What Do You Think? ...♡

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Iguro: *"this truly sucks. Who is this kid?? Hashibira Inosuke? Never heard of him- but he's never heard any of the Hashira's names!? Or at least recognizes any? He's crazy for that, but the way he fights is somewhat- impressive-? Duel wielding jagged swords, wearing a boar head that I would assume blocks most of his vision, and no shirt? This kid has serious guts..."*

The group was traveling quickly, with Iguro leading for the most part, but the boar kid continuously ran ahead to try and find the demon quicker. Iguro was quite frustrated and irritated at the least.

Tomioka: *"I miss Iguro..."*

Tomioka thought to himself while he was left alone in his estate.

Tomioka: "maybe I could do some writing...? Like Tsutako did all the time when she was engaged..."

He said to himself, a faint smile crossed his lips before small tears formed in his eyes as he thought about his late sister.

She always sat late at night...
I never knew what it was...
But she told me whenever something's on my mind... whether it be love, pain, sorrow, guilt, enjoyment...
Writing it down when you have no one to tell...
Will be something about yourself to explore....

Tomioka: *"I bet she wrote about me...but I'm sure she wrote about her excitement to get married..."*

Tomioka took a small notebook that has been sitting around for who knows how long. And took a small pen as it graced the surface of the pages, small and quick strokes of ink forming on the paper into words...

"All I can think about is Iguro."

He wrote. Stopping for a moment to think about why he felt that way, and why it was happening.

"I really love him, everything about his I think is amazing. He's a strong Hashira with amazing willingness to fight, he's very pretty"

He continued writing...

"His eyes are heterochromic, having one deep dandelion yellow one, and a sea colored teal. It stands out from his normal looking appearance. But I think it's perfect."

A thought came across Tomioka's mind...

"I've never yet seen Iguro wear the haori I gifted him awhile ago, maybe he doesn't like it?"

"Or maybe he wears it alone in his home?"

"Either way, I don't mind, I only bought it because I thought he might've been cold at home. After he wore mine for a while when I accidentally left it there."

Tomioka very quietly chuckled at the memory... placing down the pen and paper for a moment. Thinking long and hard about what he wanted to specifically write about Iguro...

And the words started flooding....
After page,
Messy handwriting in some spots,

Tomioka: "twelve... pages..."

Tomioka counted as he blushed while turning the pages to read and look at all he wrote.

Tomioka: "I'm not desperate...right...?"

He quietly said under his breath as he stared a doodle he made of Kaburamaru.

Tomioka: *"I know Iguro loves me back...but this is slightly embarrassing...I mean, its alot of writing..."*

ObaGiyu: I Think I Like You...Where stories live. Discover now