Chapter 5

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                           CHRIS'S POINT OF VIEW

I was sitting in my hospital bed flicking through the tv when my phone started ringing. "Y/n?" I hesitated when I saw the caller ID, but decided to pick up.

When I answered the phone, before I could even say hi she shouted "Chris! There's a man in my house!" My heart sank.

"What?! I said raising my voice starting to panic. All of a sudden I heard her scream and I froze in shock "Y/n! what's happened?! I shouted, my voice fully elevated now.

"He's here... I-I thought he was deported" I knew exactly who she was talking about. "What the fuck?! I'm on my way" I said changing into the clothes I came in and rushing out the door.

What the fuck was he doing back? We made a deal! He leaves and never comes back and I pay him £1,000,000 in return.

That bastard is probably back for more money, I should have killed him when I had the chance! Before leaving the hospital I called Han,

I told him to track my location and send Leeknow and Hyunjin for back up. "Tell them to bring the van, have their masks on and wait outside in the van for my signal" I instructed quickly before hanging up and running out the door.

When I got to her house I ran up the stairs and kicked her front door open. I began to search every room until I heard "Chris I'm In here!".

I ran to the room her voice was coming from and burst through the door, only to find her on her bed with a taser in her hand and the guy on the floor.

I looked at her confused "Y/n, you already got him down? And also why do you have a taser?" I said.

"Well, having a weapon helps me feel safe and I didn't know how or if it would work" she replied shyly, I chuckled walking over to pat her on the head.

God she's cute, I'm so proud of her.

Suddenly that idiot decided to try get back up "y/n, that's no way to greet your boyfriend" he said trying to push himself up on his knees.

He looks so stupid.

"You're not my boyfriend" y/n said sternly. The guy looked up and turned his head to me. "Who's this?" He said jealously.

It made me a bit upset that he didn't remember the guy who handed him £1,000,000, after all that was just rude. I looked at him with disappointment.

"You don't remember me? Let me refresh your memory" I looked down and saw he had a knife beside him. I wasn't playing anymore, no more letting him go free, no more deals, I had to kill him before he came back again for her!

I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him to his feet, "c'mon I'll help you regain your memory outside" i said forcing the guy to walk away with me.

"Stay here, I'll be back" i instructed y/n. I didn't want her to see me like that, I was trying to keep my true identity a secret so I didn't get her involved.

When I got outside the guys were there and I signalled for them to join me. They both came out and we beat the guy.

I let my anger get the best of me "How dare you try and touch her!" I shouted at him, "I'm gonna make you wish you never laid eyes on her!".

Hyunjin and Leeknow looked at eachother confused by what I'd said, but decided to focus on that later. We kicked the living shit out of the guy.

He was screaming the whole time which was pissing me off, he was going to scare her and make her come out here!

Leeknow eventually knocked him out, "take him to the safe lake, tie him up and watch him until I get there" i commanded.

I didn't realise how much of a mess I was in until I was standing in the frame of her front door with her staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was scared or happy?

I looked down and noticed my clothes were roughed up and had blood on them. I decided to just leave it and focus on getting her out of there incase he brought more people with him this time.

I grabbed her hand and ran towards my bike when she stopped, "Chris?" I turned around in confusion and noticed the guys hadn't left yet, they were still putting him in the van.

"He's not dead, don't worry! They are taking him back to the Uk" I said reassuringly to ease her worries. On my way back I called and told Han I was bringing someone home and to tell the others as-well.

"Make sure they are all nice to her and welcome her properly, she will be spending alot of time with us from now on" I said to Han,

"is this the lady friend you've been sneaking out with so much lately?" Han said giggling, "Han, stop stalking me unless it's for a-!".

I completely forgot she was behind me and almost revealed everything " eh-em! unless it's for a good reason" I quickly hung up the phone after that.

I felt her shivering behind me so I moved her arms from my side to around my waist. When I did she squeezed tighter then rested her head on my back,
my heart started racing.

I guess she's tired, after-all she was woken up in the middle of the night. When we got to the gate of my house she woke up, she let out a big gasp and I could tell she couldn't wait to explore.

I parked my bike and took her in for a tour. All the members were in the living room, except hyunjin and leeknow of course. They all welcomed y/n warmly, especially Felix giving her a big hug.

I showed her to the room she would be staying in and then headed out to safe lake. When I got there the guy had woken up.

"Good evening" I said walking over to him with a smile on my face, "what do you want from me?" He asked sounding scared.

"What do I want from you? You must be joking! You're the one who came back, so what do you want from me?" I said now crouching down in-front of him.

"Nothing!" He pleaded "okay, then what do you want with y/n?" I asked, "I want her dead! She left me so now she needs to pay the price. No one else can have her but me" he said sounding psychotic.

"Too late" I replied with a cheeky smile "she's a very good kisser, isn't she?" I said walking around, trying to provoke him.

"You fucking bastard!" He shouted at me, I pulled out my Glock 17 and placed the tip in-between his eyebrows.

"Did you bring anyone else with you?" I said coldly with dead eyes, "N-no, holy shit! Who the fuck are you people?!" He said panicking.

"Stray Kids" I replied smiling before pulling the trigger.

After that was over with I had to go back to the hospital, "Hyunjin, a friend of mine is staying with us for a while, when she wakes up in the morning tell her I went back to the hospital to stay with my "friend" and I'll be back Monday. Leeknow, don't give her a hard time." I said to them.

before leaving I gave them both a hug and thanked them for their help. "I'll see yous as soon as I get out okay!" Then we said our goodbyes.

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