"I'm not alone with you here..." ♡

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Tomioka: "You're quite pretty...as always..."

Iguro: "hm...thank you, My Love..."

Iguro said as he lay on Tomioka's lap, cuddling close as his face buried into Tomioka's stomach. Both of them sitting and laying together undressed and under the sheets.

Iguro: "That was another... eventful night..."

Tomioka showed a small smile as he looked down at Iguro's head laying in his lap.

Tomioka: "it certainly was...it was lovely as well"

Iguro chuckled lightly into Tomioka's thighs.

Iguro: "very lovely..."

Silence bored between the two before Iguro sat up slowly and smiled calmly at Tomioka.

Iguro: "We- or I particularly want to shower..."

Tomioka: "I agree, such activities as sex can get very dirty..."

Iguro chuckled as he looked back to Tomioka...

Iguro: "I should get used to you either talking nonchalantly about this or all flustered... you're all over the place..."

Tomioka laughed gently as he kissed a long Iguro's scar.

Tomioka: "I suppose you're right!"

Iguro flushed a light pink at the feeling of Tomioka's lips against his face. He smiled and gently and jokingly pushed Tomioka's face away before he stood up.

Iguro: "shall we?"

Tomioka: "shower sex-?"

Iguro: "shut the fuck up"
Iguro: "I love you!"

Tomioka: 🥲🫶

Tomioka stood behind Iguro in the shower, gently ruffling Iguro's hair as the water fell onto them. Shampoo bubbles running down Iguro's body as it was washed out, Tomioka's fingers running though Iguro's hair.

Tomioka: "I admire your hair...very pretty..."

Iguro: "thank you...I quite like your hair as well, though it can get tangled up easier if I ran my fingers though your hair or if I wanted to pet you"

Iguro said, giving a small white lie. He really enjoyed Tomioka's hair..but the thought of it being straight hair reminded him slightly of his trauma, all of his family...all the women he was surrounded by all his life...in a cage.

He kept it all suppressed. His love for Tomioka suppressing his negative thoughts...

Tomioka: "Iguro...?"

Iguro: "Hm-! Yes?"

Tomioka: "You just got lost I your thoughts for a moment, I wanted to make sure you were okay and didn't get shampoo in your eyes..."

Iguro: "...I'm fine, Darling...thank you though..."

Tomioka smiled as he continued to help and rinse out all the suds in Iguro's hair.

Iguro: *"I enjoy the feeling of Tomioka's hands running though my hair...it's nice..."*

Tomioka: "So pretty..."

Tomioka whispered, not realizing he was speaking.

Iguro: "what was that?"

Tomioka: "nothing...it was nothing, My Love..."

Iguro was satisfied with his answer as the water ran down their bodies. Iguro turned around in the shower and faced Tomioka before he embraced him for a moment. Wrapping his arms around him.

Iguro: "I love you, Tomioka..."

Tomioka: "I really love you too, Iguro..."

They helped wash each other off in the shower for a little more than an hour and a half. Smiling most of the time as they had small conversations in the shower. Giggling, blushing, just loving each other's presence...

(Hi my lovely readers, thanks for dealing with another short chapter ♡♡♡ I love y'all that's read this. But I have zero ideas...SO GO BACK TO THE REQUEST CHAPTER AND SAY SOMETHING

Thanks Pookies, love y'all for enjoying this story ♡♡♡)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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