14. b. First Kick

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Chan 🧡

Our baby girl is growing well and Chan and I can't wait to welcome her into the world. I'm nearly 21 weeks now and I can feel her moving around all the time. She's very active which is good. Chan and I keep talking what we think she'll be like. Chan thinks and hopes he looks like him. Haha. We think she'll be happy and healthy too. Anyway doesn't matter who she looks like. We can't wait to have her. Chan and I are settling down for the evening now and we just had dinner. Baby girl was moving around in my belly when I was eating which is good. "Are you okay, my love?" Chan asks. "Yes I'm fine, my darling. I'm just glad baby girl was moving around a lot" I reply. "Yes me too, darling. I'm so glad you and her are doing well" he smiles kissing my cheek. We had down on the couch together. All of a sudden I felt more movement in my belly. "She's moving again, Channie. Ohhhh that was a kick I'm pretty sure" I say. "Awww great. She's kicking" Chan replies. "She is indeed" I reply. "Hey, baby girl. It's your baby. Don't kick mommy too much" he said. I giggle. Chan is funny. He will be an amazing father to our little girl just like he's an amazing husband to me

Minho 💚

Me and Minho are in the grocery store getting our weekly shopping of things that we need. We usually go together one day a week shopping or he sometimes goes on his own. We are going to be buying baby things soon maybe after our gender reveal once we know the gender of our other baby. Our first baby is a girl. Minho and I have just arrived at the grocery store now. I grab some shopping bags from the trunk of the car and he gets a cart. He smiles at me as we walk into the store together. "Do you have the list, babe? I never know what we need without a list" Minho said. "Yes of course, my love. I never forget" I smile. Minho smiles and plants a kiss on my cheek. Anyway we get shopping and getting the things we need from the store. We go round each aisle in order picking up the things we need and putting them in the cart. I feel movement in my belly from one of the twins. I stop and Minho looks a bit alarmed like something bad has happened. "Are you okay, sweetheart? What's happened?" Minho asks. "I can feel one of the babies moving. Kicking me" I say. "Ah that's wonderful, sweetheart. Is that the first time one of them has moved" he asks. "Yeah pretty much it is" I smile. He smiles and puts his hand on my belly and we carry on with our shopping

Changbin 🖤


Y/ N and I are so excited to be having a baby boy. We can't wait to welcome him into the world and be parents. We're also getting married in about 8 weeks or so. We've booked the venue for our wedding. A small one. Not too big. Just a nice wedding. Not a big fussy wedding. Can't wait to marry the love of my life and welcome our baby into the world. Y/ N and I are cuddling in bed watching Netflix before we go off to sleep. Y/ N keeps on yawning and putting her hand over her mouth. "We will go to sleep soon, baby. We will go to sleep in each others arms" I say. "Yeah I guess we should but I want to finish watching this" she replies. I smile at her and she rests her head on my shoulder. Y/ N nods off to sleep but she wakes up. "I think the baby is kicking me. I can feel something" she says. "Is he? For the first time?" I reply. "Yep for the first time, Binnie" she smiles. "Wonderful. I'm tired now. Let's fall asleep" I smile. "Goodnight, baby. I love you" Y/ N said. "Goodnight, baby. I love you too" I smile kissing her goodnight and we go to sleep

Jisung 🩵

Jisung and I will soon be finding out the genders of our twins. We both think it's one of each but we don't really mind in the end. As long as they are happy and healthy babies. My parents and family are throwing us a gender reveal party for us soon. They will know the babies genders before we do. Wow! Jisung and I are at home looking back on old memory photos of us when we were kids. We've been best friends since we were in elementary school. Can't believe we are having kids of our own together. It's so crazy all this. We went to America with our families when we were about 10 years old. Our families are close too. "These photos are so cute of us. Can't believe it" Jisung said. "I know. Look how cute and precious we were. Love us" I say. "Me too. Deffo" he replies. "All these memories make me emotional. Probably pregnancy hormones" I reply. Jisung smiles. We carry on looking through the photo memory books of us from when we were kids. We talk about what our babies will be like when they come along. "This makes me wanna become a dad like right now" Jisung said. "Soon, baby. You'll be a dad soon and you'll be an amazing one" I smile. "I hope so and you'll be an amazing mom too. I know you will, my love" I smile. Jisung leans in and kisses me. As we were kissing for a couple of minutes, I feel both of the babies moving around and kicking me. "The babies. Just kicked me. Both of them. About the same time" I say. "Ohhhh wow! Babe, I guess they are saying hello" he replies. "Yes I guess so" I laugh. Jisung and I can't wait to find out the gender of our twins soon

A/ N: another update guys. Sorry it's been a while. I'm going away this weekend for nearly two weeks so might not update till after then

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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