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disclaimers: i dont own agggtm and i love you all <3 and I'm cramming to write this so I can post today lmao I've only just started and its 10:48

leanne held in her tears as pip told her and victor everything, but now, sitting on her and her husband's bed listening to amaris explain how elliot ward had groped her, she couldnt. she let her tears fall freely as she stood up and walked to her daughter.
"oh, sweetheart." she mumbles before wrapping amaris in a hug.
victor sat on the bed, his jaw clenched in anger as he thought about a man he'd known for eleven years, a man he had trusted had touched his daughter. victor wanted to find elliot and beat the living hell out of the man but he couldnt. he wouldnt. not when his daughter and wife were sobbing into eachothers arms. no his plans for beating elliot would have to wait until he knew they were okay.
amaris seemed to only sob harder when victors arms wrapped around both her and leanne, she didnt quite know why though. she did know that being hugged so tightly by her parents made her feel both saddened and happy. she couldnt explain it if she wanted to but something about the way they clung to her and the way they looked when she was telling them everything made her sad.
maybe it was because she felt guilty that they were so upset about something that had happened to her, now this thought process didnt make sense but amaris's thoughts seldom did.

she tossed and turned tirelessly in the dark, she couldnt for the life of her fall asleep. every time she closed her eyes she would either see elliot or she would see ravis face as she explained everything, so no matter how much her body longed to sleep she couldnt. it wasnt like this was a rare occurrence, most nights would be similar to this one; she wouldn't be able to sleep, for various reasons, and would lie awak in bed, letting the silence overcome her. however tonight she didnt want that, tonight she wanted sleep. she needed sleep.
"fuck me." she crumpled throwing back her covers.

ravi groans quietly as his phone rings, he picks it up to see amariss contact name and immediately answers.
"moon?" his voice was groggy from still being half asleep.
"im outside your house." she replies.
"well that's not fucking creepy."
"i couldn't sleep, like at all, so I um came here. which makes zero sense now that i think about it but I'm already here so..."
"im going to open the door." ravi mumbles before hanging up and opening his door. amariss eyes widen at the fact that he was shirtless, yes it made sense he was in bed after all but still it surprised her.
"are you gonna come in or not?" he asks his voice quiet and soft.
"right." amaris nods before stepping inside, ravi closes the door behind her before pulling on the shirt amaris hadnt notices was in his hand. "um to be honest im not even sure why I'm here." she mumbles and he smiles comfortingly
"that's fine. we can just watch a movie or something untill you fall asleep." he says grabbing her hand and pulling her to the couch.
amaris was relieved to say the least, a part of her was worried ravi would just tell her to go home and leave him alone. the other part of her knew he would never do that but still she was extremely anxiety filled on the walk to his house, however that anxiety dissipated the second ravi sat down on the couch and then pulled her down too.
she had adjusted to be more comfortable so now her head rested on his lap as she layed across the couch. ravi had put on a random Disney movie before begining to thread his finger through her hair.
"did you walk here?" he mumbles realizing he hadn't seen a car outfront. amaris nods tiredly, fighting to keep her eyes open. "maris thats dangerous and you must have been freezing."
she shrugs, "im fine now." she curls her body into itself and ravi shakes his head.
"i don't want you to do that again, moon, okay?" he asks, draping a throw blanket over her.
"okay." she hums in agreement before letting herself succumb to her exhaustion.
ravi sighs as he plays with her hair, he really didnt like that she walked all the way to his house in the middle of the night, he began to worry; what if something happened to her? what if he lost her? God he didn't want to think about losing her.

he didn't know how he would survive if he lost her.

this took an hour cause I stopped to eat leftovers.

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