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disclaimers: i dont own agggtm and my moms boyfriend is a bitchass man child

she didnt know how long she was on that porch, she didnt know when the other cop cars came, all she knew is that she had given her statement and pip was in the middle of giving hers. amaris stared down at the phone in her hands, she wanted nothing more than to call ravi, but something was stopping her. what? she didnt know, but it was fine because before she had time to figure it out she heard his voice.
"amaris!" he yelled, amaris bolts towards the sound.
ravi lets out a breathe of relief when amaris runs right into him. "are you okay?" he asks worridly holding her face as he looks over her.
"i'm fine now." she mumbles leaning into his touch, "what are you doing here."
"me? when you guys didnt show up at my place i check My Friends and low and behold, my moon is at the house we suspected elliot ward was holding andie in. why did you guys come here by yourselves."
"pip needed to come and i couldn't let her be alone. and you need to know the entire story not whatever the police release." amaris mumbles, looking down trying to gather the words. she then told him every thing. everything elliot had told her and pip, she apologized more times than she could count.
"don’t be sorry, moon, nothing can bring him back, i know that. but we have, in a way. sal was murdered,
sal was innocent, and now everyone will know." he says with a sad smile. amaris reaches up and softly wipes away his tears, her eyes holding ones that threatened to spill. "God, mari. it must've been so hard for you to be in that room with him, im sorry." he whispers holding her face softly, as if it was the most delicate flower.
"im fine, its fine." she says quickly with a shake of her head.
"maris." he mumbles with a certain look in his eyes. amaris didn't focus on the look though, instead her brain focussed on the new nickname.
"maris?" she questions softly.
"what you don't like it?"
"no, i do." she smiles softly before standing on her tip toes to place a quick kiss on his lips.

ravi and amaris sat side by side in the backseat of pips car, her head was resting on his shoulder and their hands were intertwined. pip was driving silently, every now and then she glance in the rearview mirror at them. she was worried about both of them, but they seemed to anchor eachother. amaris's leg bounced less, and ravi looked like any worry or sadness he had dissipated with his and amaris's close proximity.
amaris hadnt even realized she was tired until her head laid onto ravi shoulder, she felt as if the entire world faded and it was only her and ravi-- which she was perfectly content with-- she tried to fight sleep, she really did, but eventually the exhaustion took over and she was sleeping soundly on her ravi.

ravi groans quietly as pips car pulls up infront of his house, it's not like he didn't was to go home. he did, he wanted to run inside that house and be able to finally tell his parents, with certainty, that sal was innocent, but the problem was leaving and waking up amaris. he really, really, really didnt want to do it especially not when he had just recently found out she hardly slept. he sighs as he looks down at her, she really was completly and undeniable pretty; her hair framed her face perfectly and her pink lips were a contrast to her pale face, her face held a soft, peaceful expression.
"maris." he whispers, brushing away her hair out of her face. she hums, shifting her body closer to him. "I've got to go, moon."
amaris shakes her head and grips his arm tightly, "no just stay." she mutters quietly and it took everything in him not to just agree and sit with her in the car for forever.
"i cant." he groans, "i have to tell my parents everything. i really wish I could stay right her with you but i cant."
"i know, im sorry I shouldnt have-"
"don't you dare finish that sentance, maris."
"stop apoligizing, moon."
"sor-" she purses her lips cutting herself off because she was indeed about to apologize again.
ravi smiles at her, "you'll call me if you cant sleep right?" he asks softly his hand moving from her hand to where her neck and jaw meet.
she nods, not trusting herself to able speak properly due to how flustered she was from his hand placement.
"good." he mumbles before connecting their lips.
their lips moved perfectly in sync, connecting like two pieces of the same puzzle. thankfully pip had moved to stand outside of the car before they began their kiss.
amaris's stomach was filled with a whole fucking zoo as ravi kissed her, her hands had found the collar of his shirt and gripped it, one of ravis hands rested on her thigh while the other stayed were her jaw and neck met.
her lips tasted sweet, the lingering effects of her now signiture lip gloss she had applied earlier in the day before school, the lip gloss was long gone now-- much to ravis dissmay-- but her lips still tasted slightly of it, however that wasnt the only reason ravi found her lips sweet, the other reason was simply because amaris was the sweetest person he ever known and somehow that sweetness had traveled to her lips making it seem possible to get a toothache from just one kiss.

if her lips were a drug, he would be an addict and he couldn't care less.

was the last paragraph so extremely hozier coded? yes because i am an absolute fucking slut for song correlations and useally i suck at them but I actually like this one.

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