Chapter 8

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I sat beside Jae in the living room anxiously waiting for their return. "Any updates?" I ask "they have a plan, they are dressed up as police and they are going to storm the place." He replied.

Is that going to work? Is Chris still alive? I feel myself beginning to have another panic attack. "Hey calm down it will be okay, Chan is the leader of the gang he wouldn't die that easily!" Jae said reassuring me.

10 minutes later we get another update "They have arrived and the people who captured Chan have fled" I felt my heart get lighter as a weight was lifted off of it.

But we still don't know if he's alive, he looked horrible in the photo. 5 minutes later we get the last update "they have Chan, he's safe!" Jae told me.

I started to cry. All the emotions got to me, fear, anger, frustration, sadness, and joy, it all hit me like a brick wall. Jae left the room to phone someone.

He came back in the room after 10 minutes. "Who did you phone?" I asked curiously "a doctor who works for Stray Kids, he's been out of town that's why Chan was in the hospital,

but it's to dangerous for Chan to go back there so he's cutting his trip short, he'll be here in an hour" he told me, "wait? It was Chris in the hospital?! And you knew!" I replied furiously.

"He didn't want you to know he was trying to keep you out of all this" he said looking down at the floor ashamed. "I am not a child Jae! I can't believe y-"

Before I could finish my sentence the front door opened. I jumped up from my chair and ran.
"Chris!" I shouted while jumping into his arms.

He squeezed me tightly "I thought I lost you" he whispered worriedly "you thought you lost me?!" I replied, my voice breaking from trying to hold back my tears, while holding him tighter.

I turned to the other guys thanking them and giving them each a hug. "Don't thank us we didn't just do it for you" said Leeknow.

"I know, and I'm not just thanking you for saving him. I'm thank you for loving him" I replied smiling, Leeknow acts all tough but I can tell he has a soft spot for his family.

We took Chris to the living room and everyone left so we could chat. "Y/n I-" I interrupted him before he could say anything "why did you lie to me?" I asked.

"What I do is very dangerous, I didn't want you to get hurt... and I was scared you would hate me" he said looking down at his hands.

I lifted his head up by his chin "did I not tell you yesterday that I loved you?" He looked at me shocked "Chris I do not care what it is you do, I want to be with you no matter what!

You make me feel safe and comfortable, best of all, you make me happy! Sure I was angry and freaked out at first but not because of what you do, because of the fact you lied and I was worried" I continued.

"But so many people will come after you " he said worried "then let them" I replied "are you forgetting the time I took out a big strong man by myself?" I said smiling.

"But you also fell in love with your stalker" he said laughing, "best decision of my life" i replied laughing even harder. "But seriously Chris don't lie to me again,

I can take care of myself. Here's an idea! Why don't you train me? That way you can feel more comfortable" I suggested.

He looked at me for a while before saying "It would make me feel less worried about you... let's do it!" Just then we heard the door bell ring.

The doctor had arrived. He came into the living room and took Chris for an examination. When they came back the doctor told me that there was no damage done to the injury he faced previously so it will still be fully healed by Monday.

And the injuries caused to his face were not serious but he did have to get stitches on his bottom lip, and there is naturally expected to be swelling.

I thanked the doctor for his time and the members and I made sure Chris stayed in bed until he was fully recovered.

Jae gave me a week off so I could stay with Chris and put it down as annual leave so I'd still get payed, he was able to do so because he hired a new part timer.

After Jae went home I took Chris up to bed and lay with him for a couple of hours. I was nervous as this was my first time in a bed with a man since my ex.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked "yeah, I just haven't lay next to a man since everything happened with my ex" I replied. "You can get up if you need to" he said softly.

That made me feel so much better knowing I had the freedom to get up when I wanted. "No I want to hold you and never let you go!" I said quietly burying my face into his chest.

He laughed "okay then don't, stay as long as you want" he played with my hair while humming music to me, "Chris?" I called his name "mhm?" He hummed still playing with my hair "what are we?",

"What do you mean?" He asked "well are we dating?"
He chuckled at my question "do you want to date me?"
"" I replied teasingly "okay I'll just go find someone who does then" he replied jokingly

I sat up quickly then hit him on his chest "excuse me?!" He burst out laughing at my response, "y/n will you be my official and only girlfriend" he asked. "Sure, why not" I said shortly.

He then sat up quickly "sure? why not?!" We both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter,
"Of course I will be your girlfriend" I said before kissing him and snuggling back in.

He continued to play with my hair and hum whilst I fell asleep. The next morning was the beginning of my training. I felt like I was away to die!

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