Chapter 09: This is My Ideal World, What's Yours?

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(6 months later)

I hear birds chirping and singing melodies into the clear, blue sky. Flowers were blooming all about, filling the forest with nothing but pollen and life. I see all types of flowers, blooming and sprouting. The trees have regrown their fresh, green leaves. Bees buzz throughout, collecting pollen from the newborn flowers. I walk under the trees, through the forest, with Neorong.

"Dun, dun, dun." Neorong says dramatically, matching each word with her footsteps. She holds her hands out, like they were wings, and 'propels' her way through the forest. Her gaze is fixated on the ground, as she looks at her feet, watching her steps.

We walk shoulder to shoulder. Neorong's left hand floated directly besides me. I lift up my hand, and give her a small slap. I then turn away, as if nothing had happened.

"Ow!" Neorong jumps back. She recedes her hands, with her right covering her left. Neorong's eyes dart around, in search of who had hit her. Then, she looked at me, dead in the eyes. She flares, "You hit me!"

I reiterate Neorong's actions. "Ow!" I mimic her tone. I cover my left hand with my right, and my eyes dart around in search of the culprit. After a moment, I then turned to Neorong. I locked my gaze with hers, and accused her of 'hitting' me. "You hit me!"



"I would never do such a thing!"

"I would never do such a thing!"

"Stop copying me, copycat!"

I sketch an imaginary question mark into the air, with my finger. I blink a few times at her, with a quizzical expression marked across my face. I was playing dumb, acting like I had never mimicked her actions. I protest, "But I've never done such a thing!"

Right now, the atmosphere is full of levity, something I could never have back at home. I reckoned that such frivolousness like this was arcane. I did not understand how I people could go about with such joy and laughter, as most of my memory is created with the opposite of that. It didn't matter though. One day, I'm hoping, that I would be able to understand terms of which I could've never done so inside of this dystopia.

"Quit mortifying me!" Neorong snaps at me, jokingly. "You're evil!"

"Mortify you? Why would I ever mortify you? I will honestly and truthfully deny any of this mortification you dare accuse me of. You must know that I would not dare to commit any of this mortification." I retort, shoving my hands on my hips. I send her an arcane look, one that caused confusion to spur inside of her. After a minute, Neorong spoke. She raised her hand in the air and waved a farewell.

"I'm taking my valedictory now, bye bye!" She exclaimed, turning to walk away in the direction of the woods. Thump! I hear, as I watch Neorong hit a tree while whirling around to walk away. I try my best to contain my uncontainable laughter, but I end up muffling a giggle. She eyes me another glare, but it flies over my head.

We laugh. We play. We do things I could never do back at my home. We turn to the light, like sunflowers in the daylight. Like moonflowers in the moonlight. A rare occurrence for me. I normally find myself cowering in fear, pondering about life, and also sitting at my desk, simply staring at the pages of a book with a pen at hand. I often find myself hallucinating and acting delusional, picturing a perfect life. I daydream more than I dream at night. I wish for more than what I can achieve. Perhaps, I should just stop wishing. Perhaps, I should just turn on the mechanics of a robot.

The minute I'm back at my home, I wither. If... if only I could change.

The ideal world I pursue, a world without such hardships like the ones I'm currently facing, that is the world I want. That is also the world I will never get. This is a goal that would cling onto me, and never let go. But at the same time, it's a thread that I can't reach.


  It only took two words to snap me out of my daydream. Two words, that sent chills down my spine. They shake me out of my trance.

"Fuck you."


Very short chapter, yes, I know, but this chapter is more of a filler chapter in some way. There's not much I could really write about Neorong and Myeong-Jun playing games out in the forest, eh? This chapter is infinitely shorter than my other chapters, (except for chapter 1, 2, and the prologue, except 2 and the prologue are subjected to be changed.) I may also rewrite this chapter one day in the future, once I finished with the other chapters. I can't be stalling all the other chapters just because of this chapter!

Oh well, have a great day/night!


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