1. b. Talking About Having A Baby

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Chan 🧡

Chan and I have been married for 3 years. We have been together for 7 happy years. We have always wanted to start a family and have a baby but it's never been the right time for us due to Chan busy making music and touring with Stray Kids. Chan's always wanted a son and I've always wanted a daughter. I feel it might be the right time to start a family now but obviously Chan and I will both have to agree to it of course. We have always been safe and used protection when we make love so that I don't fall pregnant at the wrong time. Chan and I both want to be ready to have a baby. He is coming home soon and I'm cooking him dinner like I mostly do every night. Sometimes we do order in a takeaway if we want a treat. I love making food for Chan when he's tired and had a long day. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. He should be back soon so I am cooking now. About 15 minutes later, the front door of our apartment opens and Chan walks in with a smile on his face. "Hello, baby. I'm home" he said. "Hey, Channie baby. So glad you are home" I smile. He puts his arms around me and kisses and cuddles me for a few minutes before he goes to our bedroom to get changed. We are now sat down at the kitchen table eating our dinner. "Y/ N" Chan says. "Yes, my love" i reply. "Earlier I was thinking about things. We've been married for 3 years now and we've not started a family yet. I really want kids just as much as you, babe" Chan said. "Yeah me too. I keep thinking that too. I know you're busy, Chan so I don't want us to bring a child into the world when you're so busy" I reply. "I will always be busy as long as I live so I say let's have a baby together soon" he said. "Okay I guess so. I think we should. We've always wanted to be parents, Channie" I say. "Yes indeed, my love. I love you so much" he replies. "I love you so much too" I smile. So Chan and I have agreed to start trying for a baby

Minho 💚

Minho and I have been happily married for the last 6 months. We have been together years, since the end of high school and since his career in Stray Kids began. I have always been a supportive girlfriend of him and now wife of his. Minho and I have always wanted children. That's one of the reasons why we got married after all these years together. We've been married 6 months now so I guess we are still newlyweds in a way. We have loved each other since we were kids and we will continue loving each other forever. Minho and I are getting ready to go out for dinner and drinks with some friends tonight in town. We haven't done this in a couple of months as we have been busy. It's not to go out with people we haven't seen in a while. I am in the bathroom doing my makeup when Minho walks in. "Baby, how many times have I told you that you don't need makeup. You're so beautiful without it" he said. "Honey, I'm only putting a bit on. I like to when we go out" I reply. "You know I like you without makeup better" Minho said. He puts his arms around me and kisses my neck. I feel warm and fuzzy inside. I choose a dress to wear from my closet that I haven't worn in a while. Minho is wearing a nice buttoned up shirt and jeans. We are going semi casual to meet our friends tonight. Minho and I get in the taxi that was waiting outside to take us to where we need to go. He holds my hand and smiles at me. "Y/ N, you always look so beautiful to me" he whispers in my ear. "Thank you. You mean so much to me, baby. I'm so lucky to be married to you and be your wife" I reply. "Me too. I'm so lucky to be married to you too. Luckiest man in the world" he said. "Minho, this has been on my mind lately. I want to start a family. I'm getting baby fever" I say. "Babe, me too. Soon but we've only been married 6 months but I picture having little ones with you everyday" he replies. "Okay I guess there's no rush at the moment. Two of my friends are having babies at the moment so it kinda makes me want to" I reply. "Soon I promise, baby" Minho says kissing my hand. We will start a family soon

Changbin 🖤

Changbin and I have been together for 6 years. We got engaged about a year ago but no plans to get married just yet. We love each other very much though. We met in school and have been close ever since. I love him and he loves me very much. I think Changbin has been hinting about the future lately. Think he wants to have a baby because he said something the other week about a staffs baby and how they were so cute. I don't know if he was meaning that he wants a baby with me. Our relationship is full of love, joy and fun. Changbin has sometime off so we have gone to stay with my aunt and uncle in Ulsan just for a few days and it's nice to get away somewhere together. I hardly see my family over there. There is nothing like seeing family and spending time with them. Changbin and i go back home to Seoul tomorrow so we are trying to get a good nights sleep tonight to rest for tomorrow. I am taking my makeup off, getting into my pjs and cleaning my teeth before I get into bed. Changbin is already in bed as he got ready before me. In no time I was finished and I could snuggle up in bed with Changbin and wait to fall asleep. "Baby" he said as I get into bed. I grin at him. "Honey bunny" I say. I shuffle closer to Changbin. He sighs and says to me. "Good time with your family here but I-I-I kinda want to start a family of our own" he said. "Yeah but I don't think I'm ready just yet" I reply. "Y/ N, I wasn't meaning right now. Sometime in the future. Sometimes when you're wearing something sexy, I look at you and think I wanna put a baby in you" Changbin said. "Perhaps. One day, Binnie" I reply. "When I see a baby I do wish it was ours. I didn't ask you to marry me for no reason, Y/ N" he said. "Stop. Haha. You would actually be a cute dad" I reply. "Haha I know it. I do dream about it, babe" he said. "Anyway go to sleep now because I'm tired. Too late to be talking about our future family" I say. Changbin laughs a bit and we go to sleep. I was right he was hinting about our future

Jisung 🩵

Jisung and I have been a couple for a year. We have been best friends growing up all our lives since we were kids. It turns out that we have always had feelings for each other that we couldn't hide so we are now boyfriend and girlfriend and it feels good. We have just celebrated our first year together as a couple and Jisung is an amazing boyfriend and I'm so happy that we both fell for each other. He's always been close to my parents and part of the family so they were happy when we got even closer. Jisung and i always go to the park when we are free. It's the same park we always used to go to growing up as kids. We love walking around and watch kids play and have fun as it reminds us of our childhood and all the fun times we had together as kids. We are there now as we both finished work early so we decided to go to our favourite place. We met about 20 minutes ago and we are walking around peace together hand in hand. I love the way Jisung is looking at me as we are strolling along. "There's nothing better than time with my girl in the park where we grew up" he said. "Awwww I know right. Don't make me emotional" I reply. "Sorry, babe" he chuckles. We wonder up to the kids play area and there are a few kids playing on the things. We sit down for a rest on a bench overlooking the play area. Jisung sighs and puts his arms around me.  We just watch what was going on for a few minutes. "I wish we were kids again, Y/ N without a care in the world" he said. "Yeah in a way I do too, Sungie. It was good being a kid" I said looking into his eyes. Jisung then went silent for a moment. "Just imagine our children here one day playing. I would definitely take them here where we grew up" he said. I didn't know what to say. Did he just say our children? "Jisung, what we are talking about having children? I'm in no way am ready yet" I reply. "No no, babe I don't mean right now. I meant our future children that's all. I do want kids" Jisung said. "I do in the future too" I smile. "Yeah kids are cute" he laughs. So we watched the children play for a while longer in the park

A/ N: there we go the first part complete of the other four guys. Hope you liked let me know. I'll try and keep on top of this book as much as I can

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