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disclaimers: i dont own agggtm but i just bought this really cut mini longhorn stuffed animal :)

"holy shit. how do you have it?"
"the police released it a few months after andies case closed."
"can i- can we look at it." amaris asks refering to her and pip.
"well i was hoping you would, thats why i brought it."
"um- fuck uh, i need to get pip, s-she'll know what to do." amaris quickly unlocks the door and yels for pip, while unclipping barney.
"what? whats up?" "um a few things, firstly, ravi wants in on this investigation and i agreed, and secondly he brought sals phone said we can look at it." amaris rushes over her words, not taking a breath in between them.
"holy pepperoni," pip breaths out.
"thats what i said, well i used shit instead of pepperoni. why'd you say pepperoni? thats weird. nevermind i know the answer its cause you are weird." amaris ranted and ravi watched her while pip didnt even seem to notice her sister excited ranting.
"come on we'll look at it in my worksation." pip says dashing farther dowm the hallway, amaris following
"ugh, dont call it that its weird. but you dont care cause ypur weird. ive called you weird twice in the past minute. and ive said weird way to much." amaris and pip suddenly realize that ravi hadnt followed them, they stop and turn in sync causing ravi to laugh again.
"what's funny? come on." pip beckons.
"sorry you guys are very entertaining."
amaris rolls her eyes walking back to where ravi stood in the door way grabbing his wrist she pulls him inside and closes the door locking it before pulling him down the hallway and to the stairs.
"quick, dont drop it." pip orders.
"im not going to drop it." ravi says as amaris tugs him up the stairs. pip rushes into the bedroom while amaris tugs on ravi who was moving far to slowly, "calm down, moon."
"why do you keep calling me that?" "its your name." ravi says as the two make it into pip and amaris's shared room. "workstation?" he asks looking over the room, it was very obvious whos side was whos.
amaris's side had the bed in one corner, the window starting just before the foot of the bed, she had a cactus and a succulent sitting in the windowsill along with a painting that looked like it was drying. her bed was somewhat messy with her blankets thrown to one side and a book, her phone, and headphones thrown lazily onto it. on the floor lay random shoes, she had a book case that sat in the other other corner it held several books, a shelf for records, and a shelf or two for small paintings on wooden holders and dried flowers inside glass soda bottles. a record player sat next to it on a small dresser. her half of the walls were littered with posters and paintings. there was a bunch of pictures hung by clips on a string that was pinned to the wall, the pictures were a mix of her, her family, barney, ber friends, and photos of landscapes and builings or sunsets that she'd taken with her camera. her camera sat in its case on her nightstand next to her laptop.
pips side was the opposite it was clean, her bed made neatly, a desk positioned near it that held her laptop and books she had for when school started.
"yup, while some people might work in their bedrooms, i
sleep in my workstation. it's very different."
"her half is a worksation, my half is a bedroom." amaris says motioning for ravi to sit in pips desk chair, knowing tht she wouldnt sit in it.
"here you go then. i charged it last night."
pip takes the phone carefully from ravi, "have you looked through it before?" she asks.
"yeah, of course. obsessively. but go ahead, sergeant. where would
you look first?"
"call log." pip says.
amaris watches over her shoulder as she goes to the call log, she looked through the missed call list first. There were dozens from the 24th April, the Tuesday he had died. Calls from Dad, Mom, Ravi, Naomi, Jake and unsaved numbers that must have been the police trying to locate him.pip scrolled back further, to the date of andie's disappearance. sal had
two missed calls that day. One was from Max-y Boy at 7:19 p.m.,
probably a when-are-you-coming-over call from Max. The other missed
call was from Andie<3 at 8:54 p.m.
"andie called him that night, just before nine." pip says out loud.
ravi nods, "sal didnt pick up though."
"amaris! pippa! no boys in your room! and im mainly talking to you, mars cause you dragged him upstairs!" victor called up the stairs.
amaris felt the heat rush to her cheeks she walks over to her door and calls down, "we're working on the EPQ and our doors open!"
"thatll do!" victor says before going back to whatever he was doing before this.
amaris walks back over to pip and ravi, the latter laughing again.
"stop finding my life 'entertaining'" she the speaks the last word in her impression of ravis voice.
"i dont sound like that."
"yes you do."
"he called her over a hundred times." ravi says noticing pips face.
"Why would he ring her so many times if he'd supposedly killed her
and had her phone hidden somewhere?" pip asks and amaris nods wondering the same thing, as she sits on pips desk facing ravi and pip.
