9. b. Telling Family/ The Boys

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Chan 🧡

Chan and I are about to video call his family back in Australia to tell them our happy and amazing news about us having a baby. We told my family in Australia last week and they were so over the moon for us and delighted. Chan's family will feel the same I'm sure they will so we can't wait to get on the phone and tell them anytime soon. Chan is just making is a cup of tea each in case we are on the phone as we might be chatting to them for a while telling them the best news ever. Chan comes into the lounge where I'm sat on the couch with two mugs in his hand of tea. "Here you go, my love" he said. "Thank you so much, my darling" I smile. "Are you ready if I call my family?" Chan said. "Yes I am. Can't wait to tell them" I reply. "I'll try my mom first" me said. Chan FaceTimed his mom first and she picked up after a few seconds. "Hello, my son" she said. "Hey, mom. Just thought we'd call you this evening" Chan said. "Always nice to see your faces" she said. "Hi, Jessica" I said. "Are dad, Hannah and Lucas around?" Chan asks his mom. "Yes they should be. I'll just go get them" she said. Jessica goes to get the rest of the family. Chan and I look at each other like we are so excited to tell them our news. We said hi to the rest of Chan's family and then we got into telling them our big news. "Guys, family. We have something we would like to share with you" Chan said. "Ohhhhh yes we do. It can't wait any longer" I say. Chan and I look at each other and say together in unison "We are having a baby!!!!". His family looked in shock but they looked so happy too at the same time. "A baby. Yessss. I'm going to be an aunt. Can't wait" Hannah exclaims. "This is the most amazing news ever. Our first grandchild. Amazing" Jessica exclaims. Lucas and Chan's dad were happy too but they didn't really say much. We told them that we are having a baby and all went amazing

Minho 💚

It's Sunday and Minho and I are going to my cousins engagement party. She just recently got engaged to her boyfriend of three years. She has always been like a sister to me and I can't wait till she gets married. Hope she has happiness like I have with the love of my life. Minho and I are going to announce that we are expecting twins at the party. I've only told my best friend. She's the only one who knows at the moment. More people are about to find out soon when we tell my side of the family our biggest and happiest news ever. The engagement party started about an hour ago so me and Minho have been there since it started. Just a bit before it started I think. We are talking to my family members who I haven't seen in a long time and who I only tend to see at family gatherings and things. I love my family and I love seeing them too. We are going to say our announcement later on when the time is right. For now we are socialising with family who we haven't seen in ages. Good and drink are on the go too. People might wonder why I'm not drinking any alcohol at the party when I usually do. They will find out later when we make our announcement. Can't wait to let my whole family know about our pregnancy news. My cousin and her fiancé makes a little speech and so does my uncle. Me and Minho find the right tune to stand in front of everyone and announce our news. "Sorry, everyone. May we interrupt" I say. "Sure" my uncle smiled. "Well me and my beautiful wife have something very special to share with everyone" Minho said. "Me and Minho found out that we are pregnant and we are having twins. We are so excited. We have been wanting to start a family for the longest time and we've been blessed with two little miracles" I smile. Everyone was so happy to hear our amazing news at my cousins engagement party today but me and Minho are obviously the happiest

