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disclaimer: I don't own aggtm and I think ima make a hp fanfic

amaris pages no mind to her and ravis parents talking she was more focussed on the boy who sat in front of her playing legos with her brother. josh had practically dragged ravi onto the floor to play with him, ravi hadn't minded though. actually ravi really enjoyed hanging out with josh and josh seemed to absolutely love ravi. Josh would blabber on and on about the most random topics, at the currant second josh was talking about his teacher, who he didn't hate but didn't really love. ravi nodded enthusiastically with each of josh's statement, agreeing and giving him the entirity of his attention, the sight was so heart warming amaris couldn't take her eyes away from it.  
ravi grins at one josh's comment, josh was so much like amaris ravi could hardly believe it. despite the obvious difference between them, like their genders, race, and age, josh and amaris were practically the same person.
ravi leans back against amaris's legs, resting the back of his head against the space just above her knees so her could look up at her. she smiles at the action and threads her fingers through his hair.
"you are so pretty." ravis whisper was almost lost in the noise of everyone else. almost. amaris could feel her face heating up at his compliment. in his opinion that just made her prettier, if that was possible.
"thank you." she mumbles, "oh i crocheted more stuff." her hands move to his jaw to rub circles on it.
"what'd you make?" he asks, glancing at josh to make sure he hadn't completely abandoned the boy, once he was sure her moved his body so that he was facing her and his chin sat on her legs.
"i made a top and a little bag. oh and two small decorative pillows."
"well I'm sure it all looks amazing." he says his hands wrapped around her lower legs.
across the room nisha and leanne sat side by side, smiling at ravi and amaris's interaction.
"how long do you think it'll take until they're official?" nisha asks.
"not long at all." leanne says back.
"ravi, you can't abandon me for my sister!" josh exclaims, pulling ravi and amaris out of their little world, the world where it was only them. just the moon and her sun.
"I would never. she is not cool." ravi replies turning to face josh, amaris playfully kicks him and josh lightly smacks his leg. "ow!" he exclaims sarcastically.
"mari is so cool." josh defends as he stands up and climbs into amaris's lap.
"thank you" amaris says with a smile before she sticks her tongue out at ravi.
"real mature, moon." ravi replies sarcastically, his eyes know on her lips. she rolls her eyes with a smile and lightly kicks him again.
"mari do you want to play legos with me instead of ravi?" josh asks his hands on her shoulders to get her attention, ravi gasps in mock hurt.
"why, yes, I would. but first let me get a jacket." she says moving to stand up.
ravi shakes his head, "you can have mine, moon."
"no it's fine ravi I have multitude of hoodies upstairs."
"and i want you to have mine."
"amaris take the fucking jacket." pip cuts in, keeping her voice low so josh and their parents don't hear her cuss.
"okay. okay I'll take the jacket."
"good." ravi mumbles and hands his jacket to amaris, who slips it on and then sits down next to him across from josh. the latter went on explaining what they were gonna build and why, but then he got off topic and started talking about star wars. amaris leans backwards, her back resting against ravi's chest, her eyes drooping.
"someone's sleepy." he teases his arm wrapping around her waist and drawing shapes.
"yea, I only got four hours of sleep."
"you didn't sleep when you came back home?"
"then sleep now."
"i can't itd be a horrible impression on your parents."
"they won't care."
"I will, though." she mumbles, moving her head to look at ravi.
ravi frowns and reaches up fucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "something else is on you mind. what is it? wait don't answer that I know it's got to do with andie, and by the looks of it sarge is also thinking about andie."
"it's doesn't make sense, ravi. where is andie bell? where did she go after she left-"
"you don't have to say his name I know you don't like to hear it." ravi cuts her off his voice quiet and holding so much sincerity and security, "and I don't know where she went. but the police reopened the case, they'll find her. our part is done."
"your right."
"of course I am." he remarks teasingly.
"shut up."

guys this is a short chap because I'm still planing out how I'm gonna do the next few chapters but I'm sorry for being so inconsistent on my update I'm trying I promise. anyway love you pooks💞

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