Chapter 2

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When I heard the bell ring with the shop door open, I looked up curiously and was stunned by what I'd seen.

"Hey, old man Chris! What can I get for ya?" Said Jae-yun playfully as the man from earlier walked in. He walked over and gave Jae-yun a playful punch on the shoulder "old man huh? I'll have my usual please".

as he turned round he spotted me and began to walk over. When I saw him turn round I quickly looked out the window. "Hey you're the girl from N Seoul Tower right? may I sit here?" He asked.

"Sure, go ahead" he sat down across from me in the booth and the silence was loud. "So. Old man Chris, are you stalking me?" I asked in a playful tone. Suddenly his face went red "Me? No! I-uh, I come here often and it was getting cold out" he said quickly.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm just teasing you, calm down" I said with a warm smile. Just then Jae-yun brought over a tray of coffees and joined us.

"Do you two know each-other?" Jae asked confused, "oh- you didn't know? He's my new stalker" I said giggling, Chris looked embarrassed, "oh really? Old man Chris? Nahhh" he said with a mischievous grin.

"I didn't catch your name" Chris suddenly said to me, "Oh- How rude of me! my name is y/n", "nice to meet you Y/n, my name is Christopher but you can call me Chris or whatever you prefer!" he said while his cheeks started to turn red.

I couldn't help but think, he's so cute!

"So... how do you two know each-other?" I asked, "Me and Chris grew up together! And, he used to work here when I took over the shop from my dad" Jae said proudly, "wow" I replied intrigued to know more.

After spending hours talking and laughing, I headed home for some rest before my shift that night. The following evening I greeted Yuna as I entered for my shit and let her off.

After cleaning the whole shop top to bottom I made myself a cup of coffee. Then he was back, "hello stalker, what can I get for you?" I said while chuckling, he smiled back at me.

That was the first time I had noticed his smile, and his dimple, my whole body felt like it had just been hit with a wave of electricity.

"I'll have a caramel latte please" he said then went over to the seats we were sitting in last night. "Here you go" I said while placing his cup in-front of him, "would you like to join me?" He asked.

I didn't want to be rude so I politely accepted and sat across from him. "Are you okay? You seem anxious?" He asked while looking at me worried as I was staring at the rain flowing down the window.

I was anxious, my psycho ex boyfriend found out I moved to Korea and flew in this after noon, my mother phoned me to tell me before by shift.

The whole reason I moved to Korea was to get away from him! After all he did to me, all he put me through, living in different towns wasn't far enough from him! That's why I decided to move across the world.

We met in high-school, he was very popular and I wasn't but he noticed me and we fell for each other very quickly. I was saving myself for when I felt comfortable enough to be physically involved and at the start he told me that was okay!

As time went on he started to pressure me more and more, and when I kept refusing he turned violent! One day he was begging me to do it just once and when I refused he pinned me down and forced me. I cried the whole time.

If I ever did something he didn't like he would beat me, and he was always manipulating me into thinking it was my fault, I was the woman so I had to obey and this was the punishment I deserved for going against him.

I finally got away from him when it was time to go to collage as I chose to attend collage in America, and never came home.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Chris repeated himself, "huh? Yeah, I'm okay! Sorry..." I replied after snapping back. I knew Chris could tell I wasn't but he didn't want to push me which I was grateful for.

"Chris" I called his name before even thinking, he looked up at me curiously "I know this is a lot to ask, especially since this is only our second time meeting, but. Could you stay till the end of my shift? And if possible... walk me home after?" I hesitated while asking and was instantly embarrassed that I did.

"Of course, whatever you need" he said in a gentle tone while giving me a warm smile. I thanked him then we spent the whole night getting to know each-other.

"Chris, have you ever been in love?" I didn't know why i asked him that and was shocked that I did. "Love? No, I haven't. Have you?" He replied while throwing my question back at me.

"Once, but it wasn't very good" I said forcing a smile, "do you mind me asking what happened?" He asked, suddenly I just started telling him everything about my ex, and that he was here.

I never told anyone this but, I felt so safe around him for some reason, and it felt so good to let all of this out!

He looked at me with sadness, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that y/n" he said sincerely "here! I'll give you my number. Whenever you need me just call, okay?" I thanked him.

Hours had flown by and my shift finally came to an end. When I went to ask Chris if he was ready to go I saw he had fallen asleep. I stared at him for a minute in awe before waking him up, he looked so cute!

I gently shook his shoulder "Chris, Chris, it's time to go home" he fluttered his eyes open and realised where he was, after realising he was at the shop he quickly sat up acting like nothing happened. I started laughing, I couldn't help myself, it was so funny and adorable.

As he we approached my home I stopped in horror.

A Mafia Romance (bang chan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin