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disclaimers: I don't own aggtm and after I finish aggtm I might take a small break before starting ggbb or just change my posting schedule, because I'm also working on a hp fanfic.

it had been three months since everything had happened and two months since ravi and amaris had officially started dating, now amaris and pip were supposed to do a presentation thing for the entire town. and amaris was more then nervous.
"there are alot of people out there, sarge." ravi says, his arm wrapped around amaris.
"yea, like, two hundred." ravis words made her anxiously reach up to play with her necklace, the necklace ravi gave her for christmas a week after he asked her to be his girlfriend, it was a  gold necklace with a moon pendant and a few dangling stars. "are you guys nervous?"
"are you asking obvious questions?" pip asks at the same time amaris asks,
"is the sky blue?"
Ravi shakes his head at the two, "can I come over later."
"yes." amaris says without any hesitation.
"if I said no, mari would murder me in my sleep. plus care and Naomi are coming over for dinner."
"we're ready when you are, pippa, amaris." Mrs Morgan says coming into the room.
"ok, we’ll be out in a minute." pip says
"well, i'd better go and take my seat." ravi says once it was just the three of them again.
"wait, pip can you give us a moment." amaris asks her sister with pleading eyes, pip nods and walks away. "ravi I can't do this. i- i can't. not in front of that many people." amaris's voice was full of anxiety.
"yes you can, i promise you can." ravi says hooking their pinkies with one hand and bringing the other to the side of her face. hooking their pinkies was their thing. every couple had one and that was theirs, it brought them both comfort and wasn't always obvious.
"you better have a seat in the front row because I can't be fucking searching throughout the crowd for you." amaris mumbles staring at ravis eyes.
he laughs, "I will be, moon, don't worry."
"thank you, sun." she smiles softly before connecting their lips. ravi smiles and pulls away before pecking her lips and saying.
"we should probably go out now."
amaris nods but her eyes stay closed and connects their lips again. it goes like that for a minute or two before they both sigh and fully pull away with wide smiles.
"okay go now so pip and I can get ready."
"alright, your going to be amazing."
"I know."
ravi rolls his eyes, "oh, and, don’t tell them the only reason you became partners with pip on this project was because you liked me. think of a more noble reason."
"go." she says pointing to the door with an amused smile.
"don’t feel bad. you couldn’t help yourself, i’m ravishing, get it? ravi-shing. ravi singh."
"die. literally die."
"what the hell, maris! that hurts i thought you like me."
"see that's the problem; you tried to think."
amaris bursts out laughing at Ravi s face, his jaw was quite literally dropped, "I'm kidding, I'm kiddng. you should have seen your face though."
"I hate you."
"that's a lie."
"oh my God enough flirting I can still hear you out here." pips voice comes from behind the door making ravi and amaris's eyes widen before they start laughing hysterically.  "okay that's enough, ravi leave." pip says walking back in.
"yes sarge." he says saluting with two fingers before placing a quick kiss on amaris's forehead and leaving.
pip and amaris pace quietly as they go over their speech in their heads, weelll pip went over her speech amaris went over every feature of ravis face and the feeling of his lips on hers. then silently, as if they agreed on it mentally, they both headed to the stage. when they walked onstage amaris's breath hitched, there really was alot of people there. nervously she brought her hand up to her necklace, she had noticed that that had replaced her usual nervous ticks. her eyes scanned the crowd as they reacted vastly different, half cheered and clapped, the other half sat quietly frozen in place by some impossible force.
"get ’em, pickle! you got this mars!" Victor yelled standing up in the front row. leannes eyes widen and she tugs him back into his seat while sharing a look with nisha who sat to her right. the actions of her family brought a small smile to her face and made half of her anxiousness disappear and when her eyes trailed down the row to ravi the other half of her anxiety fell away and was replaced with a new emotion, one that amaris didn't have a name for yet. but with ravi watching her she could do this, she could do anything.
"Hi," pip said into a microphome while handing the other one to amaris, "my name is pip, this is my sister mari, and i know many things. i know that typewriter is the longest word that can be made with just one
row of the keyboard. i know that the anglo-zanzibar war was the
shortest in history, lasting only thirty-eight minutes. i know my sister probably disnt know any of these things before two days ago. i also know that this project put ourselves, our friends and our family in danger and has changed many lives, not all for the better. but what I don’t know, is why this town and the national media still don’t really understand what happened here. we're not the “prodigy students” who found the truth for andie bell in long articles where sal singh and his brother ravi are relegated to small side notes. this project began with sal. to find the
amaris's eyes dart through the crowd finding everyone she knew, her parents and ravis parents side by side in the front row, farther along the line josh and ravi sat the former playing on the latter's phone, a few rows back conner, zach, ant, and lauren sat. cara couldn't come to this, she just couldn't and pip and mari understood.
