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disclaimer: i dont own agggtm

amaris trudges into her and pips shared room, "alright pipsqueak, what are you doing for your EPQ and do you want to work together on it?"
"well i would but you wont like the project."
"no that doesnt matter let me work with you on it the school said we could have one partner."
"why do you want to work together so bad, mari?"
amaris shrugs, "half the work. so whats our project?"
pip sighs, "the andie bell case it doesnt sit right with me so im going to be investigating it."
"no we are."
"okay, then, we are going to the singh home friday to interview sal singhs younger brother."
"pip." amaris groans
"dont be like everyone else in this town mari, he didnt murder anyone his brother may have." "im not being like everyone in the town pippa but you dont just go to someones house and ask about their brother whos a murder that isnt right and the family is still healing this wont help!"
"mars, pipsicle! dinner!" thier dad, victor, yelled up the stairs cutting pip off.
amaris and pip walk downstairs in complete silence, a silence that stays with them as they eat.
"go ahead tell me what happened upstairs."
"dad, did you know pippa was going to interview sal's brother friday."
"i did."
"and your just goimg to let her?"
"mari you shouldnt judge the singhs-"
"im not! but if she goes and asks about sal its like ripping off a scab from a healing wound."
"amaris he agreed!" pip argues.
"i still dont think its the best idea pippa."
"okay enough with the full names, both of you. pip will go there friday and so will you mari strictly so that pip doesnt go to far to 'rip off a scab'."
"well i have to because me and pip are partners for the EPQ."
"Mari's just doing it so she doesnt have to work." josh says taking a bite of his pizza.
"shhhh josh pip doesnt know." amaris whispers loudly to her little brother who giggles.
if you were being technical josh was her step-brother and victor was her step-dad, but amaris hated those words. victor is her dad and josh is her brother no matter what anyone thought, and boy did people have a lot to think about it, especially when amaris started highschool.
amaris looks down at her lap where barney was resting his head giving her the biggest puppy eyes ever so with a smile amaris hands her half eaten crust to barney who eats it in one big bite.
"mars, pizza is for humans, dog food is for dogs." victor says from across the table.
"i wasnt going to finish it anyway. im full."
"hi full im dad." amaris face scrunches at the horrible dad joke. "okay point taken but you only had one piece."
"ill probably come down later for more save me some okay?"
victor sighs, "okay."
"thank you!" amaris beams standing up and placing her plate in the sink before jogging up to her and pips room.
amaris had never been a big fan of sitting at the table after shes eaten, yes she knows its polite to and thats why she barred through it for years but a year ago at dinner victor had told her she didnt have to sit there after she ate and so now she didnt, she usually asks to make sure its fine but the answer from her parents was always the same, yes.
looking through her records she picks a coldplay one and sets it in her record player before grabbing her scketchbook. art had always been her thing, pip was smart, josh had football, and amaris had her art. drawing, painting, photography, music, and literature.
pinning her black hair up with a claw clip, she sits on her bed mindlessly sketching. she didnt know what she was drawing until it was done, thats how most of her drawings were. she would listen to music or get lost in her thoughts while she drew she liked the uncertainty in not knowing what she was drawing it was exciting.
this drawing was a human heart with flowers sprouting out of it. humming along to sparks, amaris finishes the sketch with some shading just as barney walks into the room his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
amaris closes her sketchbook and puts it away before calling barney onto the bed and cuddling next to him, letting the melody of yellow lull her to sleep.

i wasnt going to post BUT average_desi_bitch added this story to her reading list and i liked the reading list name so here you go

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