"I did not know that"...♡

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It's been almost a month since Tomioka and Iguro have gotten together in a romantic relationship. Hasn't interfered with slaying.
Very few missions assigned had Tomioka and Iguro work together. In fear of their love being distracting from the mission itself. But today was a simple patrol, Tomioka and Iguro walked together till...
Iguro: "Tomioka. Why are you standing behind me?"

Iguro asked with a irritated tone, not in a good mood this crappy morning.

Tomioka: "I've been here before...that dog bit me last time. It's not nice..."

Tomioka said over Iguro's shoulder. Hiding from the small dog. That didn't seem aggressive at all.

Iguro: "Tomioka...it's a dog-"

Tomioka: "it scares me. Kocho was right. Furry animals are scary"
Iguro sighed and rubbed his eyes as he looked back down to the dog wandering infront of them.

Iguro: "you're such a fucking airhead...ok. why would this dog attack you? What did you do last time in this town?"

Tomioka: "I don't recall."
Iguro: *"I can't believe...a hashira- a strong Hashira such as Tomioka... would be so airheaded and scared. Scared of a dog for that matter."*

Iguro thought to himself as Tomioka continued to practically hide behind him.

The dog must have picked up Tomioka's familiar smell or something because it immediately looked up and barked at them. Tomioka immediately hugged Iguro tightly from behind with a squeal.

Tomioka: "apht-!"

Iguro: "..."

Iguro stayed completely silent and still as he stared at the dog infront of them.

Tomioka: "Iguro help. I don't want it by me. It might bite me again-"

Iguro: "It's not going to bite you again! Watch!"

Iguro shook Tomioka's arms off of him, breaking the hug before Iguro crouched down to approach the dog and tried to pet it... He got bit. His hand bled a bit.

Iguro stayed silent and still while he was internally panicking and screaming as he registered what just happened.
Iguro panicked and then immediately started to frantically shake his hand out of the dogs mouth, ans when he did he quickly sprinted back to Tomioka and hopped into his arms.

Iguro: "Motherfuc-!"

The dog barked again, and Tomioka immediately took off. Carrying Iguro in his arms for a bit till the dog stopped following them. Then Tomioka set Iguro safely onto the ground.
Tomioka: "Are you ok, Iguro... your hand..."

Tomioka gently took Iguro's bitten hand into his own and gently put pressure on it to hopefully help stop most blood.
Iguro: "You know what...? I think I'm scared of dogs too."
Tomioka: "hm. I'll make sure to bring that up in makeshift therapy when we see Kocho"

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