Confession... ♡

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Iguro: "I think I have something to tell you...."

Tomioka: "is everything okay...? You don't hate me....right?"

Iguro: "I don't hate you at all...."

"Tomioka... somethings going on....I want to kiss you...and I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it..."
"Iguro.... I-....I think I feel the same way... Is that weird...?"

"I don't think it is...."
"I really want to kiss you..."
"I agree...but I don't know how..."
"We'll learn together.... don't worry..."

Iguro: "was that....good? I don't know how to kiss..."

Tomioka: "I liked it...what do you think...? I'm new to this as well....I've never kissed someone for the purpose of romantic intent..."

Iguro: "I enjoyed it..."

Tomioka: "what-...what now..?"

Iguro: "I have no idea...I never thought I would've gotten this far..."

Tomioka: "are we.... dating now...?"

Iguro: "yeah....yeah we are. Let's start with that..."
Iguro felt Tomioka's hands on his face. Cupping it as they looked at each other with they smiled at each other for the first time. Before laughing lightly.

Tomioka: "we really just kissed, huh?"

Iguro: "we did!"

They were happy and excited about it...the Tomioka brought their faces closer to kiss him again...and again...all over his face gently. Trailing soft kisses all over his face.

Iguro: "seems like you do have experience-"

He was joking but Tomioka teased him by kissing his lips again. Interrupting his sentence.

Tomioka: "shhh. Let me have this..."

ObaGiyu: I Think I Like You...Where stories live. Discover now