Chapter 08: There is a Strange Quill Feather on My Desk

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I find myself back in my room, back at my desk. The moon's light shined through the window above my desk, illumining my desk with it's glistening, blue-white light. Shockingly, tonight was the night of a full moon.

The entire house was silent. Everyone, from father to mother, to Ji-ho, everyone was asleep. Neorong and Rei had bid their farewells long ago. After Rei dropped off the guns to my father, he took Neorong to her home. Despite my house being farther from the city than theirs', they followed me to mine. They... were like the opposite of my father.

I only hear the sound of the forest outside, as owls hooted, and mice squeaked. I stand near my desk, and I look up at the gleaming moon. I see the moon, and stars of all sorts yet again. I stare at the stars, as they dance and flicker in the darkened sky. Some stars faded and vanished, while some's effulgence grew brighter. I lean over my desk. Stars fascinated me, while at the same time, destroyed me from within.

I shape my fingers in a way to create two L shapes. Then, I stack them to create something that looked like a camera's lens. I aim it at the starlit sky. I did it know why I was doing this—It was just a capricious thought of mine. I shut an eye, and look through my newly formed 'window.'

Then, those thorns, those barbs, return. They return and obstruct my view once again. They swindle me, and twirl together, complicating their knots and completely obstructing my view. They obscured the light behind them. I tried to shake them away, but deception was something I found difficult to recognize.

My gaze begins to trail towards the end of my desk. Despite how the twists and twirls the thorns and barbs had created obscured the moon light, I could see perfectly fine. I was being delusional with those thorns and barbs once again, and there was nothing I could do about it.

My eye catches a...quill feather? It laid on the far corner of my desk. I squint, and rub my eyes. I've never seen one a quill feather before; it was just... quite a shocker.

Curiosity crept its way into me, and I picked up the quill feather with my hand. I hold it over my desk, up to my face, and examine it. The feather was white, pure white. It was fluffy-looking, and awfully soft. I twirled it in between my thumb and index finger, over and over again.

I stopped twirling the feather, and sudden raven-black ink began to engulf the white feather. The ink crept its way up the feather like a plague, consuming the white feather entirely.

Once the white feather was darkened, the ink began to trickle onto my hand, and it began to fall down to my desk. I watch the ink, as it rages on to consume and expand itself. It was like a parasite, a pest, wrecking the life in its path. A ravenous disease.

Plop. Plop. Plop. I hear the ink repeatedly collide with itself. I see puddles, splotches and splotches of ink sprawling across my desk. I see more splotches than last time. More, dark, black splotches.

The ink walks its way up my arm and consumes me entirely. The ink had domination over me. It spreads itself all over my desk, and all over me. The ink stops once it had finished consuming its prey, my desk and me. I did not move myself for a few seconds, then, I dropped the cursed feather back onto my desk.

The ink immediately begins to retract back towards the feather, then, before I realized it, the feather and the ink, was long gone. My room was back to what it was. There was no ink all over the table. There was no ink over me. There were no splotches, no puddles. None of that. Yet again, just like I thought, I was being exceptionally delusional. What was up with ink and I?

I clutch the curtains with both of my hands. Before closing the curtains, I look and see that the thorns and barbs are still there. I sigh, then I pull together the curtains. The rays of moonlight were then cut off, ridding me of my sight. I feel my way around my room, then I turn on the light.

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