Chapter 11

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While Chris and the rest of the members went out to get my things from my old house something unimaginable occurred.

I heard someone come through the front door, thinking it was them I headed down to help them. When I reached the front door I was greeted by the doctor who came to help Chris before.

"Hello doctor, Chris isn't here right now" I informed him "I know, he's had a bad accident and is at my clinic you must come with me!"

Worried I followed him, he led me to a house in the middle of nowhere. When we stopped the doctor told me to head inside while he parked.

As soon as I got out of the car he drove off and I was attacked by 8 guys! I managed to fight them all off but suddenly I felt something stab my ankle.

As I looked down I saw one of the guys I took down had injected me with something. My vision began to get blurry and eventually went completely black.

When I woke up I was in a basement tied to a chair, as I was trying to wiggle my way out I heard a voice behind me, "good morning! Did you have a nice nap?"

"Who the hell are you?!" I shouted. "Hongjoong, the leader of ATEEZ, I must say you put up a very good fight" he said while walking infront of me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, "nothing" he answered while smiling at me "I want Chan" he added
"Don't you are touch him!" I shouted.

He came over and slapped me in the face "shut up!" He yelled. He left after injecting me with another syringe.
When I woke up again I was greeted by another man.

"Now who the hell are you?" I grunted, "wooyoung, who are you?" He asked "y/n, I'd say it was nice to meet you but I don't want to lie" i answered.

"That's fair... I don't know why Hongjoon kidnapped such a pretty girl, did you do something to him?" He asked curiously,

"You think I'm pretty? And no I didn't do anything...I don't know why I'm here" I replied "Oh, well tell me about yourself, maybe we can be friends?" He said while taking a seat on the floor.

Is he crazy? Him and his friends just kidnapped me, and he wants to be my friend? Whatever if I play along it might benefit me.

"Sure! I work at a coffee shop, I like to go on late night walks and I moved here almost 5 months ago." He looked at me amazed.

"You know you are very strong, you really gave my ass a good kicking out there" he chuckled. "I have my talents" I said smirking.

After a week I was still in this place, Wooyoung came down to talk to me every day, Hongjoong came down once in a while to interrogate me, and when I didn't cooperate he beat me.

Why hadn't they come yet? I wandered, but I also hoped they didn't come as that's what ATEEZ wanted.
Wooyoung did his original routine of coming down to see me. But this time was different.

When he came down today he knelt infront of me "I know it's only been a week but I've found myself falling for you y/n" he confessed.

He untied me then handed me a hand gun, "I don't want you to die here, you need to shoot me then run to make it look like you escaped!" He instructed.

I grabbed the gun and shot him in the leg then hid behind a wall waiting for the rest of them to come down to see what happened.

I now knew all of their moves from fighting them last time, like with hyunjin I needed to keep moving so they couldn't inject me with anything.

As the first one came downstairs I shot him in his tail bone, causing him to fall and hit his head on the concrete floor, leaving him unconscious.

The others came rushing in after that. I waited for them to reach the bottom before attacking, using all the skills I was taught.

I knocked down and shot each of them one by one, leaving only one person left, Hongjoong. "You bitch!" He shouted "bye, bye!" I said smiling before shooting him in the head.

I ran up the stairs and stole one of their cars. Where the fuck am I? I thought, I went to reach for my phone but it wasn't there! Then I remembered I had left it in the house on charge.

That must be why they couldn't find me, they couldn't track my phone! Luckily I remember the way the doctor drove, so I found my way home.

I parked the car a couple of streets away just incase it had a tracker on it,  as I didn't kill all of them. The only one I killed was the leader.

Fuck I actually killed someone!

I ran as fast as I could back to the house, when I burst through the door everyone came running. "Where the hell have you been?! what happened to you? "Chris shouted worriedly.

They took me into the living room where I explained everything. "The doctor told you I was in an accident?! What the fuck!" Chan said angrily. "We need to kill him"  Leeknow added.

Chris called Jae to come watch me, once he arrived they headed to the meeting room to make their revenge plan.

"Jesus Christ what happened to you?!" Jae said as he looked at me, I explained the whole story again to him. "Shit, that's a pretty good reason not to show up at work" he said.

"I've only been here five months and I've already been stalked by my ex, almost killed by my ex, found out my boyfriend is a mafia leader, had my boyfriend kidnapped and then I got kidnapped" I said exhausted from all the chaos.

"Yeah, but how did you escape you didn't mention that?" He asked, "oh, yeah... one of the guys fell in love with me then set me free.

He told me to shoot him to make it look like I escaped then the rest came downstairs and I kicked their asses, only killing the leader though.

If it wasn't with that damn tall one with the long arms I wouldn't have been captured in the first place" I said.

Chris came back to the living room and kissed me before leaving to find the doctor.

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