Changbin 🖤

Changbin and I told our families recently that we are expecting a baby now we are going to tell the boys. It's my birthday and we are having them over at our place tonight to celebrate and also tell them our news too. We didn't tell them about our engagement for a good two months so we are telling them about our baby news earlier. They were mad at us when we kept our engagement from them. We know they they will be happy that we are expecting a baby when we tell them tonight. Changbin had been busy decorating our apartment Fo my birthday over night when I was asleep. I didn't even know he was doing it. It was a total surprise when I woke up this morning to a nicely decorated place with banners and balloons. Awwww so sweet of him. I'm so lucky to have him. My favourite food is pizza so we are ordering it tonight when the boys arrive. It's my birthday so i decided what we eat. I got home about an hour ago and so did Changbin, a bit earlier than everyone else. "Baby, you look way too beautiful without putting any makeup on" Changbin said. "It's my birthday, Binnie. I want to look beautiful" I reply. "Honey, you'll always be beautiful to me, baby" he said. I smile. They boys arrive shortly with birthday gifts in their hands for me. "Hey, y'all. Come in" I say. "Happy birthday, Y/ N" Jeongin said. "Happy birthday. You old thing" Hyunjin laughs. Jisung almost dropped one of the present bags on his way in. "Wonder who all these gifts could be for" Changbin said. "Not for you, mate. It's your girls birthday" Seungmin said. They put all the presents down and Changbin and I sit on the couch. He orders the pizza so I open them. OMG the boys have spoilt me and bought me so much. Felt like Christmas again. They are so sweet and kind. Our pizza arrived just after my present opening. We all sit at the table and tuck in. Changbin and I were looking forward to telling them our news. We quickly clear the plates and pizza boxes away when we had done. "Guys, Binnie and I have something we would like to tell you" I said. "Oh yes we do. I almost forgot, babe" Changbin replies. "Me and Changbin are so happy to announce that we are having a baby" I say. "A baby? Wow! Really? Congratulations" Chan said. "I thought you were going to tell us that you're getting married soon but a baby is amazing. Can't wait to be an uncle" Minho said. "This kid is going to have 7 uncles. Yesssss" Felix said. We played sone games to end off my birthday evening with after we told the boys our amazing news

Jisung 🩵

Jisung and I need to tell our families that we are having twins. We know it will come as a shock and surprise to them. Jisung and k have known each other nearly all our lives. Our parents are happy when we told them when we were boyfriend and girlfriend and they were really happy for us then. My mom has always secretly hoped that we would end up together. Think people have noticed recently that I've put on a bit of weight recently but no one has said anything to me. I haven't even told my mom yet and I'm close with her. Anyway Jisung and I are hanging out today with the other Stray Kids members. We said we wouldn't tell them just yet unless they notice anything about me. We are at the park with them having a nice picnic that I put together. It's a nice day so why not have a picnic outside in the park. It's gonna be good. I know it is. I prepared all the food and Jisung and I are on our way to the park to meet the boys now. We are looking forward to seeing them very much and hanging out with them in the park today. Jisung and I arrive with sometime to spare before they arrive. Hopefully the boys will be here soon and we can hangout with them. Jisung and I walk around for a few minutes before going to our designated meeting spot. About five minutes later, we see the guys arriving all seven of them. "Hey, glad you're finally here" I say. "Hi, our favourite couple" Hyunjin said. "My brothers" Jisung said. They sit down with us and I grab the picnic food I brought. I hand out the food. "Thank you, Y/ N. You really are the best" Seungmin said. "You're welcome, Minnie" I smile. "Aye. Don't you think about it, dude. She's mine forever" Jisung said. "I'm not. You don't need to worry" Seungmin replies. Anyway the sandwiches and food keep them quiet. I brought more things as well to eat. We had a nice picnic with the boys and hung out on the park for a while. My craving at the moment is chips so I couldn't stop eating them. "Ummmm, Y/ N. Are you going to save enough for other people?" Minho asks. "Yes sorry. Here" I said handing him the bag. "That's a lot of chips, Y/ N. Are you okay?" Chan says. "Yes I'm fine" I reply. Jisung looks at me and says. "Y/ N is eating a lot of chips because she is pregnant and getting cravings. She's pregnant with twins". I didn't want us to tell them just yet. "Yes I am. We were going to tell you soon" I reply. "Congratulations. Yayyyy! Sorry I didn't mean to offend you just then" Chan said. "Wow! Twins. That's crazy but in a good way" Changbin said. "Thanks, guys" Jisung replies. So the news was out to the boys that we are expecting twins before our families know

A/ N: sorry I'm so so slow at updating. I'm trying my best to keep up but it's not always easy

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