drawing strength from her friends, family's, and boyfriends eyes she began her part of the speech.
"we couldn’t have fathomed, that when this project was over, it would end with four people in handcuffs and one being set free after five years in her own prison. elliot ward"--- Ravi didn't miss the tiny flinch-- "has pleaded guilty to the murder of sal singh, to the kidnap of isla jordan, perverting the course of justice, and," amaris gulps closing her eyes for a second, "sexual assault of a minor. his sentencing hearing is next week. becca bell will face trial later this year for the following charges: manslaughter by gross negligence, preventing a lawful burial and perverting the course of justice. max hastings has been charged with four counts of sexual assault and two counts of rape, and will also be tried later this year. and howard bowers has pleaded guilty to the charge of supplying a controlled drug and possession with intent to sell."
"so, why did the events of friday the twentieth of april 2012 happen? the way i see it, there are a handful of people who carry some of the
blame for what happened that night and the days following, morally if
not all criminally. these are: elliot ward, howard bowers, max hastings, becca bell, jason bell and, do not forget, andie herself. you have cast her as your beautiful victim and wilfully overlook those more shaded layers of her character, because it doesn’t comfortably fit your narrative. but this is the truth: andie bell was a bully who used emotional blackmail to get what she wanted. she sold drugs without care or regard for how they might be used. we will never know if she knew she was facilitating drug-assisted sexual assault, but certainly when
confronted with this truth by her own sister she could not find it in herself to show compassion." pip continues, "and yet, when we look closer, what do we find behind this true andie? we find a girl, vulnerable and self conscious. because andie grew up being taught by her father that the only value she had was in the way she looked and how strongly she was desired. home for her was a place where she was bullied and belittled. andie never got the chance to become the young woman she might have been away from that house, to decide for herself what made her valuable and what future she wanted. and though this story does have its monsters, i've found that it is not one that can be so easily cleaved into the good and the bad. in the end, this was a story about people and their different shades of desperation, crashing up against each other. but there was one person who was good until the very end. and his name was sal singh." pip glances at Ravi and amaris, smiling when she notices that their eyes are locked and hold small smile towards each other.
"the thing is, we didn’t do this project alone, as the guidelines require. we couldn’t have done it on our own. so, i guess you’re going to have to disqualify us." amaris says and rolls her eyes at the gasps, "we couldn’t have solved this case without ravi singh. in fact, my sister wouldn’t have survived it. so, if anyone should speak about how kind sal singh was now that you’re all finally listening, it’s his brother." ravis eyes were wide and he subtly shakes his head at amaris and pip, the latter gestures with her head for him to come up but he only shakes his head. "josh cover your ears," amaris says waiting for josh to cover his ears before saying, "ravi get your fucking ass up here."
ravi rolls his eyes but stands up and walks to the stage, Victor stood too whistling and clapping loudly, some students joining in. amaris hands him her microphone when he walks over to her, he takes the microphone with one hand the other entertaining their pinkies- again it their thing, so yea they do it alot.
"erm . . . hi, wasn’t expecting this, but it’s not every day a girl throws away a guaranteed A star for you. but, I guess, I didn’t need preparation to talk about sal. I’ve been preparing for that nearly six years now. my brother wasn’t just a good person, he was one of the best. he was kind, exceptionally kind, always helping people and nothing was ever too much trouble. he was selfless. i remember this one time when we were kids, i spilt ribena all over the carpet and Sal took the fall for me so I wouldn’t get in trouble. lops, sorry, Mom, guess you had to find out some time. sal was cheeky. and he had the most ridiculous laugh; you couldn’t help but join in. and, oh yeah, he used to spend hours drawing these comics for me to read in bed because i wasn’t a great sleeper. i still have them all. and damn was sal clever. i know he would have done incredible things with his life, if it hadn’t been taken away from him.
the world will never be as bright without him in it," ravi’s voice
cracked and amaris frowns. "and i wish I’d been able to tell him all this when he was alive. tell him he was the best big brother anyone could ever wish for. but at least i can say it now on this stage and know that this time everyone will believe me." ravi finishes, glancing at amaris who sent him a warm smile.
pip steps forward again and brings her microphone up, "but there was one final player in this story, fairview, and it’s us. collectively we turned a beautiful life into the myth of a monster. we turned a family home into a ghost house. and from now on we must do better."
"any questions?" amaris asks interlocking her and ravis hands, her fingers falling to rest perfectly in between his knuckles like a river placed expertly in between two hills.
it was almost as if the two of them were made for each other.

the first book is almost done I just have one or two more chapters I want to do.

this is the inspo for mari's necklace just gold

Eclipse  {Ravi Singh}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن