Chapter 6

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While Chris was taking me somewhere I started to get cold, I didn't have time to put a jacket on or grab any clothes. All I had was my phone

I started shaking, Chris must have felt me shaking on his back as he pulled my arms around his waist. I lay my head on his back to rest and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in awe, what is this place? it's huge! Chris noticed I was awake as I let out a loud gasp once the gates opened.

"Welcome to my home" he said. When we got in I heard shouting and loud laughter from down the hall, "that's my friends, they all live here too" he said smiling.

We headed to the living room to introduce me to them and they were so kind. Felix is an absolute ray of sunshine, and he loves hugs! I was a bit surprised when I heard his voice though, it's a lot deeper than I thought it would be.

Han probably had the loudest voice out of them all, he was funny and very energetic. I.N was very shy and didn't talk much at first but he was very cute, I could tell he was the youngest.

Changbin, was also very loud, and very hungry, he had big muscles and the most funny laugh I had ever heard. Seungmin was very sweet and had a smile that warmed up the room, he likes to make fun of Chris for his age a lot.

After meeting them Chris gave me a tour of the house, it is incredible! Even better than what I imagined, Chris told me there was still two more people to meet but they were away on business and would be back tomorrow, I was excited to meet them too.

I was shown to my room, "here is where you will be staying tonight, we will arrange to get you some new clothes for while your here" Chris said, "thank you, I probably won't see you in the morning as I'm doing the day shift at the cafe" I replied.

Chris asked me if we could talk before I got settled for bed and I agreed anxiously. "Y/n, I'm really sorry for not answering you for so long, there's so much you don't know and I-".

I interrupted him before he could say more "Chris you don't need to tell me everything, I'm not mad at you I was just worried something happened to you.

I really care about you, and I think you feel the same since you kissed me at the beach. I haven't let myself get into another relationship for years, I was too scared.

But, in these last couple of months I have found myself falling in love with you. I don't care if you don't talk to me everyday. You always show up when I need you and that's what matters."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, "what if I didn't answer you today though, I promise I will never miss another call or text from you again! I love you y/n, I can't lose you" he said while tears started falling down his face.

I leaned over and gave him a big hug until he felt better, then kissed him goodnight. I woke up in the morning and found my way downstairs where Felix was cooking breakfast.

"You're up early" he said with a welcoming smile, "I have work at 8" I replied rubbing my eyes, "would you like some pancakes?" Felix asked. "mmmm, yes please!"

"Felix?" i called his name while shoving a piece of pancake in my mouth, he turned round and nodded signalling for me to go on with my question.

"If you're not busy could you take me to work? I'm not sure how to get there from here... also do you happen to have plain black clothes I could borrow for today?" I asked hesitantly.

He looked at me and smiled "of course!". Felix looked closer to my size than Chris as Chris was more muscular.

After breakfast Felix brought me some towels and clothes to get ready. "I'll wait for you downstairs" he said. He is so sweet.

As I came out of my room after getting ready I bumped into a new face. "Y/n?" He asked, "that's right! and you are?" I replied trying to guess if he was Leeknow or Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin, Chris told me to tell you he won't be back till Monday as he has gone back to his friend at the hospital" he informed me.

"okay, thank you! It was to meet you Hyunjin, but I have to get going to work, cya!" I ran downstairs where Felix was putting his shoes on,"ready?" He asked while standing back up straight, I nodded.

It was Wednesday which is always quite busy so I was working with Jae today. "So, has he responded yet?" Jae asked curiously, "yeah I saw him last night, I'll tell you all about it after work" he looked pleased with that.

The end of the day finally came and Yuna walked in for the night shift, the cafe was empty so Jae made us all coffees and we sat down to talk.

"So? What's happened?" Yuna asked confused about what's going on. "Chris messaged me yesterday apologising for not answering, I was so happy to know he's okay! Turns out his friend is in hospital so he has

Been helping him" I explained "awee that's so sweet" Yuna added "later that night while getting ready for bed I felt strange, like something wasn't right. I went to bed and after turning the lights off and trying to fall

Asleep I saw a man in the corner of my room, who turned out to be my ex, i grabbed my taser from my nightstand and quickly turned my light on and shot him with it.

After he fell to the ground I called Chris who came immediately and took care of it, and now I'm staying at his house." I continued. Both of them looked stunned.

"What?!" They both shouted, "your life is like a K-drama!" Yuna jokingly said "she's right, I thought he was deported months ago?" Said Jae "guess he found a way back" I added.

I always tell Jae and Yuna everything, they are my best friends and I trust them, also I'm the only one who's life keeps taking these crazy turns so it keeps them entertained.

Suddenly Felix walked in "hey y/n! You ready to go? Oh- hi Jae!" He said "Hi Felix! How you been?" Jae replied "I'm almost ready just need to grab my phone from the back, so chat away" I smiled

As I checked my phone quickly before going back out front I saw I had a message from Chris, when I opened it I screamed!

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