Chapter 10

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Training with all the members individually helped me grow closer to them. Which I think is the reason why Chris had them do it.

After training with Chris he had me do something I was not prepared for... to fight all of them!

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled "if you can take all of us down there will be no need for me to be worried, not even groups of people who have been in this business for years can take us as a group" chan said.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!" I argued. "If you can bring us all down I'll give you a surprise!" Chan said trying to convince me "okay!" I replied.

They took me out into the back garden, hyunjin was on the roof with his sniper,  Felix, Chris and Leeknow were in-front of me, while Changbin, Han and Seungmin were behind them with guns and a ticking time bomb.

I started to plan in my head.

Right I've got to take all of them down, avoid Hyunjin and disarm the bomb, but how? To avoid getting hit by Hyunjin I'll have to stay on the move so I'll have to grab the bomb and take it out of his range. To get to the bomb I have to avoid three guns while attacking the first three and defending myself.

Okay! I'm going to run past these three and take out the weaker ones at the back, then I'll steal one of their guns, that way I'm also close to the bomb, which will force them to come closer, so when they are down I can quickly grab it then run out of Hyunjin's range, disarm it and get away. I have 10 minutes.

"Ready?" Chris asked "come at me!" I shouted. Because I knew all their moves from training it was easy to predict them. Leeknows kick, Felixs punch, Chris's attacks. I straight away went on defence, blocking and dodging all their attacks and made my way to the back, keeping my feet moving and running in different directions to throw Hyunjin off.

Something Hyunjin also taught me was how to disarm someone with a gun and fight them unarmed. I swiftly disarmed Han, Seungmin and Changbin, in that order, I kicked and punched them until they were down, then kicked their guns away but stealing one, shooting them each in the chest with their vests on while still moving so I didn't get sniped.

The first part of my plan went smoothly, the others couldn't get back up as I shot them in the chest so they were now "dead". When I turned around Leeknow, Chris and Felix were right behind me, I focused all my attention on them while staying close to the bomb. I kicked Leeknow sending I'm flying then I shot him in the chest, punched Felix accidentally knocking him out, so I didn't shoot him.

Then it was time for big boy Chris, I started to run towards him then pretended to fall and be hurt, he got worried and rushed over, the other members got worried to and I saw Hyunjin move away from his gun giving me enough time for what I planned next "boom!" I said as I pulled the trigger shooting chan.

I then ran to the bomb, as I was running away I was still running in different directions throwing Hyunjin off . I got out of his range with 3 minutes on the bombs clock, I quickly disarmed it then jumped in the van driving it around the block before coming back.

When I arrived home they were all waiting for me in the living room. "I am definitely not worried about you" Chris said as he walked over and kissed me on the head. Everyone started clapping and it made me laugh.

"Congratulations, you're the only person who's ever been able to take us out" Said Leeknow I thanked them all for their help then turned to Chris.

"so, what's my surprise?" I asked excitedly, he gave me a cheeky smirk before picking me up and taking me to his room with me laughing all the way there.

He sat me on the bed "wait here" he said before rushing out. He came back in a couple minutes later wearing an half unbuttoned T-shirt, with a bicep arm
holster, black trousers, and black boots with his hair all ruffled and his sleeves rolled up.

I sat there in shock, he looked so sexy! I had never seen his abs before, I started to get all shy and flustered. He walked over to me "do you like it?" He asked while placing his hand on my chin pulling my head up, "I think I like it a little too much..." I answered with my face going bright red.

He lay me back on the bed but before he did anything he asked me "are you okay or do you want me to stop?", "I'm okay, thank you for asking" I replied.

I didn't feel scared, I felt so safe with him and I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He crawled ontop of me kissing my lips then working his way down to my neck.

That was the first time we had gotten physical and it was incredible! He was kind and gentle the whole time,  I fell even more in love with him, which I didn't know was possible.

"How did you like your surprise" he said trying to catch his breath, "I liked it very much" I responded. He fell asleep not long after.

I lay there holding him wondering, what I did to deserve such an amazing person to be by my side, I knew I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.

The next day he took me shopping as so much had happened we hadn't had time, I also couldn't go back home because ATEEZ a mafia gang now knew I was connected to Chris.

Chris bought me a whole new wardrobe and i was so grateful. "When we get home why don't you put this all in my wardrobe?" He asked "why?" I replied confused.

"i want you to stay in my room from now on, better yet why don't you just move in fully?" He said "me and the guys will go to your house tomorrow to get your stuff, if you want that is?" He continued.

I thought about it for a while, I get along with everyone and if I live with Chris fully I'll know he's safe! "Okay, I'll move in fully and into your room" I replied, he kissed me excitedly.

We went home and unpacked all my new clothes. We then asked the guys about me moving in which they were all thrilled about, and the next day they went to get my stuff.

When they were gone something unimaginable happened.

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