14. a. First Kick

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Jeongin 💖

Jeongin and I found out the gender of our baby last week and we are so excited to be having a baby boy. We both can't stop thinking about it and how amazing it will be having a baby and life with our son. Jeongin and I are snuggled up on the couch now watching Netflix as we do in an evening. I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and I'm getting bigger. Jeongin can't keep his arms off me when we are sat on the couch cuddling watching TV. I feel like falling asleep. So relaxed when I'm in his arms and he's holding me close to him. "Are you okay, honey?" he asks. "Yes I'm fine don't worry. Just enjoying chilling with you, my love" I smile. A while after I can feel some movement in my stomach from the baby. "Jeongin, Jeongin I can feel the baby i think he's kicking and moving" I say. "Oh really, darling. He is" he replies. He places his hand on my bump and feels out baby boy moving and kicking. Such a beautiful moment for us

Hyunjin ❤️

Hyunjin and I are so excited to have a baby boy in the months to come a few months time. I'm halfway through my pregnancy now. We are not yet quite ready for parenthood yet but we think we will be when our son arrives. We couldn't wait to find out the gender of our baby till the reveal party so we opened the envelope from the hospital before and we are going to pretend like we are surprised when we have the party that my friends are throwing so we don't wanna tell them that we already know. Was so hard to not open it till the reveal. Anyway Hyunjin and I are home and making dinner in the kitchen on this Saturday evening. No plans today just keeping it low key. Just enjoying being at home with my love and our love growing inside of me. Hyunjin loves cooking when he's not busy and so do I. We love cooking together. Couples who cook together, stay together that's what we say. Yayyyy!!! I am  chopping the veg for our vegetable stir fry. Hyunjin is doing sone other prep and singing SKZ songs in the background. Haha. I couldn't help but laugh. "Is my singing not good today?" he asks. "No it's always perfect, babe. You're funny. You always make me laugh, Jinnie" I reply. "Good thought you were making fun of me" he said. "No never, don't be silly" I giggle. He smirks. "Ohhhhh and I think our baby is moving. Feels like butterflies" I say touching my bump. "Oh really. That's great. Hi, son. It's dad" Hyunjin said bending down to my bump and placing his head next to it. I smile. Our baby boy moved for the first time when we were cooking dinner this evening

Seungmin 💜

Seungmin and I can't wait to find out the gender of our baby when he or she is born. We decided to would be better to wait. We both think it's a girl but like we said we don't wanna find out till he or she is here. Seungmin and I went out for a walk earlier this afternoon. I could feel our baby moving around for the first time. They haven't kicked yet. Just moving around and having a good time in there. Seungmin and I are home now and resting after we've been for a walk. He said I shouldn't tire myself out too much and rest more. I told him I'm not in the later stages of pregnancy yet. "Can I get you anything, my love?" Seungmin asks. "No thank you. I'm okay my love. I can feel our beautiful baby moving again" I reply. "Oh wow!" Seungmin smiles placing his hand on my bump and feeling the baby move. "Ohhhh I think that was a kick" he said. "Yes I think it was too. Wow! It feels so amazing" I smile. "Mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you, little baby. Our beautiful baby" he smiles. Can't wait to meet him or her now

Felix 💙


Y/ N and I recently found out that we are having a baby boy. We are so happy about that but not 100% ready to be parents yet. Still got sometime before our boy will arrive so that's good. Sometime to prepare for our son. I have fallen in love with Y/ N more since she became pregnant and I can't wait to have a baby with her. I'm going to see her at her place after practice tonight. I'm bringing food but she's probably already made something but I've got food anyway. When I've had a long day I always look forward to seeing my girlfriend when I'm seeing her. I arrive at Y/ N's apartment and open the door. "Hey, babe. It's me. Felix" I say. "Hi, babe. Just in the kitchen" she replies. "I've brought food but it looks like you're cooking already" I reply. "You have. Can eat both. I'm just making wraps" she replies. "Okay that's good. How have you been?" I ask kissing her neck. "Yeah good not bad. Lix, I felt the baby kick earlier. I swear he kicked me" she replies. "Ohhhh alright, honey. Did it hurt?" I said looking concerned. "No no it's not like that. It's hard to explain to the honest. It's like a fluttering like butterflies, babe" Y/ N replies. "Wonderful" I smile. We had a nice dinner together and Y/ N felt the baby kick and move a couple more times

A/ N: hope you liked this one guys. Sorry it's been a while

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