Old Conversations...♡

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Iguro was bored. He was mindlessly walking around, probably half asleep. He didn't take notice of anything around him. Iguro turned a corner, bumping into, Tomioka. He hated him, not because of him himself, just because of his attitude and the way Tomioka always hang out by himself. He doesn't believe Tomioka can express emotion, so when he saw Tomioka with faded tears in his eyes, it shook him to the bone.

Iguro: "...Tomioka?"

Tomioka: "hm? Iguro-kun...? What are you doing so late."

Tomioka asked him. He was standing straight as he looked down at Iguro's small frame.

Iguro froze. His face went neutral and he glared at Tomioka with a bit of hostility.

Iguro: "...nothing. just, walking...you look like trash..as usual..."

Tomioka: "..."

Tomioka stayed quiet. Not really caring and not paying mind to the insults.

Iguro gritted his teeth. He would normally call Tomioka a few more names but..something was off...

Iguro: "Are you...crying? Or were you crying? Are you that pathetic?"

He didn't mean to add that last part....it was almost natural for him to insult others at this point.

Tomioka: "...no...I'm not, why?"

Tomioka questioned back with an unmoving expression.

Iguro's eyes narrowed...he stared at Tomioka, eyes searching. Tomioka was always so expressionless, but he could see something... Iguro finally spoke.

Iguro: "Bullshit."
Iguro was...curious? He still hated Tomioka with every fiber in his body, but...he didn't understand and wanted to know why. Despite his annoyance, he spoke slowly.

Iguro: "You have tears in your eyes."

Tomioka: "I do? How strange..."

Tomioka said as he took a hand to wipe his eyes blankly. Iguro crossed his arms, but seemed to soften a bit, he sighed.

Iguro: "You're a complete idiot, you know that?

He scoffed.

Iguro: "If you're going to lie to me at least try to make it..at least somewhat believable...."

Tomioka: "hm."

Tomioka nodded. Then not making eye contact with Iguro and looking at that floor.
Iguro noticed that he was getting nowhere. It was annoying because before he actually wanted to know why someone as tough minded as him is shedding tears as such. He just gave up on trying to learn the reason and instead, asked a different question.

Iguro: "Whatever. Why are you out here at night?"

Tomioka: "I couldn't sleep..."

Tomioka said quietly. Remaking eye contact with Iguro and maintaining it.

Tomioka: "...why is it that you're out here so late...?"

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