"What the hell! Everyone leave!" Rae screeched.

"Rae stop!" Corey whispered.

"Yeah Rae shut your trap and be a better host," Lila sassed sipping on her smoothie.

"Oh I'm sorry let me take your coat and bags," the girl faked smiled and held out her hands, "I know just the place to put these.. It's called the fucking trash shoot!"

"That is enough!" Corey shouted, "Rae kitchen now! You guys can set your stuff in the room down the hall and then wait in the living room."

Nodding I took Ry's stuff and walked down the hall and stopped at the first door. It was a guest bedroom I'm guessing so I set all of our stuff on the bed and then waited for Lila to walk in. When she did I shooed Harry away and told Lila to stay.

"What?" Lila asked impatient.

"Lila don't make this any harder then it already is. Ryana is nervous and she can't take all this. So please Don't start any unnecessary drama. Please."

"All I'm going to do is stick up for Ry. Rae can be a complete bitch and honestly I don't put up with her stuff and if she tries anything I'll be the one to end it," Lila stated boldly.

"All I'm asking is don't start any unnecessary drama," I said again talking a bit louder when I said unnecessary to get my point across.

"Okay I promise I won't put anymore pressure on Ry," she nodded.

Harry knocked on the door and Lila and I turned to look at him, "Um Corey and Rae are done talking."

"You left Ry alone with that loon," Lila harshly spoke shoving Harry out of the way to go to the living room. Me and Harry followed after.

"You left so we are leaving you. Apparently you didn't want us in your life so we are doing you the favor of leaving. Now we are asking you to do the same," Rae snapped.

Ryana's eyes filled with tears and she abruptly stood up letting out a small sob before leaving the house completely. My first instinct was to run after her but Harry and Lila both did so I stayed behind to talk to the both of them.

"Why can't you just wait until we explained it to you. It's like you think Ryana wanted this. She didn't, just to let you know. You say it's so hard on you but if it's so hard how are you so easily letting her go. You are so quick to jump to conclusions and honestly it's so annoying. I hope you know that Ryana hasn't slept at all since the wedding. She hasn't been the same all because she was forced into a life she didn't want. It's hard to hear a girl cry herself to sleep every night or to see her lock herself in a room and cry. Honestly this has been hell for her and all she needs is her friends but you guys aren't letting her have that. I honestly can't tell you how disgusted I am that you are so immature that you can't allow her to tell you guys what is going on. Honestly I hope Ryana takes your advise and leaves your asses because this is pathetic. I'll just be grabbing our stuff and leaving. I'd rather not stay here any longer."

I was fuming and I walked out of the room getting a glimpse of Ryana shyly standing in the doorway. I grabbed our stuffed and walked back out of the room. I handed Ryana her coat and helped her slip it on. The whole time the Rae and Corey were quiet holding there heads down. I said goodbye to Lila and Harry who were grabbing their stuff and Ryana and I walked out of the apartment and away from the apartment buildings and we kept walking. Nobody followed us. It was just us two walking to who knows where.


It's our last day in New York and all four of use were laying around the hotel. We were kind of moping and as for Ryana she was keeping herself quite busy. I could tell that she was holding in a lot of pain from the visit with her friends. I know she expected it to go a whole different route.

"Any one want to go on a picnic?" I ask quirking an eyebrow.

Lila's face lit up and she smiled brightly turning to Ryana, "R we have to take them to the spot!"

Ry looked up from her suitcase where she was packing everything, "Lila we can't take them there."

"Aw why not R," Lila pouted.

"Because it holds to many memories," Ryana sighed staring at the shirt in her hand sadly.

"Ryana Tomlinson! Pick your head up and worry about the memories you are going to make and not the memories you already made," Lila went up to Ryana and tackled her into a hug, "Let's make memories that totally out shine those old ones."

"Ugh Lila your fat!" Ryana groaned making me laugh at the girl.

"What are you laughing at big butt," Lila pouted.

I burst out laughing and shook my head, "your trying to offend me by talking about my arse but I actually love my arse and I love how big it is."

"Oh my god! Watch out Kim K your career for your ass is in danger. Louis Tomlinson is coming to take your throne," Lila giggled along with Ryana who was still being used as Lila's seat.

"My arse is better then Kim K's because mine is real and hers is a plastic surgery mistake," I stated sassily pretending to flip imaginary hair behind my shoulder.

"Hey Kim K is my idol," Ryana said in a high pitched voice. After that she pretended to get offended and threw a loofa at me, "Kim K is the only person who understands me!"

"Sorry Hun but I have to tell you the truth... Your idol is fake," Harry shook his had and Lila patted Ryana's shoulders as Ryana pretended to fake cry into Lila's shoulder.

"Really R we should take them to the place," Lila grinned but Ryana just frowned some more.

"Why don't we make our own place?" I suggested not wanting to upset Ryana more.

Harry grinned and nodded his head, "that is an amazing idea. It can be our special place and nobody else's. We won't even share it with the other boys."

Ryana shyly smiled folding her last shirt into her suitcase, "I like that idea."

"Then it's settled. Girls pack your fanny packs we are going on an adventure," Harry shouted as he threw on his hat.

Ryana threw on my Adidas jacket that she had practically stolen when I allowed her to borrow it and Lila threw on her PINK sweatshirt and we made our way out the door. We took a cab to the outside of the city and got out and just started walking. Lila complained about her shoes and Ryana just giggled and kicked dirt on them.

After a awhile of walking we started having a bit more fun. The girls were taking funny and cute photos sometimes they would have me or Harry take the photo. We even took some group photos and for Lila's happiness me and Ryana took a couple of photos together too. Lila grinned at one and then decided to post it on Instagram.

After a while of walking we all needed to stop and take a break. We came across a old gas station that no longer worked and broke into it. The place was dusty so we exited the building and ended up climbing to the roof of it. The roof wasn't anything special. It had junk lying everywhere and it was rusty. There was glass in one corner and empty cans in another. In a way the roof was disgusting but in another way it felt safe.

"Hey guys.. I think we found our place," Harry grinned looking out towards the land in front of us. The view wasn't anything special but it showed character.

This whole place showed character that kind of reminded me of our group. Our group wasn't pretty at all and it wasn't well put together with beautiful scenery and cozy places to call ours. Our group was filled with holes, broken glass, rust, and below average scenery. That's what made this okay, we found this place because it was exactly like us.

Getting pulled out of my train of thought I watched as Lila and Ry dangled their legs from the edge of the roof and laughed at a funny joke one had said. Harry sat at the other side of Lila concentrating on braiding her hair. This was the perfect picture. So I joined it humming to a tune in my head. Ryana grinned at me patting the space by her side inviting me into the picture.

We were rustic and had broken glass falling from our frames but a place found us and put us back together.

Hope you like the update. I had trouble writing this and being completely honestly I didn't write a lot because I just didn't feel like it. But I made this chapter extra special for you guys. I hope you like it!!

~ XOXO Ryana

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