pretty much leannes job to make sure amaris attended school properly. which is why as amaris stepped into the kitchen she prepared herself for the scolding that would come after leanne had finished talking to pip.
"and you," -there it was- "the school called again said you didn't come in today."
"uh- yea, I wasn't really feelling up to it."
"yea, yea I know mom schools important and I need to go but I'm not failing and I have conner and cara collect whatever work I need to do."
"you shouldn't be putting any of your burdens on cara, she has enough to deal with."
"I know mom." I have shit to deal with too she wanted to say but that would have been selfish because whatever amaris had to deal with was nothing compared to what cara had to deal with, and she knew that. but she hadn't even asked cara to collect her work cara had offered. "can we not do this?"
"fine but if I get another call that your skipping then your grounded for a month."
"okay." amaris nods as Leanne moves to the living room where pip was telling Josh not to try to be a detective. amaris sighs before following her mom.
"have you heard from ravi yet?" leanne asks directing it at both her daughters who nod.
"they finished about 15 minutes ago, he'll be here to record soon." amaris mumbles passing her mom and plopping down onto the couch.
"ok and how was today?"
"he said it was rough," pip answers when realizing amaris wouldn't, "I wish I could be there."
"you know you can't you have school, and didn't you get enough after Tuesday I know I did."
Tuesday pip had been called in to recount maxs conversation with her when he confessed. amaris hadn't been called to the stands but she sat watching it with her mom and ravi on either side of her. amaris was so extremely uncomfortable in that courtroom there were times when she nearly bolted out of there but ravi kept her grounded, like he always did.
"yea, it was horrible but I should still be there."
"pip, please. this week's already hard enough as it is and with the memorial tomorrow. what a week."
"yep." pip sighed out in agreement
"you okay?" leanne asks placing a hand on her shoulder.
"yea, I'm always ok."
leanne didn't believe her but moved her attention to her other daughter that had been quietly chewing her lip on the couch, "and you mari?"
"hmm? yea I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"
Leanne once again didn't believe that but before she could urge her daughter's to tell the truth ravis signature knock was heard from the front door. amaris lept up and opened the door, immeiditly engulfing him in a hug.
"well hello, moon." ravi chuckles, while amaris closes her eyes letting everything that was bothering her wash away. ravi pulls away and looks at her, "you okay?"
amaris shrugs with a small frown, ravi wished despretly she would tell him what's wrong but he wouldn't push her and at least she gave him a better answer than the one she gave her mother, because the one she gave him wasn't a lie it just wasn't telling him what was wrong.
"when did you take this hoodie?" he questions, tugging lightly on the sleeve of his hoodie that she was wearing.
"when I was at your house earlier, I put one of the other ones I took back." amaris says pulling ravi inside and closing the door.
"I saw that," he mumbles before his brows furrow and he reaches out gently running his thumb along her bottom lip, "you've been chewing your lip again."
"it's fi-"
"maris it's bleeding." he cuts her off knowing what she was going to say.
"I don't even feel it ravi it's fine."
ravi shakes his head and steps forward closing the small distance between them, "mar-"
ravi was cut off by amaris smashing their lips together forcefully, he knew what she was doing but still gave into the kiss. "just shut up." she mumbles against his lips and he nods, lacking the willpower and want to argue with her. his hands move to either side of her face and bring their their lips back together. his tongue swipes along her bottom lip, he ignores the slight taste of blood as she grants him access to her mouth.
she was so lost in him and that was fine with her. ravi was the only thing she ever needed, "I l-"
"ew, mom! tell mari and ravi to stop spitswapping in the hallway!" pips voice cuts amaris off and she found the urge to slap her sister, though it wasn't pips fault and amaris knew that which is why she hadn't assaulted her sister.
groaning amaris tucks her head under ravis chin, "I hate you pip." she grumbles but pip couldn't hear her, she had already moved up the stairs.
ravi felt amaris' breath against his chest as she mumbled something about pip pissing her off, his arms were wrapped around her waist holding her flush against him, in that moment it was just them just mari and ravi, just the sun and his moon, and if he could he would stay in that moment forever.

there was zero doubt in his mind that he loved her the problem was he was afraid she didn't love him.

also there's 4 stray kittens in the property where our horses are and they are literally the cat versions of the mauraders.

Eclipse  {Ravi Singh}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن