Chapter 14

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Our happiness was short lived because just as we thought everything was good the past came back to haunt us...

It was a normal day as Chris dropped me off at work for my night shift. As I was finishing restocking everything and cleaning the shop top to bottom the bell on the door rang.

I turned round to see Wooyoung "hey what brings you here?" I said "just wanted a cup of coffee, seeing you is much better though" he replied smiling.

"what would you like?" I asked "ummm surprise me!" He answered, "okay! To go or are you sitting in?"
"Sitting in please" he replied.

I made him one of my favourites and brought it over to his table. "Would you like to sit with me?" He asked, "I just have to finish a few things then I'll join you" I said.

After I finished all my tasks I made myself a coffee and went to sit with him. "How's your leg?" I questioned "better, thankfully you didn't hit any nerves" he chuckled.

A while later Chris came in, he always comes in when I'm working but he had to go do something before accompanying me. "Y/n?" He said looking for me "I'm over here!" I shouted directing him.

When he walked over to the table his face dropped. "Wooyoung, what are you doing here?" He asked suspiciously. "Just grabbing some coffee" he replied.

I got up to go make Chris a coffee as he sat with Wooyoung, they were silent just glaring at each other when until I returned.

"Here you go babe" I said while handing Chris his coffee and sitting back down. The rest of the night was so awkward, I kept trying to make conversation but everyone always went back silent.

"Okay! I know you two hate each other but to save my sanity, please, for the love of god! Talk!" I said, "so wooyoung how's life?" Chris asked.

"I started my own gang called NINETEEZ" he replied
Chris laughed at his response "had trouble coming up with a new name?" He chuckled. "I liked the name we had before" Wooyoung responded.

After that day Wooyoung was at my work every single shift I was working. Is he stalking me? No it's probably just a coincidence.

Suddenly he was showing up everywhere, when I went to N Seoul Tower, when I went shopping. Where ever I went he was there.

While I was out for a walk one day I was grabbed and pulled into an ally "what the fuck!" I shouted turning to see who grabbed me "Wooyoung! What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"I need to talk to you" he whispered, "come with me"
I followed him but I stayed on guard. He took me to a casino and lead me upstairs to a vip room.

"Y/n be with me" he said "what?! I'm with Chris" I reminded him. "I know but I need you, I've tried to move on but I can't!" He argued.

"I'm not leaving him for you, I'm sorry",  "y/n please!" He begged "no Wooyoung!" I got up to leave but he grabbed me.

"I suggest you let go!" I warned him "you can't leave me again!" He shouted "I never left you! We were never together!" I yelled.

Almost catching me off guard he swung his fist but I dodged it, "seriously?!" I said shocked "this is the only way" he replied coldly.

After the night at the cafe Chris made me carry a gun with me at all times as he thought this would happen. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him.

"Let me leave or I'll shoot you again" I warned him, he put his hands in the air as I backed out of the room still pointing it at him. As soon as I got out I ran.

I was close to the coffee shop so I rushed in there and ran straight to the back. Jae was working so he came to the back to check on me.

"What's going on?" He said, "Wooyoung is back and he tried to take me when I refused to leave Chris for him" I told him.

I quickly got out my phone and called Chris, he rushed to the shop immediately to take me home. Just incase he followed us we took a different route and parked at a random house.

We ran through the back garden to get back home unseen. Later that day on the news there was reports of a man breaking into that same house.

"What does he want?" Chris asked "me" I said shortly. Chris looked at me concerned. "You can't leave the house for a while until we sort him out" he said.

I nodded agreeing, what else was I supposed to do. When we got in he asked me to tell him what happened in detail, as I only told him that Wooyoung was following me over the phone.

I told him what happened and he grew furious. "I told that bastard I was only giving him one chance to get away, and stay away! These ass holes really can't stay away from you" he said.

"First your ex, now him! I mean they have good taste,  but you're mine! Do they not understand that?" He continued.

Hearing him say I was his made my heart flutter. I don't know why I keep attracting these psychopaths?!
I feel like I should just stay in doors forever.

Chris phoned Jae the next morning and told him I wouldn't be back at work for a while and suggested that he hire someone else, as we didn't know when I could go back.

I called Jae later that day and told him I was leaving. He asked why and I told him it wasn't fair on him losing out on money every time I was in danger.

He had to close the shop multiple times to come babysit me because no one else was there to cover.
He was sad but I told him I'd still see him regularly.

While Chris and the others carefully set up a plan to be rid of Wooyoung for good, I spent my time binge watching anime and Disney movies.

One day when all of them were out doing a side mission I was alone binge watching MHA, when suddenly someone covered my face with a cloth and I passed out.

When I woke up I was hand cuffed to a bed. I've been kidnapped again. Are you kidding me?! Luckily I had a hair clip in and used it to unlock the cuffs.

I still had my phone on me so I called Han, "track my location, he broke into the house and got me!" I said quietly before hiding the phone leaving it on call to give Han time to track it.

A couple of minutes later Wooyoung entered the room, "hey beautiful".

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