10. b. Starting To Show

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Chan 🧡

I am getting ready to have my daily shower after work and dinner. Can't wait to have a good shower and snuggle up and watch something with Chan on Netflix in bed like we do before we go to sleep if we are not too late. Most of the time we fall asleep in bed in each other. Anyway I am in the bathroom getting ready for my shower now and taking my makeup off after along day of wearing it. Chan is in our bedroom stretched out on the bed waiting for me to be done in the shower. He's waiting patiently for me. I turn on the shower to be warming up and put the things in that I need. I then take my clothes off to my underwear. I stand in front of the mirror and see that I have a little noticeable baby bump. "Chan, come here, babe" I say. "Are you okay, love?" he asks. "Yes just come here" I say. He comes in looking worried by me calling him. "Nothing to worry about, Channie. Look at this, I have a little baby bump starting to show" I say. Chan goes speechless for a minute. "Oh yes I can see. I know what you mean. A very cute bump, babe. Our baby's in there growing away" he said touching my waist. I smile. I then get in the shower and Chan and I could spend the evening together then

Minho 💚

I am about 16 weeks pregnant with our twins now so I am starting to show quite significantly now. Minho is so proud of my baby bump and us expecting twins. We both cannot wait to welcome our little ones into the world in a few months time. Still a while off but we can't wait. Minho and I are having a lie in as it's Sunday and we don't have to be up for anything. Just having a lazy Sunday like we like to do. I am getting ready to wake up soon for the day. Sometimes it's better to be up especially being pregnant. I open my eyes and stretch looking at the clock and it's about 8am so almost time we get up soon. I could hear Minho tossing and turning a bit next to me in bed. "Are you awake, baby? I don't want to disturb you" I say. "No it's okay, jagiya. I was awake anyway" Minho smiled. "Okay that's alright. We can get up soon when you're ready" I say. "Yeah in a little while but for now I want to hold you here for a bit" Minho said putting his arms around me and holding me close in bed. I can feel him holding me close like he's never going to let go. He places his hand on my bump and says "Our babies are in there, jagiya". "They are indeed" I smile. "Can't wait to meet them" Minho smiles. "Me too" I yawn. "Can we just stay here all day? In bed cuddling each other" he says. "If you want" I giggle. So we stayed in bed for a bit longer and it was nice

Changbin 🖤

I am about 16 weeks on in my pregnancy now so I am starting to show and develop a baby bump and it's so cute. I'm so proud of it. Changbin and I still can't believe we are having a baby. Like it doesn't really seem real at the moment that we have been blessed with this. We had dinner when we both got home from work, now Changbin is taking a shower. I always let him have a shower before me in case he's a bit smelly and sweaty from the studio all day. I'm waiting patiently on our bed for him to be done. I'll take a shower after him. Sometimes Changbin likes to take longish showers and he's taking a pretty long one today. I kill sometime by laying on  our bed doing some relaxing breathing. Soon I hear the shower go off and Changbin coming out. He walks into our room with a towel around him. He's got so muscular lately. That's my man. "Hey, baby. What you up to?" he asks. "Ummm nothing much. Just waiting for you, my love" I reply. "Well I'm here now. All clean and smelling good and fresh" he said. "You do" I chuckle. Changbin leans over and kisses me. "Binnie" I said. "Yes, babe" he replies. "Do you notice a little baby bump here?" I ask. He hesitated for a moment. He takes a closer look of my belly. "Yeah that's a baby bump. Our baby. So cute" he replies. "Yeah I thought so" I laugh. "You were just testing me" Changbin laughs. "Maybe" I grin. "Let's me get dried now" he said. Changbin gets dried and dressed in front of me and I get a shower after

Jisung 🩵

Jisung and I are getting ready to go out with some friends we haven't seen for a while. They don't know that we are expecting twins. All will be revealed tonight when we tell and show them. I have quite a significant baby bump now that I think they'll be able to notice so they will be asking knowing our friends. Jisung and I can't wait to welcome our twins into the world and go out tonight with our friends. I am trying to figure out what to wear. "Jisungie, I don't know what to wear" I say. "Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, babe" he smiles. "I don't know if I'm feeling a dress or jeans and a top" I say. "You look beautiful in anything and everything, my dear" Jisung smiles. So I take a look through my closet and try on a few things I could wear and I finally settle on a nice dress that still fits me. "How do I look?" I ask Jisung. "Perfect, amazing and fabulous of course like always. My love, my baby momma" he said. That made me laugh. "Thank you. I love you" I smile. "I love you more, honey and our precious babies too" Jisung said putting his arms around me and touching my bump. I blush. "I still can't believe we are having twins" I say. "I know it's going to be the best moment of our lives" Jisung smiles. Shortly we leave to meet our friends and have a good night with them. They were so happy to hear our big news

A/ N: I'll just say guys a very merry Christmas to you all if I don't update this before Christmas. I can't wait for Christmas. It's my favourite time of year

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