Chapter 13

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When they were on their way home Chris called Jae.
"Understood!" Jae said talking to Chris, I asked him if I could talk to him, and Jae handed me the phone.

"Chris I am so sorry for worrying you and not being a better fighter, i waisted all of your time training me"
I apologised.

He told me that I didn't do anything wrong and what happened wasn't my fault, I couldn't have stopped the needle and I couldn't have know the doctor was on their side.

He told me he was proud of me for managing to survive and escape on my own. Hearing those words I started to cry, I felt like a failure but he didn't see me as one.

I could tell it hurt him to hear me crying so I tried my best to calm down, "Don't cry princess, I'll be home soon" he said before we ended the call.

20 minutes later I heard them come through the front door. Felix walked into the living room and sat beside me looking nervous.

"Y/n, we have the doctor outside... is it okay if we bring him in here to show him what he did to you?" He asked. I looked at him for a while before replying "yes".

Felix went to tell Chris and as soon as he did they walked in and Chris threw the doctor onto his knees in-front of me.

When he looked at me all the colour in his face disappeared and he began to sob "I'm so sorry y/n they made me!" He pleaded.

I looked at him with disgust, hearing his voice made my blood boil. "don't you dare ask for my forgiveness until you have felt the pain I feel"

My anger got the best of me and I stood up and started beating him for everything he did to me.When I was finished he was unconscious, but that still wasn't enough.

I grabbed his leg and dragged his unconscious body out to the back garden where I shot him in the head with the gun I was given earlier that day.

I turned around to see Chris looking at me proudly. He took me inside and made me some food. I was starving! After finishing my meal he carried me upstairs and put me to bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow all of my exhaustion hit me at once and I fell asleep instantly. When I woke up 3 days had gone by.

Chris woke up not long after me and we just lay in bed cuddling and enjoying each-others presence. I didn't want to let him go.

Hyunjin came upstairs to check on us and when he saw us awake he screamed "THEY'RE ALIVE!" I couldn't help but laugh, he's so dramatic.

Not even minutes later everyone else rushed upstairs, jumping on to the bed forming a human pile. "Guys I love you too but I can't breathe" I said gasping for air.

They all quickly got off then we all started laughing. How did I get so lucky with these people? They left after a while and I turned to Chris.

"I've missed you so much!" I said kissing him on the lips, "me too!" He sighed with relief. "Don't ever leave my side again" I demanded, "believe me I won't!" He chuckled.

We spent the next couple of months living peacefully. While Chris was doing heists I was being babysat by Jae, even at work.

For our 6 month anniversary Chris took me to all the spots we went at the start of our relationship, then made me a romantic dinner.

He got my favourite wine, made my favourite dishes and then we shared a romantic bath before bed. As I was sitting in bed waiting for him to join me he brought me a huge gift box.

When I opened it, it was a pair of keys and a helmet, "Oh my god! You didn't!" I squealed. It was keys to my very own motorbike.

He took me downstairs to show me, it was black with electric blue lights on the wheels and sides. "Do you like it?" He asked smiling at my excitement "Yes!
I shouted while running towards it.

He laughed seeing me acting like a child pretending to ride it in the drive way. "I'll give you lessons tomorrow" he said. I felt like I was dreaming!

I woke up at the break of dawn the next day and jumped on top of Chris eager to start my lessons. "Wake up!" I shouted while patting his chest like a drum.

"I'm awake, I'm awake" he chuckled, before I could react he grabbed my waist and swung me round, ending up with him now on top of me.

"Last one down stairs is a chicken" he said laughing then running away. "What the" I mumbled as I jumped up and chased after him.

As I got to the kitchen he started bocking like a chicken while walking around like one. I burst out laughing. "You're such a weirdo" I said trying to contain my laughter.

"Yeahh, but you love this weirdo" he said while kissing me on the head. "Let's have some breakfast then I'll start your lessons" he suggested.

I scoffed my breakfast down resulting in me getting hiccups, Chris giggled and smiled every time I hiccuped. "You're such a child" I commented.

"You are very sassy when you get impatient" he replied trying I be serious, we looked at each other for a minute before laughing again.

After he finally finished his meal we headed outside. "Okay turn the key and rev the engine" he instructed, I was struggling to focus feeling his breath on the back of my neck.

"Hey! Are you listening?" He asked "how do you expect me to focus with your breath on my neck? Go stand at the front of the bike" I replied.

He chuckled before getting off the bike then stood infront of me with a cheeky grin. "Better not get distracted by me while you're riding" he said mocking me.

"Well if you didn't look like that it wouldn't be a problem" I stated, "I'm gonna have to do something about that attitude later" he said teasingly, making my face go red and my body tingle.

After a couple of hours I mastered how to ride the bike. Later that night we went for a ride together to Kim's Coffee.

Jae greeted us and I quickly dragged him outside excitedly to show off my new gift. "Woah, sweet ride!" He said walking around examining it.

"She deserved it" Chris said leaning against the door of the shop. "What did you get him?" Jae asked "oh my god!" I shouted "I forgot to give you your present!"

I ran inside the shop as I left the present in my locker meaning to give it to him yesterday. I brought it back out and handed it to him.

"Oh, my, god!" He shouted excitedly. It was a brand new gun, one he had been wanting for months. He ran over and kissed me lifting me up in the air.

"You have no idea how much I love you!" He said spinning me around. "I think I do" I giggled,
"Pretty good gift to give a stalker huh?" I joked.

We all started laughing. We went in and chatted for a while. Chris nipped to the bathroom and I turned to Jae.

"I've never been so happy before in my life than when I'm with him" I said smiling as I watched him walk away. "You have made him so happy too ya know! He didn't smile this much until he met you" he replied

I looked at him shocked "really?", "yep, when he moved here he left his family and friends behind all he had was me, he went through a really dark time.

It was rare to see him smile but when he met the guys it became more often, and he started to become himself again, but not completely.

After meeting you it was like his world lit up and he was back to being his joyful, childish self" he explained.

As Chris came back I gave him a big hug. "You brightened up my world and made me a better person, thank you" I confessed, he looked at me confused but I just held him.

Our happiness was short lived because just as we thought everything was good the past came back to haunt us...

A Mafia Romance (bang chan)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara