Chapter 4

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A week goes by and I still haven't heard from Chris, what if he's in danger?! I thought of all the worst possible scenarios for him not responding.

He wasn't even coming to the shop, it's like he vanished! I asked Jae to call him a few times but he got no response either...

Maybe he's fine, maybe it was just something I did. But what did I do? I found myself having another panic attack. For fuck sake!

                     CHRIS'S POINT OF VIEW

After the night we met at the coffee shop I found my self developing feelings for her, and ever since then, whenever I'm without her I miss her deeply.

It's been a week since I last saw her. I really think I love her. She's so strong, funny, and absolutely breathtaking!

Her eyes are crystal blue, she has a cute little button nose, soft pink lips and beautiful porcelain skin.

Unfortunately I've had to avoid her calls and texts for the last week. I had a mission later that night after seeing her and someone got a lucky strike on me.


So, I've been in hospital and I didn't want her to worry. Plus if anyone found out I was here while she was here...

This is why I've never let myself love anyone, I can't risk it! Whoever targets me will target her if they find out. This is such a fucking piss take!

But still, I can't just let her go... I've never felt like this for anyone before, I need to see her as soon as I'm healed.

Knowing her she's worrying that I'm dead or that she's done something to offend me, I should probably at-least text her to let her know I'm okay.

Chris - hey, y/n. Sorry I haven't been answering something urgent came up.

Y/n - Chris, when I see you I'm gonna punch you so hard! Why would you make me worry like that?

Chris - I'm really sorry! My friend is in the hospital so I've been distracted with that. Let me make it up to you?

Y/n - is he okay? Or... she? And yes you can make it up to me. But you're still getting punched!

Chris - that's fine, as long as it makes you feel better I don't mind, And yes he is fine. I'll pick you up on Monday, that's when he gets out.

                      Y/N'S POINT OF VIEW

He's okay! I let out a sigh of relief, Im still angry at him but It's just because I was so worried. It started to get dark so I went in the shower to get ready for bed.

When I walked into my room something felt off... I looked around and under my bed but, nothing. I already had my clothes laid out so I quickly got dressed and finished my routine for bed.

As I was trying to sleep I saw something in the corner of my room, a man! I quickly grabbed the taser I had in my night stand, turned on the light then shot him with it.

He fell to the ground in agony and I grabbed my phone and called Chris. It rang for a while before he finally answered.

"Chris! There's a man in my house!" I shouted, "what?!" He said worriedly, as I looked down at the man on the floor I screamed.

"Y/n! What's happened?!" Chris shouted, "he's here... I-I thought he was deported!" I started crying, how did he get in? How did he even find me? All of the memories of what he had done just flooded in.

"What the fuck?! I'm on my way!" He said hurriedly. 10 minutes later I heard Chris on his bike coming down the street,

He kicked through my front door and ran around trying to find my room. "Chris I'm in here!" I shouted directing him. 

When he burst in he looked down at the unconscious man on the floor, then looked up at me confused. "Y/n, you already got him down? And also why do you have a taser?" He said.

"Well, having a weapon helps me feel safe and I didn't know how or if it would work" I said shyly, he chuckled walking over to pat me on the head proudly.

Just then the man woke up, "y/n, that's no way to greet your boyfriend" he said trying to push himself up on his knees.

"You are not my boyfriend" I said sternly, he looked up and saw Chris "who's this?" He said in a jealous tone. Chris pouted "you don't remember me? Let me refresh your memory".Chris said

His presence was darker and his tone was bone rattling, I had never seen this side of him before. It was kind of hot... but also scary, mostly hot though.

Chris grabbed my ex by his collar and pulled him to his feet, "c'mon I'll help you regain your memory outside" he said forcing my ex to walk away with him.

"Stay here, I'll be back" Chris said as he left the front door. I sat in my living room fidgeting nervously, while hearing the man I once loved and the man I now love fighting.

Except the fight seemed one sided, I heard my ex shouting and crying, pleading for forgiveness and Chris was silent for almost all of it... he only spoke two small sentences.

"How dare you try and touch her!" He yelled at the start, and "I'm gonna make you wish you never laid eyes on her".

This side of Chris made me feel nervous, I couldn't decide if it was in a good or bad way. He came back in my house after 20 minutes.

I couldn't believe my eyes!

Chris walked in with blood on this shirt, his hair a mess, his sleeves rolled up, and his tie loosened with a couple of his shirt buttons undone at the top. 

As he stood at the door his figure was outlined by the moon light making him look ethereal! I could help but stare. "Cmon, we need to go" he said while reaching his hand out for me.

As we ran down the stairs to my house I saw 2 men taking away my unconscious ex. "Chris?" I said looking at him while stopping in my track, "he's not dead, don't worry. They are away to take him back to the uk."

We got on Chris's bike and drove for an hour until we reached somewhere that made me almost fall of the bike.

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