"I contacted the police years ago and asked them that very question, the officer told me it was clear that Sal was making a conscious effort to look innocent, by calling the victim's phone so many times."
"'But, if he was trying to appear innocent and evade capture, why didn't he get rid of the phone? he could have put it in the same place as her body and it never would have connected him to her death. why would he keep the one biggest bit of evidence? And then feel desperate enough to end his life with this vital evidence on him?" amaris asks her head tilting, making her hair fall into her eyes.
ravi shoots finger guns at her as he watches her tuck her hair behind her ear, "the policeman couldnt answer that either."
"Did you look at the last texts Andie and Sal sent each other?" pip asks.
"yea have a look." ravi says before noticing amaris's scrunched face and adding, "dont worry they arent sexty or anything."
amaris watches as pip read the text scrolling up some before turning the phone to ravi, amaris leans forward so she can see the phone as well. im not talking to you till youve stopped
she was to busy reading the text to notice how close she and ravi were their body heat mixing together.
"He said that just after ignoring her call that night. Do you know what they could have been fighting about? What did Sal want Andie to stop?" pip asks ravi who shrugs.
"no idea." ravi says his eyes moving from the screen to amaris who was still examining the text, racking her brain for any gossip that she couldve heard about them at the time. ravi watches as she once again tucks her hair behind her ear.
pip pulls the phone away and pushes amaris back some before reaching between amaris and ravi for her laptop.
"can i just type this out in my research?" not wating to get an answer before sitting on her bed and typing it out.
"Now you need to look at the last text he sent my dad. The one they said is his confession"
amaris hops off of the des and over to pip who was sctolling to sals last text to his fathet, it was me. i did it. i'm so sorry. amaris's face contorts in confusion as she rereads it again noticing the difference in grammer.
"you see it too right?" ravi asks, he was watching the two, one more than the other, gaging their recations.
amaris nods while pip asks, "the grammer?"
"Sal was the cleverest person I knew," he said, "but he texted like an
illiterate. Always in a rush, no punctuation, no capital letters"
'He must have had autocorrect turned off," pip replies, "and yet, in this
last text, we have three full stops and an apostrophe. Even though it's all
in lower case."
"and what does that make you think?"
"my mind doesnt take small jumps, ravi, it takes mount Everest sized leaps. it makes me think that someone else wrote that text." pip says looking up at her sister who finishes pips thoughts.
"someone added the punctuation cause thats how they text, they probably thought it looked like sals cause it was all lower case." ravis eyes dart around amaris's face as she talks.
"That's what I thought too, when we first got it back. The police just
sent me away. My parents didn't want to hear it either," ravi sighs, "i
think they're terrified of false hope. I am too, if I'm honest."
amaris frowns, she wanted more than anything to give the singhs, to give ravi closure. certainty on if sal did kill andie or not.
pip looks through the phone as amaris sits next to her chewing her lip and her leg bounced.
"theres something intersting in the notes." ravi says rolling over in the desk chair and opening the notes app for the two.
amaris was hyper aware of her and ravis knees touching. in fact she was so focused on it she didnt even look at whatever ravi was mentioning in the notes app or what pip and ravi were saying about it. her leg had stopped bouncing the moment his knee touched hers. she always did that, if someone was sitting close enough that their legs touch amaris would calm her bouncing leg afraid it would annoy them.
why did it matter so much that her and ravis knees were touching? it wasnt like she liked him... right? she barely knew him, she couldnt like him, it wouldnt make sense. she didnt like him. but if that was true why was she so focused on his knee touching hers? she wasnt, she decided, it was just the tension in the room that came with investigating a murder case. it was messing with her mind. that was all.
"hey mari?" pip calling her name pulls amaris from her thoughts.
"why dont you walk, ravi to the door."
he was leaving? how long had she been in her head?
"um yea sure."
ravi follows amaris down the stairs and to the front door silently.
"well, ill see you moon."
"urgh! stop calling me that, ravi."
"well it suits you and is your name."
"no my names amaris."
"which means child of the moon so your moon."
"well your name mean sun does that mean your sun?" amaris asks and ravi shrugs, stepping onto the front porch.
"only if you want me to be."
"goodbye, ravi."
"what no sun?"
"bye, ravi."
"goodbye, moon." ravi says with a smirk as amaris shuts the door.

two in one day cause i forgot to post yesterday

Eclipse  {Ravi Singh}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin